atf / club / etc. budgets

New York
I travel alot and thats when i get most of my hobbying in. I never really been to a lot of my local clubs but ive been home for a long stretch and started getting the craving ... so i ventured out to see what the local scene is like.

i go to a local club and a dancer there really knew how to get to me. she was my type head to toe and we taked about commonalities i never expect from a dancer. had a great vip session and i left the club thinking.

ive never been in the same place long enough to have a atf and ive havent gotten to the point of trying otc but this girl made me want to for sure.

i make a comfortable living but based on what ive read it sounds like i couldnt support an atf habit.

so im curious ... what are some approximate atf and club bugets out there? month or year

maybe this is one of those questions that no one will answer or answer honestly ... but would be interesting


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Are you talking ATF or mistress. There is a BIG difference. Anybody can have an ATF. It doesn't take a lot of money to have an All Time Favorite dancer.

    A mistress on the other hand can get quite expensive. I would guess a minimum of $300 once a week and the sky is the limit.

    I still have an ATF even though I haven't seen her in over a year.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I had a SB on & off for about 2 years. Ran me $2000/mo. Worth it? Hell yeah.
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    good point shadow ... atf and mistress are different and i wasnt clear ... so to clarify ... how much on an atf (or a dancer you frequent) weekly or monthly ... and how much on a dancer you see on a regular basis outside of work.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    It all depends on what you negotiate and how often you want to see her. If you are out of town a lot then it might not cost you that much. I would set a budget on what you can afford per month and base it off of that. You can always tell her you are going to be out of town if you reach your limit.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'm like you, the vast majority of my clubbing is done while I travel for work. The only dancer I consider an ATF is in Vegas and I see her maybe three times a year.

    My advice, forget the local clubs unless other people want to hit them up with you. Much cheaper in the long run.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    And why is it so much cheaper to avoid local clubs jester214? Hmm...
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Get a loan and upgrade the ATF.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @cnyknight: Since you mentioned OTC, I'm gonna presume that you're interested in sex, and most just hanging with the girl.

    Before I all but abandoned clubs in preference for time with my SB, I would spend between 200 and 800 dollars per month, sometimes a little more. This included both ITC and OTC setups at least once a week.

    Currently, I'm giving my SB about $5-600 per month, and we meet three or four times.

    If you're just looking to hang with a hot chick and get some dances, it shouldn't cost you anywhere near that.

  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I wish lowpaw would let me be her sugarbaby. She can keep the money (wait what?), I'm in it for the sexy times (and good laughs).

    How can you not afford a mistress if you travel a lot bro? With a job like that, one would assume you must make bank for the company to have you travel all the time
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    @ESTAFADOR lol i wish ... im in a job where i travel because no one else wants too and as they say shit rolls downhill
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Cryknight, your job utturly confuses me? Company pays for travel yet nobody wants to do it and it sucks? I see oxymoron here.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… Cryknight, your job utturly confuses me? Company pays for travel yet nobody wants to do it and it sucks? I see oxymoron here …

    Estafador – you are a young guy and getting to travel while the company pays for it may seem exciting and a good/fun opportunity. But for many if not most, the constant travel gets old real fast. Also, many see traveling for work as a burden b/c of family (wife/children) responsibilities at home.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Having worked for a major air line for 42 years, I can attest to the fact, that for some, traveling sucks. BIG TIME.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @shadowcat: "I can attest to the fact, that for some, traveling sucks. BIG TIME."

    Yeah, especially since many companies, in this day and age, expect the traveler to pay expenses and then submit for reimbursement. Which takes bloody forever and you have to nitpick every bloody expense with them.

    Why does a multi-million dollar international company have to borrow money from *me*?
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    Traveling does suck ... George is dead on ... expenses are a pain right in the ass, and since I am not high up on the food chain you will see from my reviews I don't go to what you call destination locations ... mostly in the north east. Just because I travel for work doesn't make my salary any higher ... but it is what it is and im happy to be employed in this economy and comfortable enough to be able to support a modest SC habit ... I think I am going to forget the local dancer ... thanks everyone from pulling back from that cliff LOL
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    As far as favorite dancers go, I might spend anywhere from 25 up to $40 for a couple of dances when I see them. I don't always buy dances but I do more often than not. Away from the club I often used to meet up with dancers with no money involved. I do not want to get stuck with a dancers boyfriend label so I am avoiding dating any dancers right now that I know of at least.
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    I'm 67 and travel about 80 days per year. I've had an ATF/ mistress for 4 years and have spent about $1000. a week between gifts, hotels and payments to her. She is my primary picture and I'm no prize, but we've had a million laughs, the sex has been better than I could have hoped for and I don't regret a penny spent. However, health problems have arisen and I've spent retirement savings so I'm cutting back and will only see her OTC once a month and ic once a month. I'm retiring and have to cut back on the high priced talent, but will check out some other nearby clubs.
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