Are strippers Independent Contractors or Franchisees?

avatar for nickifree
Independent Contractors (ICs) set their own prices. Franchisees must follow prices set by Franchise Corporation.

Independent Contractors are paid directly by the corporate entity hiring the IC. Franchisees are paid directly by the customer and must pay fees to the corporate entity.

Those are just two examples. Legally, I think strippers must fall into one of these categories. Trying to entangle the dancers in both camps will bring about legal problems.


last comment
avatar for daddysgirl1
12 years ago
They're IC's for the "legal term" of it.
avatar for Alucard
12 years ago
Ask the IRS what they are. LOL
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
I saw something on MSN the other day about declining restaurant franchises.

I was surprised to see Blimpie Subs in the top 10 in decline. Something like 60% of the franchises have closed. IMO, I prefer Blimpies much more than Subway.

But Subway advertises more.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
12 years ago
Strip clubs generally seem to treat their dancers as either independant contractors or as employees and at different times depending upon which is to the club's economic advantage.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Just like they are "Dancing for tips."
avatar for jester214
12 years ago
It already has created multiple legal problems. The simple fact is it there is no perfect legal label that works for both parties. If clubs allowed dancers to act as true IC's then clubs would be in shambles. The dancers don't want to put up with the rules that would go with being employees.
avatar for tumblingdice
12 years ago
Ask the IRS where Alutard got all that cash in the pic that dalex found,boy you got issues.
avatar for dalex
12 years ago

we all should be handing out 1099s at end of the year.
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