RL because tou are either retarded or Clifbar/davids little brother I am going to give you a break and only ask you to point out some of these "excellent posts." Frankly I don't see any.
I had another idea to det rid of davids. Because he is into occult sciences this just may work on him.
Voodoo lore has it that if you do not wish to be awakened as a zombie when you die you instruct one of your loved ones to toss a handful of raisins into your coffin. That way when the call comes you will be too busy counting the rasins to rise from the grave.
I suggest that someone scatter a bunch of dildos around his trailer. That way when the urge to post strikes him he will be too busy ramming the dildos into his every orfice to type.
I kind of like the thread w/ AN: In it he has admitted that he doesn't understand limits, bayes's theorem, conditional probabilites, percentages, algebra, and probably some other stuff I don't even remember at the moment. Yet he still claims he is a science professor. Hmmm.....
What I don't like are strawmen. Never have, never will.
Anyway, never have and never will support anyone being banned here. Just another one of AN's strawmen.
I've been having some fun with davids on his threads. He apparently doesn't like it when people refuse to believe him, constantly call him an idiot and liar, butt into his every post with unwanted opinions and turn every discussion into and endless debate of semantics. Now he wants to be able to ban trolls and ignore posters he finds annoying.
Irony, gotta love it.
P.S. I appologize for posting a reply to him on someone elses thread recently, I meant to do it on his, it was an accident.
JC, how about if I post on stripperweb like you did? Did you ever end up getting any good advice on meeting women there? How's your dating life these days.
No worries for me: if the posters here can't help me out, I'll just go out with your mother.
parodySUBHUMAN--> davids needs a woman... (pause) with a PENIS!
Nah, parody, not interested in your 300 lb wife. You can keep that bitch all to yourself!
Why don't we lobby Founder for expanded ignore capability. Or get him to use some canned (as opposed to home spun) discussion board software, since most canned software already includes ignore capabilites. Check out StripperWeb or www.mysterymethod.com/forum/ for example of what standard discussion board software is like.
I think people just had the capacity to ignore the haters here (parodySUBHUMAN---> being the worst offender although AbNormal is getting right up there) we might get many more productive discussions here.
I know idealists like chandler will argue that people should just "ignore" trolls like parody and AbNormal, but that does not seem to be working practice.
So let's lobby Founder. Chandler has had some luck with this in the past, maybe we can get him to write another open letter?
Start a thread asking for an unanimous vote for me to leave. If, after one week, every vote is for me to leave then I am gone. Now give that I have received a large number of positive comments regarding my posts in the past (from RL, TH20, FPRox, Mouse, and others) I highly doubt that you will get that unanimous vote. But you can try if you like.
Failing that, why not pool your money and hire a programmer to write a TUSCL client with true kill file capabilities?
Ignoring him didn't work. Insults just make him flip out. (admittedly I like this) Perhaps the only way to get rid of him is to have someone break his fingers. We could sell raffle tickets to those who wish to voulenteer.
What do you think the Ignore button is for? Using this board is simple: 1) Register to get rid of the porn banners, 2) Click 'Ignore' to get rid of the troill. 3) Discuss strip clubs.
last commentVoodoo lore has it that if you do not wish to be awakened as a zombie when you die you instruct one of your loved ones to toss a handful of raisins into your coffin. That way when the call comes you will be too busy counting the rasins to rise from the grave.
I suggest that someone scatter a bunch of dildos around his trailer. That way when the urge to post strikes him he will be too busy ramming the dildos into his every orfice to type.
Lets try it and see if it works...
What I don't like are strawmen. Never have, never will.
Anyway, never have and never will support anyone being banned here. Just another one of AN's strawmen.
Irony, gotta love it.
P.S. I appologize for posting a reply to him on someone elses thread recently, I meant to do it on his, it was an accident.
JC, how about if I post on stripperweb like you did? Did you ever end up getting any good advice on meeting women there? How's your dating life these days.
No worries for me: if the posters here can't help me out, I'll just go out with your mother.
parodySUBHUMAN--> davids needs a woman... (pause) with a PENIS!
Nah, parody, not interested in your 300 lb wife. You can keep that bitch all to yourself!
Why don't we lobby Founder for expanded ignore capability. Or get him to use some canned (as opposed to home spun) discussion board software, since most canned software already includes ignore capabilites. Check out StripperWeb or www.mysterymethod.com/forum/ for example of what standard discussion board software is like.
I think people just had the capacity to ignore the haters here (parodySUBHUMAN---> being the worst offender although AbNormal is getting right up there) we might get many more productive discussions here.
I know idealists like chandler will argue that people should just "ignore" trolls like parody and AbNormal, but that does not seem to be working practice.
So let's lobby Founder. Chandler has had some luck with this in the past, maybe we can get him to write another open letter?
Failing that, why not pool your money and hire a programmer to write a TUSCL client with true kill file capabilities?
[Lock thread]
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