
Anyone believe in the paranormal?

I am assuming most of you guys probably don't even believe in the paranormal.

Anyone ever surprise a dancer with something odd?
About the strangest I did was give a strong electric jolt of static electricity to a dancer who doubted me last summer.
I guess that is not nessarily paranormal.

I thought about starting this topic because I believe a ghost in my house made something fly off a shelf in my house towards me the other night. I know of a couple of dancers who believe in the paranormal. I've never had the ghost in my house make things move before even though one dancer told me she had a ghost moving all kinds of things around causing trouble in her house, that is before I sent something to cut it out. I'll have to ask her if anything strange has happened since.

She is afraid of visiting me at my house thinking I have a powerful ghost living with me. This could be an interesting way of stopping dancers from visiting your house. Make them think
you have a powerful ghost living with you. Of course can you believe what dancers tell you? I told one dancer how I once had a dust devil form around me and I stayed
in the eye of it for almost a whole minute. The dust devil moved at my walking speed until we both arrived at my dorm building. I met a dancer who told me she had a dust devil form around her too one time. She still insists it's a true story. I'm thinking what are the odds
of two people meeting who both had dust devils form around them or meeting a dancer who had some type of poltergeist in her house?

I seem to attract all the crazy dancers. I did find it amusing to shock the hell out of a doubting dancer. Actually the shorts I wore in the summer I believe built up a huge charge that transferred to my entire body in one strip club. A dancer touched me and pow, she heard and felt a big shock. One dancer told me she was going to call me Electro, lol.
A relative was holding onto me last night and got an electric shock when she touched the holy water in church. I guess electric charges can transfer.

I'm only getting small charges in the one strip club now. That can be disappointing if you want the opportunity to shock the hell out of anyone you want to. For some reason, it only happens in one club. Maybe it's the chairs.

So do you believe in anything paranormal or do you think we are all full of it?


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Prove it to my satisfaction and I'll believe.

    Having NO $$$ to give them will stop dancers COLD from visiting me! LOL
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    An X-File?
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Enough has gone on over the centuries that I keep an open mind.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Yes. There is much we don't know about the world.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    I believe there are things that happen that seem to have no concrete reason. If that's paranormal, then I guess I do.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Anything "paranormal" just means we don't know how to explain it yet.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    Juice is paranormal. No one can explain what he does either.
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