Did you guys do everything you wanted to accomplish in 2012? I had my first OTC meeting, my first DATY ITC and hit a couple of new clubs for the first time and revisited some clubs I had not been to in years. I wanted to have the most fun possible at the best price and I think I accomplished that for the most part. I was still able to accomplish all of this while not going to clubs for three months while I was dating a "civilian girl." Lol.
What are your strip clubbing goals for 2013? I would like to have my first FS ITC and I would like to make OTC a more regular occurrence.
I had a good year. The only thing that could have made it better and I hope to do more of in 2013, is OTC gigs. But I am not going to lose any sleep over it. If I don't find the right one, I'll just keep taking care of business ITC.
My goal for 2013 is to bbfs my new Latina fav. Then have 6 kids with her, get married, move to Mexico, get rich, give up my evil stripclub ways, and live happily ever after.
I SCed in Houston for the 1st time (recommend it).
Liking black dancers and thus spending most of my time in black SCs, I visited the only all-black SC I had not visited in South Florida - it was in West Palm Beach about an hour’s drive (So. FL has about 12 all black SCs with 10 of them being in the Miami area).
Since I like variety, my goals for 2013 is to visit SCs in other cities (at least one other city).
2012 was good. I didn't really have goals for 2012. For 2013 I want to cut my strip club visits down from once a week to once a month, that would save me a lot of money. Also I want to do DATY ITC, I have this stripper that would be cool with me going down on her, but the only problem is I live in Portland. Anybody that knows the Portland clubs knows that extras ITC is pretty damn difficult especially at the upscale clubs. The girl I want to do DATY with works at a upscale club.
RickyBoyDugan and txtittyfuck's conspiracy theories notwithstanding I did accomplish the goal of broadening my SC experiences to new states. Most in the Western US now.
I also wanted to get some better knowledge if the NV brothel scene. I did get to visit the MBR and Mustang Ranch, but after visiting only a couple of the smaller operations I decided the women who work there are too scary for me to bother again. So you could argue either way whether the goal was accomplished or not.
No specific goals this year other than I hope to do another bigass whore mongering road trip.
Sclv5005 - I go to Vegas every year for poker and betting on games. I don't even bother going to a vegas sc unless someone with me wants to go and even then I am reluctant. Good luck in COI.
I didn't really have any "goals" per se, but overall 2012 was a good year.
A couple of things come to mind when I look back on 2012:
1. I spent more time and money on dancers in my local clubs this year vs. my road clubs. This included a couple of fun nights out in Manhattan with a very hot, sexy and elegant local stripper. Fun for the novelty, but not something I intend to have become a routine thing.
2. During the latter part of 2012 I was routinely banging the hottest girl that I have ever put my dick in, which further diverted resources from road oriented activities, though there were plenty of those too. ;)
I kinda' let the winds of opportunity guide me rather than trying to set goals, which seems too much like work to me. I suspect that I will be spreading things back out a bit more in 2013, but we shall see.
2012 was an ok year at best for me. I'm hoping 2013 will be a lot better. I lost track of some fav's in 2012 and overall it just wasn't that good of a year.
In 2013 I hope to experience some better dances in 2013 and hopefully get a fav who doesn't end up disappearing after a few weeks.
Rick - I hope things work out the way you want them, money spent and hot chick wise.
Lopaw - we all can only hope to receive the level of dedication and service you get. Lol
Go Vikings - I feel bad for you living in VA. I wish you nothing but the best. Maybe a trip to Detroit. Lol. And I hope AP runs for about 250 and they send the cheeseheads packing to the offseason this week!
Estafador - I too hope to hit the weight room more this year, hopefully I can drop a few lbs and tone up. I thought about going the escort route before, but decided the bad outweighed the good. The fave I'm seeing otc right now would probably make a decent girlfriend but I don't think I can have a stripper girlfriend at this point. Good luck to you and I hope you're able to meet your goals!
rh48hr- Thanks. And yeah, I'm just happy I get to see another Vikings game. It won't be easy, but if Ponder has a good game, I think we have a shot against Green Bay.
And yeah, with me living in Virginia I'm never going to have the best strip club experience(s). But I just try to manage with what's around here. I don't get to travel much, but this weekend I'm going to Atlanta to visit a friend so I'll get a chance to check out a club there.
Although I live in a terrible spot for SC's, it would make things a lot better if I can find a Latina fav in 2013. :)
No I.didn't but I did have fun this year in the clubs and dating a dancer from a local club.....I thank I was to juice last year on those goals and 2013 I will be a little more jay
Finaly make it to follies in Atlanta georga Finaly make it to bograts in Michigan Work more on my new forum Start a web cam site
Yea I know it sounds like bs but this is jay I'm honestly looking into forums, webcams to.start out my empire then as the money flows branch out to a real escort agencies, massage parlores, and strip clubs and hell if I'm bleesed enough in my life maybee a hooters or two lol
I don't know that I had any goals for 2012, or at least any goal specific to 2012. I had some health issues for part of the year, so I didn't even bother going for large parts of the year. I did go to a club I never previously visited for the first time in a long while when I went to the Kappa Kabanna north of Bloomington-Normal IL. Of course, its harder and harder to go to anything new when the closest place I haven't visited in 100's of miles away, not to mention the fact Nebraska is a strip club dead zone. I did get a new ATF for the year, although I do wonder whether she will go into one of her periodic departures from the strip club business.
As for 2013, the goal, as always, is to have fun and not blow a fortune.
I tried to attain one goal yesterday, but my fave wasn't at the club. She is there normally on Mondays, but I guess off for the New Year. I wanted a little VIP with her. We've talked about it, but just haven't made the connection. Her work times and mine conflict.
Maybe not. Last time I saw her other than a brief hello, an older dancer I knew had seen me and was sitting with me. I didn't know the fave was working then. When I saw she was and the older one was away, I called her over and explained the situation and gave her a good tip. In any case she has been rather cold. Her loss if she's in it for the money!! :)
Who knows what she was thinking Clubber. If she's gonna treat you like that, just kick her to the curb, she is not worth your time. Just means some other lucky lady gets some time with you and your money. lol.
last commentI know there are clubs in my area where I could meet my goal. But call me picky. I have my standards.
Having said that, 2012 may have been my best year ever. My CF is into long, passionate DFK and that works for me.
Well, if you are going to dream, dream big.
Lo pueda suceder.
I SCed in Houston for the 1st time (recommend it).
Liking black dancers and thus spending most of my time in black SCs, I visited the only all-black SC I had not visited in South Florida - it was in West Palm Beach about an hour’s drive (So. FL has about 12 all black SCs with 10 of them being in the Miami area).
Since I like variety, my goals for 2013 is to visit SCs in other cities (at least one other city).
I also wanted to get some better knowledge if the NV brothel scene. I did get to visit the MBR and Mustang Ranch, but after visiting only a couple of the smaller operations I decided the women who work there are too scary for me to bother again. So you could argue either way whether the goal was accomplished or not.
No specific goals this year other than I hope to do another bigass whore mongering road trip.
Also to get rid of... LOL
A couple of things come to mind when I look back on 2012:
1. I spent more time and money on dancers in my local clubs this year vs. my road clubs. This included a couple of fun nights out in Manhattan with a very hot, sexy and elegant local stripper. Fun for the novelty, but not something I intend to have become a routine thing.
2. During the latter part of 2012 I was routinely banging the hottest girl that I have ever put my dick in, which further diverted resources from road oriented activities, though there were plenty of those too. ;)
I kinda' let the winds of opportunity guide me rather than trying to set goals, which seems too much like work to me. I suspect that I will be spreading things back out a bit more in 2013, but we shall see.
In 2013 I hope to experience some better dances in 2013 and hopefully get a fav who doesn't end up disappearing after a few weeks.
Lopaw - we all can only hope to receive the level of dedication and service you get. Lol
Go Vikings - I feel bad for you living in VA. I wish you nothing but the best. Maybe a trip to Detroit. Lol. And I hope AP runs for about 250 and they send the cheeseheads packing to the offseason this week!
Estafador - I too hope to hit the weight room more this year, hopefully I can drop a few lbs and tone up. I thought about going the escort route before, but decided the bad outweighed the good. The fave I'm seeing otc right now would probably make a decent girlfriend but I don't think I can have a stripper girlfriend at this point. Good luck to you and I hope you're able to meet your goals!
And yeah, with me living in Virginia I'm never going to have the best strip club experience(s). But I just try to manage with what's around here. I don't get to travel much, but this weekend I'm going to Atlanta to visit a friend so I'll get a chance to check out a club there.
Although I live in a terrible spot for SC's, it would make things a lot better if I can find a Latina fav in 2013. :)
Finaly make it to follies in Atlanta georga
Finaly make it to bograts in Michigan
Work more on my new forum
Start a web cam site
But first start slow and end big
As for 2013, the goal, as always, is to have fun and not blow a fortune.
if so
Fuck Shit Damn
Dandydan - I hope your health is better and that you can find your way away from the dead zone to a better strip club venue.
Dalex - you and me both. Welcome to the forum. I look forward to more of your postings.
Gator - so soon and you already blew your resolution. lol. Guess your 2013 is shot!
Clubber - you still have 364 days to go, I'm sure you will work out the schedules!
Gater Fuck, Shit, mother Fuck, god, Shit face fage damit !!!!!
Maybe not. Last time I saw her other than a brief hello, an older dancer I knew had seen me and was sitting with me. I didn't know the fave was working then. When I saw she was and the older one was away, I called her over and explained the situation and gave her a good tip. In any case she has been rather cold. Her loss if she's in it for the money!! :)