Yeah, I've seen equipment like this before. Some of it is pretty inconspicuous, but in most cases if a girl gets their hands on them and notices, you're busted.
I'm not really entirely sure why some people are so deadset on taking pictures or recording movies in a strip club anyway. The only reason I could see it is if they wanted to blackmail a dancer working there to her friends (who may not know that she works at a strip club). But apart from that, with the abundance of free porn on the web, why not just watch that instead of a shitty strip club recording?
To make money on youtube perhaps. Thosd booty shaking videos generate so many reviews where its enough to pay minor expenses at the vey least. Why do girls takd off your glasses for anyway? It can't be because of the spy thing. That seems too rare to be a reason
Im with estafador on this one. Im pretty sure dancers take off customer glasses so the wont brake them or cuz scratches on the lenses. My cousin used to work for a home security/ spy store and he was telling me that you could attach a small camera on a back cell phone and on pens with out people noticing. If someone wanted the real low down on dancers. A PL could buy a big stuff bear, put secret cameras and audio equipment in it. Give the bugged stuffed bear to there ATF and they could listen/hear whats going on in the locker room. NOTE: all standard spy cameras come with a downloadable software that will stream and or store video footage for at least four hours to a laptop with in a 5 to 10 mile radius. Some signals may go up to 15 miles
" all standard spy cameras come with a downloadable software that will stream and or store video footage for at least four hours to a laptop with in a 5 to 10 mile radius. Some signals may go up to 15 miles"
Sorry, but as an IT consultant, I can tell you that is pretty far fetched. Sure you can get something like that, but it'll probably cost you more than several champagne room sessions to get a 15 mile range established.
WTF? We're not sneaky 12-year-olds who need a cheap thrill by videoing naked girls. If you really want your own video of strippers, ask how much they would charge for an OTC videotaping. You should be able to find plenty of willing girls at a reasonable price.
You can probably put together some elaborate scheme of a cell phone inside a teddy bear, or something ridiculous like that. Will probably be able to record only for several hours (at best), even with an extended battery. You could technically stream the video over a cellular connection. But again, this seems like a huge time/money investment to spy on a strip club.
last commentAlso with little light in a SC, the visibility on the recording would be pretty bad. The exception is that if it was nightvision equipped.
I'm not really entirely sure why some people are so deadset on taking pictures or recording movies in a strip club anyway. The only reason I could see it is if they wanted to blackmail a dancer working there to her friends (who may not know that she works at a strip club). But apart from that, with the abundance of free porn on the web, why not just watch that instead of a shitty strip club recording?
Sorry, but as an IT consultant, I can tell you that is pretty far fetched. Sure you can get something like that, but it'll probably cost you more than several champagne room sessions to get a 15 mile range established.