
Wisconsin club posts surveilance video of stripper fight

Saturday, January 26, 2013 1:56 AM
From the earlier discussion about Silk Exotic in Juneau, Wis. and two strippers who made news for fighting over a $1 tip last week - the club has posted its surveillance video of the fight to YouTube. It's already started spreading around social media and I've seen it on some Wisconsin TV news outlets. As far as I know, the club's owner (in Milwaukee - they own three clubs in Wisconsin) did this just for attention since the story of the fighting girls hit the national wires - no legal reason. That actually makes me upset as someone who has patronized this club. I don't know that I'll be going back to any of the Silk clubs knowing that they're willing to throw video that includes customers inside the club out on the web for free public consumption when there's no real reason to do so. Might make for a funny YouTube video, but seems like a dumb move for a company that makes its money off of potential customers looking for a bit of discretion. I don't know what their hopeful gain is here. They might get a few thousand YouTube views, but I can't imagine anyone watching it and then running out to the club that's spreading video (from the VIP level even) around the web. [view link]


  • teeshot
    11 years ago
    And you're any better for posting a link to it?
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    Love how the other dude whips his phone out so quick to film the action....and moves in for close ups.
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    and the "other dude" is apparently with a civi... what does she think about him filming the fight? classy place... think i'll add it to my bucket list of clubs i want to work. looks like the girl who just got off stage approached the custy sitting at the bar and said "hey fella, how about a tip." he pics up the tip he was leaving for the bartender (classy, too) and hands it to her, when the girl he's sitting with snatches it out of her hand. i have to say, that according to the unwritten rules of dancer conduct, asking for a tip from a guy already sitting with a girl is going over the line, unless all three are friends, which was apparently not the case here.
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    i like this "related" japanese video about robot sex workers... especially the part about what would human sex workers do for employment... get groped by "the king"??? lol [view link]
  • Bishop4224
    11 years ago
    The infamous Wisconsin tip walk. How prevalent is the tip walk (dancer leaving the main stage going around to patrons soliciting a tip for her time on stage) outside WI?
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Another Geminoid video, and "she" is Asian. :) [view link]
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    While apparently technically illegal here, it's also not uncommon for dancers at at least one club to come around "suggesting" that a tip would be appropriate. I've only really noticed it at one club here, though.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago
    Bishop, Often the norm in South Florida, especially the smaller clubs.
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    A lot of clubs in Eastern Wisconsin have adopted the "tip walk" where the dancer goes around to each customer and asks for a tip after stage set. And dudes often leave the change from buying a drink on the bar for future use, Carolynne. You don't know he was sniping the bartender tip. The bartender counted out several bills and set them on the bar and the dude grabbed the $1 from that stack. Get a clue poser.
  • stripclublarry
    11 years ago
    Teeshot- I shared the link here after more than 3000 folks had watched it in less than a day. Seemed like a relevant link to share for anyone looking to visit a club (what this site is for) to know that this particular one is willing to share video (of patrons and dancers) from inside the club with the general public for no reason other than a laugh and a bit of news exposure. Like I said, it seems like a dumb move for a business who depends on customers usually looking for a bit of discretion. I know I'd like to know if a club was willing to post surveillance video on YouTube, because that would make my decision to visit someplace else very easy.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Tip walk has only happened at one club I have been to. None of the clubs in my area do this. Like carolynne said it is unethucal forna dancer to approach a customer while he is with another dancer or whilen he is sittingn at a stage of another dancer. @experimental don't be an ass to the lady
  • Cheo_D
    11 years ago
    Y'know, I would have expected that a patron capturing the action on his phone video (and apparently narrating a blow-by-blow while at it) and approaching for a better view(*) would be inviting some bouncerwork upon himself if they did not already have their hands full. (*BTW, never mind if it's strippers or cubicle people, if a fight begins next to your table at the bar/club and you're not someone in a position to stop it, you do NOT approach the fight. You give the parties as wide a clear zone as you can.)
  • pabloantonio
    11 years ago
    As long as a business notifies you that the place is under video surveillance, you have no right to privacy and your picture/video can be released to the public and/or used without your consent.
  • Experimental
    11 years ago
    @crazyjoe. I treat people equal to the way they act.
  • stripclublarry
    11 years ago
    @pabloantonio I get that - and you're right. That doesn't mean though that the business wouldn't see ramifications from sharing that video. My point stands, when you're in a business where society unfortunately looks down on and judges your clientele for their hobby choices, it seems to make much better business sense to probably not make those customers feel like there is a chance that video footage of them in your business could suddenly pop up in front of now more than 10,000 internet video watchers. I'm not questioning the club's right to post it. I'm questioning their decision to do so. What do they gain by this? A few YouTube views and the corresponding condescending comments about "whores fighting for a dollar" on the video and all of the Wisconsin TV outlets that are sharing it on their facebook pages? Those people aren't going to come and spend money at the club anyway, and are just going to reinforce the stigma of strip clubbing. Any potential clients who are trying to get away from the "real world" for a couple of hours are going to probably avoid your club if they know that if a scuffle breaks out in the club that everyone in the community will likely see that they were right there. There's just no way the club thought this through from the business side. They let their jackass ego make the decision. Hopefully those YouTube views make up for the customers who will now avoid the club and the money they'd bring with. Though I'd guess it won't.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    What am I missing here? Why have a couple shots been taken at the OP for posting this YouTube? It's a strip club video of a well publicized story that's been posted on a strip club site. So it's okay for Juice to post about Taco Bell and Wendy's but this crosses the line? I guess I don't have a clue either.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I got my first experience of the tip walk in San Diego. Pissed me off bc the stripper wasn't my type, performed an unmotivated stage routine and then practically demanded that I tip wen tho I wasn't sitting at the stage. Wtf is up with that?!
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    I got my first experience of the tip walk in San Diego. Pissed me off bc the stripper wasn't my type, performed an unmotivated stage routine and then practically demanded that I tip wen tho I wasn't sitting at the stage. Wtf is up with that?!
  • georgmicrodong
    11 years ago
    @motorhead: "Why have a couple shots been taken at the OP for posting this YouTube?" Because he bitched about the club posting it to youtube for no good reason he could see, and then turned around and posted his *own* link to it in another forum. If he was that upset with posting in the first place, he wouldn't have drawn more attention to it. I believe the term is "hypocrite".
  • staxwell
    11 years ago
    LMAO at the douche with the camera phone!
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    "LMAO at the douche with the camera phone!" He was only gathering evidence for the ah-thor-a-tees.
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