
Drink minimums

Monday, December 31, 2012 7:06 AM
What has been your experience with clubs enforcing their drink minimums? I am a sex addict and go to strip clubs for the women. I don't like buying overpriced drinks and will always tell the waitress no thanks. Had a recent experience at Christie's Cabaret in Brunswick where the bartender (who was doubling as a waitress) told me there was a drink minimum so I had to order something. If it was busy and full of hot women I would have caved and bought a drink but since it was so dead I just told her "not right now in a few minutes". I ended up finding a dancer and trying a few LDs with her and left. I typically don't mind the drink minimum if it is a busy time and seating is limited but when I am the only customer in the place I get pissed.


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Some clubs do try to enforce them. I'll finish my drink when I do and leave.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    If I know about the minimum when I go in, i.e. it's posted outside, I'll decide at that point whether or not I'll go in. If it's not, well, I'll buy the minimum if I feel like it, and not if I don't. If they kick me out, it's their loss, not mine. There's only one club around here that I'm aware has an actual minimum (as opposed to just pestering waitresses), and it's one per hour. They've never said anything to me, even though on more than one occasion, I've spend multiple hours with one bottle of water.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    If it is more than one, I will leave if they get huffy about it.
  • Corvus
    12 years ago
    Haven't run into it much but do not like drink minimums especially if there is a cover charge.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    Usually a waitress comes over to customers as soon as a customer is seated to get the first drink order. So, it's usually difficult to avoid the first drink. But, I've been in clubs where the waitresses aren't vigilant and one could get away without ordering a drink, if that's your goal. Here in the Puget Sound Region, most clubs only require one drink. The Deja Vu clubs require the customer pay that at the same time with the door admission, but unlimited refills are allowed. Other clubs that don't collect it at the door require it be paid when you are seated. I can only think of one club, Sands in Seattle, that requires two drinks. There's no admission, but you pay for both drinks upon being seated. You're given a receipt that shows you paid for two drinks, and show the receipt to the waitress for your second drink when you want it. So, locally, it's impossible to avoid the second drink.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    The last time that I can remember being in a club where a drink minumum was enforced was in 1962 in a club on Burbon St. in New Orleans. I can only remember ever going to a juice bar once about 15 years ago in Atlanta. That club has long been closed.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I often seen the 2-drink minimum, but I would think it is hard for the club to enforce since how would they know if one has not ordered at least 2 drinks w/ the # of different waitresses that one can order from. I am not much of a drinker; most of the time I’ll order a beer and just nurse it for the time I am in the SC. They will normally leave you alone if they see you w/ a drink in your hands. When I very first started SCing, I did not like the idea of having/be-forced to buy a drink. But now I understand drinks are a big part of how SCs make $$$ and I *am* being provided pretty much with free entertainment with the nude stage dancing.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I ran into a situation at Henry VIII North a few yrs ago where they were requiring a drink in front of you at ALL times and were EXTREMELY pushy about it to the point of ejection. I left and have NEVER returned.
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    ive been to one club only that inforced a two drink minimum. they all have it posted but theres only one club ive been at that enforced it
  • Experimental
    12 years ago
    I like to drink so I've never been bothered about a drink minimum by staff. At juice bars though, they always seem to be so strict about it. If you don't have a "drink" in your hand at all times they hassle you to buy one. Once you've consumed even just a fraction of it they start hassling you to buy the next one.
  • igloo9999
    12 years ago
    Around here, most places say they have a 2 drink minimum but have seen it enforced only a couple times. One place (during weekday dayshift only) will make you pay for 2 and give you a ticket for the second. Another place will charge a $5 cover charge but give you 2 tickets in return. Most places only enforce it when they think the customer will nurse a coke for 2 hours.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I'll accept a minimum drink requirement for myself way faster than the "buy the lady a drink " scam.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    I agree w/ sclvr. I don't mind paying for a watered down Diet Coke for myself, but being asked to buy the lady a $12 VitaminWater every 10 minutes is beyond ridiculous.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    3rd Ammendment right Drink what you want when you want where you want why you want how you want
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Dr Oz claims the minimum you should drink is 8 glasses per day. So two doesn't seem unreasonable
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