
Keep on truckin'

Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:25 AM
I've noticed in several other threads that some of you have referred to your truck. I don't have a truck but I'm curious to know how many of you do. I think trucks are a good indicator of the type club it is. Personally I consider a lot of trucks in the SC parking lot to be a good sign and a lot of Beemers and Mercedes and Corvettes to be a bad sign. Even though one of the Beemers used to be mine.


    18 years ago
    Dandy, I agree with your last statement. But there are clubs that cater to businessmen and in general I don't like them much because they are often over priced. I know it's a gross oversimilification, but I find that blue collar guys are more likely to drive trucks than are white collar guys, and I also think blue collar guys tend to have more fun. I prefer clubs whose patrons are mostly blue collar guys and these clubs tend to have more trucks in the parking lot.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Perhaps it's just the rural nature of the area of the clubs I go to, but I thought all of them had trucks in their lot. Generally, the largest percentage of people who go to stripclubs are not rich business people.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    So many kinds of people drive trucks or ride motorcycles nowadays, you can no longer draw conclusions about an establishment like you used to based on what's parked outside.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I'm not saying all dancers drive expensive cars though I know plenty that do. What I am saying is that, if you see a 'Vette in the parking lot, it could belong to a dancer and it could belong to a customer. I don't think the "Vette, in and of itself, has anything to do with finding what you want inside the club"
    18 years ago
    Minnow, I only know of one club where there are numerous Harleys and they don't have private dances or attractive ladies. Lots of beer though. I think it's a misconception that dancers usually drive expensive cars. Sure some of them do. But the last club I frequented regularly had two different areas for customers' and dancers' cars, and I was shocked to see what old clunkers most of the dancers drove. And this was a fancy gentlemen's club. The customer area was full of expensive cars (except for my Honda.) None of the dancers I've known drove expensive cars.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    My SO drives a '94 Chevy S10. It's had it's share of major drama (failed engine mounts, we lost "reverse" for awhile before the tranny completely failed, and the steering column imploded), but we still have her. If need be and the day comes that she finally craps out, I'll take her out back and shoot her myself. The truck, not my SO. ;)
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    How about a lot of Harleys in the parking lot , FONDL?
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I drive a Ford F-150 extend cab. It's very comfortable and if I happen to get lucky there is enough room to fit a Brazilian between me and the steering wheel. I don't find much significance for my own needs in the type of cars I see in a SC parking lot. I'm pretty good at finding what I like regardless of the clientelle. If I don't, I just go someplace else. Besides, most of the Beemers and 'Vettes belong to the dancers
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