part 2 what makes a good tuscler ... whats credable?

avatar for cnyknight
this is a followup to my discussion on what makes a good tuscler

since the discussion started a flame war i thought maybe a more quantitative approach would be better

so in terms of reviews and clubs reviewed .. what number gives someone cred?

personally i get wary of ppl with 0/0 asking for info

im thinking at least 3 clubs with a few visits is a start ...


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avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
If you consider just reviews as an indication of making a good member, then the more in depth reviews they have, the better.

Or are you including forum activity? That opens a whole CAN of WORMS!! If you knew what I mean. LOL
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
It's far as the DB goes, review count makes zero difference to me. I read what the guy had to say and then judge his credibility from that.

Let's take some concrete examples:

Che, IMO, is one of the top three most intelligent/credible people on this board but has only 1 review to his name.

Take the other extreme. You guessed it. RickyBoyDugan, with 97 reviews to his name. But you his DB posts and you quickly see what a complete assclown he is: claims like it take 10 years to master the art of paying a hooker for sex, and if she is 9 or 10 best wait 8 months to ask. All the credibility of a complete newb.

As far as cred as far as review go, here the prior review count is about more indicative, but, again, I think you can just read and take it from there. (I'll give a good counter example RBD equals high review count should the need be called for in this thread.)
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Numbers alone aren't indicative. Some reviews are obviously worthless, and others are quite valuable. Lots of shitty reviews aren't nearly as good as a few excellent ones.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Oh, and spelling is also a consideration. If you can't spell, you're never gonna get any credibility.
avatar for gatorfan
12 years ago
What's not credible?

Did I tell you about the time this stripper was sucking my dick the same time I was fucking her pussy?
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 years ago
Apparently there is no subject we can discuss without it turning into a flame war.
avatar for rh48hr
12 years ago
Like anything I believe you have to look at the whole package. Reviews, forum posts, spelling, context of comments etc... Just looking at one area will not give you a complete answer.
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
The only people who I lend true credibility too are those who have impressed me on the discussion board OR who have written good reviews that seem in line with whatever I've experienced at that club. Bonus points for meeting both qualifications.

Otherwise I look at several reviews overall to get a picture of the scene.
avatar for Estafador
12 years ago
Unless they are known all over the site, I don't necessarily consider reviews as a defacto way of seeing who's a good tuscler or not. I am cautious since sometimes reviews can be months to a year apart from one another. Thus I like to look at several just to get a feel of the club. But if we the general masses point of view I'm a fucking auesum sawce reveuer. Cihya take dat sunz
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
What u talkin Bout
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
Credibility is measured by one's contribution to the knowledge base. Period. The most credible members provide great stuff both in the reviews as well as in discussions and articles that focus on specific club intel.

And when I say "great stuff in the reviews", the devil is in the details. How were the girls? What were the reviewer's specific experiences? What interesting tidbits did you pick up? What were the cash burn rates? Now not every review is going to be a masterpiece, simply because not every club visit will be a good one. But if you had little to say about the girls or their services, why not? Were they all pigs or were there no girls at all? This is also good intel.

I agree with gmd that high review count does not necessarily equal the best stuff - there are some guys in the 20 to 30 review count area who visit the same few clubs over and over and provide fantastic intel about their clubs. We also have one guy around here with over 200 reviews who has, lately at least, been posting junk reviews that are utterly devoid of any good intel.

Now I have been accused of taking this stuff too seriously. Guilty as charged, but that is because I rely upon this stuff in choosing my travel clubs.
avatar for staxwell
12 years ago
Glad to know I've impressed you, jester.
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