
OT: Things That Make You Go Hmm?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Certain politicians are all gung-ho about taxing the “wealthy” – i.e. those making over $250k/yr.

It struck me that this would hit most if not all congressmen/women right in the kisser. My feelings that politicians are often the last to get screwed, or screw themselves, I enquired a bit and came across the following article.

WASHINGTON — Rep. Nancy Pelosi was emphatic. Mitt Romney's refusal to release more than two years of his personal tax returns, she said, makes him unfit to win confirmation as a member of the president's Cabinet, let alone to hold the high office himself.
Sen. Harry Reid went farther: Romney's refusal to make public more of his tax records makes him unfit to be a dogcatcher.

They do not, however, think that standard of transparency should apply to them. The two Democratic leaders of the Senate and the House of Representatives are among hundreds of senators and representatives from both parties who refused to release their tax records. Just 17 out of the 535 members of Congress released their most recent tax forms or provided some similar documentation of their tax liabilities in response to requests from McClatchy over the last three months. Another 19 replied that they wouldn't release the information, and the remainder never responded to the query.

There is more to the article at the following link; but it is a pretty long article:


  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Lying, theiving, bastards and bitches.

    At least we get something in return when dancers take our money.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    There is a LOT of corruption in DC right now. I think it will get worse until a new party is elected - or a citizen's militia shows up to shoot up the capital building and offices.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    I image that Romney would look bad in the eyes of his investors and of course voters if he were to reveal an enormous income during this economic downturn.
  • crsm27
    12 years ago
    you know what about the taxing of people who earn more than $250,000.....congress people are exempt from it to a certain extent....the income made for holding office is tax exempt. Just like with the health care laws and what with the universal care.... Congress people were exempt. Yep they will push laws but exempt themselves.....all liars.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Your citizen's militia Deogol would be crushed like a piss ant!! I hope the FBI is reading this and pays you a little visit.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Like Syria and Libya, Alucard? Do you have any idea how many combat veterans are in this country right now? Much less how many non-com veterans?
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    Mmdv26, did you not read in the op that Romney released his '10 & '11 tax info. So did Obama.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Besides, I think a third party is coming up. Plenty of people sick of the BS, especially if the fiscal cliff is encountered.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Obama is playing his hand here like a master. Is quite a beautiful thing to watch. I just hope he really is a good guy and not the anti-christ afterall.
  • crazyjoe
    12 years ago
    Alucard just think about it. All the vetrans. All the hunters. All the pistol packing mother fuckers. All well trained and well armed. The US has the biggest unoficial well trained and armed forces in the world. If you want to check that story go hang out in a gun store for an hour
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    The US government WILL NOT allow an armed rebellion like deogol and those like him advocate. Whatever FORCE that is necessary to CRUSH it would be brought to bear. Just try it and find out.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Interesting that all of a sudden I advocate it. Interesting perspective of reality. I advocate voting too. It is a whole lot more peaceful when everyone can come home.

    You are a bit of a dim witted one if you think the forces that make up a super power's military cannot counter that same super power's military. Then add in a group of people willing to fight for what is theirs?

    Why are you so scared to explore events that cause armed revolutions? It is not like it hasn't happened here and else where before.

    Is it because there is a realization amongst all the mumblers who like to go on about how it should be realize they cannot argue and intimidate their way out of a bullet in the head? That violence or the threat of it is a political weapon (the democrats certainly make use of it http://michellemalkin.com/2011/09/29/adv…)?
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Pelosi went to congress poor and has made millions and continues to scam millions from US by steering government contracts to her husband and inside information on contract awards. Harry Reid does the same thing with his son's companies. If congress did not exempt themselves from insider trading laws imposed on the rest of us more than half of them would be in jail like Martha Stewart and Bernie Maddow. Reid, Pelosi, Lugar, Feinstein, Shumer, Durbin, Obama, Frank, to name a few that went to congress and became extremely wealthy while "serving the public" when they were actually lining their pockets at our expense.

    Do a little research and you will find that most long term members of congress consider themselves above the law and look down on us.

    Congress and all government employees needs term limits and pensions that start when the retired member turns 65 like the rest of us (Except 30 year retired military). All laws passed by congress must equally apply to them also.

    Did you know that OSHA and sex discrimination laws do not apply to members of congress.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I read we pay more for the Obamas about 20 times more to be exact than the British pay to maintain the British royalty. Congress has been exempt from insider trader laws like forever, unless they recently passed a law making it unethical to own stock in a company that they will benefit from. Ie they own an environmental company and they push through a new law making that company a ton of money. It has been legal for them to do so unless they passed a law making it unethical.

    They have their own healthcare plan. They keep passing laws that they say only applies to only a few millionaires but then don't index it for inflation. The AMT originally only applied to a few wealthy families. Now if it is not updated, it will apply to everyone making 33,750 or more. Are you feeling wealthy now? The same goes for all of these other new taxes the democrats want to plop down on all the wealthy people.

    Plus Obama health care taxes will kick in. Plus some democrats want to working people to pay additional taxes on the health care insurance premiums their employers pay for them. That would really hurt people who work for a living. Obama wants the US to be more like Europe. I heard in Europe one company has to pay for the rain water that falls on his roof. I would suspect that is related to environmental runoff. I don't want to give democrats any more ideas. They might want to tax us for the air we breathe as well. They need to index all these new taxes for inflation.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    Hear is a phrase that Obama seems to think is a fantasy, real spending cuts. He doesn't seem to understand that. A spending cut to him is saving interest payments by not spending as much as you would have.

    That's like saying if I borrow $1,000 from shadowcat to blow away on lap dances and I have to pay him $50 a month, I will save money in the future if I only borrow $1,100 instead of $1,250 because my interest payment will only be $57 a month instead of $60. So then you save $3 a month in interest. Just trying to spell out the logic the democrats are using claiming they are saving money on interest on increased spending plans. It is not real savings. It might be a reduction in planned spending increases.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "A spending cut to him is saving interest payments by not spending as much as you would have."

    I think the accounting also includes the assumption of lower interest rates. Bettter check that one with txtittyfan and see if it will hold.
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
    Deogol! The D.C.P.D could keep your militia at bay until the national guard showed up. The army would never need to be called out.
  • tumblingdice
    12 years ago
    Thanks sharkhunter! If two more people on this board catch your drift,then job well done. He's a Chicago thug.
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