MIght sound chessy But i\ts a good topic. Attractive Male patrons vs Average Joe

avatar for Djscudmaster
Lets say an extremely attractive guy walks in to a strip club within an hr of closing. For this thread lets say a Tom Cruise lookalike or a Justin Bieber Lookalike. He sits down at the far end of the club and has ordered a beer which He is starting to drink. He looks towards the stage where the girls are performing and has noticed that atleast half the girls on stage if not more(Lets say atleast 4 or more are on stage at that time) are simulteanously looking at Him giving Him the sign that He has caught their attention or eye or they must find Him attractive. He decides to look at the other strippers on the floor to notice them busy. After a few more sips of beer the girls on stage are still looking at him or are talking amongst each other and off and on looking towrads Him but no one leaves the stage to go towrad Him all night. He decides to look at the other patrons of the club to see what type of patrons are assembled. First off He notices that atleast 75% of all the patrons are looking at Him off and on with a mean dirty or disgusted look as if He a)Made a mistake being there b)Ruined their night c)are jealous of Him. The Patrons run from average Joes Middle Eastern Indian Asian Cowboys Business men ItaliansGuidos etc ... lets say some of the bouncers of the club don't like what has happened thinking its wrong for business and stare at This attractive Male not knowing what to do and He notices this. What is your opinion on said scenario. Now if this happens atleast twice in a row in that same club or in various strip clubs He frequents what is your opinion? Or should he move to the front of the stage point blank granted there are chairs available


last comment
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
Stop posting on the Internet in school!

You have homework to do, young man.
I wirk weekends-sorry no svhool for Me
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
"He... Him... He... He..."

I knew when Jesus retuned, he'd be in a strip club.
All I want to know with this thread Doc is is it illegal for the owner or bouncers to kick a ghuy out the club for being attractive or for ruiniing the mood of Nearly all of the patrons.
Perhaps people were looking at this guy, but not put of lust, jealousy, or anger. Perhaps this guy is just a Big Dorque.
I understand but lets say for example not rekated to the thread but all the girls on stage after performing start going toards him in hopes of being the first to snag Him and the patrons see this going on. Some change thier minds and walk towrads the patrons with a look like they lost ouy and some still go after Him.
It's a free country. I have no problem with him spending his money as he sees fit.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago
no man is attractive in a strip club.

avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
What can He say, every Hoe wanna be Mary Magedalene!
Happens to me all of the time. I just have to remember to zip up.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Money talks louder than looks.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
12 years ago
The louder the money talks, the faster the bullshit walks.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Personally I am glad to not be the maple christ or the closeted cruise.

For you see, they are below Me and My wonderful grandeur!

When the gals gaze upon Me they are impressed! They say "my god, He is the one for me." Of course, how could they not see Me in the darkened club. To be impressed by My wondrous aura that is Me. It shines like gold beckoning all women to Me. A lighthouse of Me in the club it is! Of course they are overcome with Me and fall to My feet! Grasping at breath, they exclaim "oh please Sir, how may i hold You in my arms?" This can warm My heart and I say unto them, "will you do a fully nude dance upon My lap for My content?"
Son done got issues.
I had seen my share of handsome customers...who, more often than not, are broken. I just approach to them to tell them they're good looking and keep making money with the older, lesser looking guys like y'all (J/K).
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
You seem to know exactly where your bread is buttered JJ.
Tom Cruise is gay

Who is Justin Bieber?
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
Soooo...you think Tom Cruise and The Biebs are attractive?
avatar for cnyknight
New York
12 years ago
its all about how attracrive your wallet is
avatar for inno123
12 years ago
to start with except for protected reasons why they can't deny service (such as race) the club does not have to explain why they are asking for you to leave.
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
You gotta be kidding with this bullshit.
What the fuck you talking bout?
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Dj... you don't make any sense at all. Wtf are you talking about? You are a very strange one
avatar for ilbbaicnl
12 years ago
10-20% of women under 30 will hit on a guy they think is hot. With strippers its more like 30-40%. If the guy didn't get hit on, and the club isn't tiny (at least 10 dancers), he's not hot.
avatar for Clubber
12 years ago
"I wirk weekends-sorry no svhool for Me"

Judging by the above and your other musings, there SHOULD be "svhool" for you!

avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Maybe someone mistook the $$$ ka-ching dollar sign going off in dancers heads for being hot. All the cheap regulars don't usually get all the extra attention. Or think of dancers circling around like sharks, then suddenly appears Fresh Meat.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
Over half the regulars may watch because many enjoy watching disasters or can't resist watching the carnage from a recent shark attack getting a victim. It would really be amusing if the victim thought it was all because he was hot stuff, lol.
avatar for Corvus
12 years ago
I don't look at guys while I'm in a strip club.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Sharkhunter: "Over half the regulars may watch because many enjoy watching disasters or can't resist watching the carnage from a recent shark attack getting a victim. It would really be amusing if the victim thought it was all because he was hot stuff, lol."

I have often said sometimes what is happening on the floor is just as entertaining as what might be on your lap.

I use to shake my head at the 50 yr old dude spending big cash on some 20 something polish babe. She was pretty good looking other than her bolt on's.

Problem is, while I was thinking about his splinter, I had a big giant log in my eye blinding me to doing the same damn shit (smaller age gap at least). I gave plenty of opportunity to hear from her (letters, email, phone) and never did. Welcome to reality, Deogol, you dumb son-of-a-bitch. I am sure I was quite the talk of the dressing room.

So fucking glad I never said anything about that dude to anyone - especially smart ass remarks!

But who here hasn't watched someone acting the dumb ass, catch a bouncer's eye, and watch the commotion of him getting kicked the fuck out? Adrenaline rush!

And so goes the same for RIL.
Before this thread gets out of hand ir a race issue which could be the thing whether or not true lets say it is true. I AM an attractive Latino Male ie Erick Estrada,Enrique Igkesaias,Mario Lopez etc... I walk into a strip club in the boondocks of say a Mid Eastern or Mid wsstern town I'm visiting which is predominently white nuxed with some Asians or Mid Easterners if not black byt for the most part white. Italians Irish Hermans Mixed white races etc... I walk into saud club and exactky as I wrote on the thread happens where all the strippers granted all white can't stop starring at Me and not at the other patrons, What then?
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
¿qué demonios?
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
I hate to break this news to you, but the girls aren't in awe. It's called sizing you up as a spender, a poser, potential RIL material, and trying to figure out if the other girls are coming to the same conclusion.

avatar for looneylarry
12 years ago
You'd be quite the catch, djscud. Or at least you certainly think so.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Shit for brains
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Boil water
Stir in macaroni
Add milk butter cheese sauce mix mix well

Make sure its Kraft because its the cheesiest
Didn't Mario Lopez play shortstop for the Pirates?
This thread makes me feel like a pawn. I think I've been rooked. I'll have to confess my sins all the way up to the bishop.
Again OP, no. I don't care about something as trivial as race and I've said it many times in this website. Also, you should know that "Hispanic" or "Latin" is not a race. It's some cheesy marginal label that came in the Nixon administration. Before that? There wasn't such a thing as "Hispanic" or "Latino"; there were just white (eg. the late Desi Arnaz), black (eg.the Late Celia Cruz) or Amerindians (the "brown" kind) with Spanish last names, that's it.
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