
Are Strippers Hard to Date/Have Sex with than Other Women

Monday, February 27, 2006 7:21 AM
Is it harder to date/have sex with a stripper you meet in a strip club than it is with women you meet in other environments?


  • davids
    18 years ago
    So it sounds like the key to getting dates with strippers is to get them to truly like, and to stand out from the other guys and the tactics they use. Do you think there is a way we can use other customer's behavior to our advantage? Secondly, I think many strippers end up spending more money on their boyfriends than the boyfriends spend on them, so I don't agree that money is a big factor in many of their "regular" dating habbits.
  • CrazzzyEd
    18 years ago
    Yes they are. First realize that just because she is a stripper does not mean she knows a damn thing about how to have good sex. Most dancers expect to be paid for sex and unless she truly likes you then she will expect to be paid for the date. Its all about money. Secondly they get asked by almost every guy for dates, parties or outside the club meetings all for the purpose of sex. They get so use to lying and throwing away your phone number. Dating a stripper requires a lot of money, patience, forgivness and understanding. Also a good wall to pound your head on when your done. Just because she is pretty in club lights, likely abused or molested when growing up, has a BF or hubby that she is raising, feels every man is trying to use her while she is trying to use him, lies as a required part of the job, has more broken high heels then Emelda Marcos and from all this you can tell she needs a man like you to show her happiness then all I can say is buddy welcome to the Stupid Old Mans Club. If you get thru the second date then I will show you the secret hand shake and if you dont loan her money for rent or the telephone bill than I will give you a secret decoder ring.
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