
Remember to save enough to pay your bar tab.

Atlanta suburb
Monday, October 22, 2012 2:04 PM
A Missouri man became irate this morning when asked to pay a $500 bar tab at a Lawrence strip club because, he told police, he already had spent $4,000 in tips paid to topless dancers. Keith Hanford, 46, Chesterfield, Mo., allegedly punched a manager at PT's Showclub in the 7900 block of Pendleton Pike during a dispute over the amount of money he owed, according to a Lawrence Police Department report. Police responded to the incident around 2 a.m. today, Officer Dan Rhoton said in the report. The manager, Cory Best, suffered a contusion and laceration just below his right eye, Rhoton said. Hanford was arrested on preliminary charges of public intoxication, battery with injury and disorderly conduct. One of two men accompanying Hanford tried to dissuade police from arresting Hanford, the report states, and now faces a preliminary charge of public intoxication. Hanford, who operates a business called Epic Iron and Salvage, told police he felt he was being robbed when managers demanded he pay the $500 bar tab, the report states.


  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Might have been able to pay if he drank pop instead of alcohol. LOL
  • JohnBuford
    12 years ago
    I'm reminded of the movie "Dumb and Dumber." VH,right on.Who TF drops 4K in LD's in one night ? Stupidity at its worst.BUT...maybe...just maybe having gotten 4K out of the village idiot, the club could have given him a pass on the $500 ? What I don't know I guess is SC Economics 101.What is the club's take on 4K ? Say it's one third,or $1,300 (rounded).Write off the $500 and your net profit on this guy is $800.Pretty good haul I would say.Casinos comp room/food/liquor all the time for high rollers.They feel like big shots and keep coming back.I'm pretty sure casinos are not stupid.They do what they do because it makes money.Will this guy EVER drop a dime in this club again ? Not a chance.He'll take his business elsewhere.Stupid is as stupid does.
  • dano_chan
    12 years ago
    Last night I dropped $250 at Oz in Clearwater, FL. My friend that was with dropped $400 and saw a drunk group of guys dropped atleast $1000 beacuse I saw one guy going to the atm and took out an stack of ones. The most I have spent is $300 at Mon Venus and Oz.
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    I think that a lot of us that spend over $200 per visit do it because we can. It's all relevant to your disposable income and how you choose to spend for your entertainment.
  • Lone_Wolf
    12 years ago
    I bet this is common occurrence. Homie opens up a line of credit. Four rounds of tequila later he has a table full of strippers, old friends and new friends downing shots at $8 bucks per shot. Homie is also buying lappers for himself and all his friends. Great time until the bill comes. I dropped about $600 during a wild fucking night at a SC about 6 months ago. Stupidity at its highest but, holy shit, it was fun.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Strip clubs never miss a dime
  • canny
    12 years ago
    I either spend between $200 and $250 or between $20 and $50 when I go to a strip club. If I get a room, it's going to be over $200. If I only tip at the stage, it's going to be less than $50. The most I've ever spent in one night was about $600 and I'm kicking myself to this day because I found out a month after the stripper who I spent $450 of that on would have met me OTC and the menu would have been "yes" if I would have just asked and spent the entire night with me for what I spent on her in one hour ITC.
  • kentuckywonder
    12 years ago
    Wow! Another example of booze and boobs not mixing. I went to a bar alone and got black out drunk. The last thing I remembered was buying drinks for two hot Cubans, a Columbian and her ugly Mexican friend. I wake up the next morning with the Columbian. My wallet was rearranged and over three thousand dollars of “VIP” charges were made at the club. I also spent $600.00 in cash. The Mexican told me the next day that she gave me $10.00 for the cab. Every generous Bitch, thank you very much. That was probably the funnest night of my life that I don’t remember. Moral of the Story leave your plastic at home when going to SCs.
  • windowsidiot
    12 years ago
    Where is this club? I presumed Lawrence KS but there is no PT's in either Lawrence KS or Mass.
  • kentuckywonder
    12 years ago
    Lawrence IN. Type the address into Google maps. Would not guess this club has many high rollers.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Most I spent was early in my SC days where I spent 1800.00 for 8 hours of VIP.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Lawrence, Indiana is suburb of Indianapolis on the NE side.
  • rentz2
    12 years ago
    He should argue that they over served him
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    He spent $4k in PT's in Indy!! He must have been drunk when he arrived. It is the most expensive club in Indy but the girls are hit and miss at best. They used to have lookers but not so much anymore. They are also usually a low mileage club that seem to get busted every time the mileage goes up. I was told by a dancer that worked there that the girls rat out dancers that give decent mileage because the club fees are so expensive and the competion for tips is extreme. I have avoided this place for several years and the reviews never warrant a return visit. I have spent what I thought was to much in one night in a club but it was only a fraction of this dude and it was not a low mileage club like PT's. Of course my bar bill was less than $50 including dancer drinks.
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