
Clubber - something to add to your reading list

Assholes: A Theory [Hardcover]
Aaron James (Author)
Price: $13.98 & eligible for FREE Super Saver Shipping
This title will be released on October 30, 2012.

"Asshole management begins with asshole understanding. Much as Machiavelli illuminated political strategy for princes, this book finally gives us the concepts to think or say why assholes disturb us so, and explains why such people seem part of the human social condition, especially in an age of raging narcissism and unbridled capitalism. These concepts are also practically useful, as understanding the asshole we are stuck with helps us think constructively about how to handle problems he (and they are mostly all men) presents. We get a better sense of when the asshole is best resisted, and when he is best ignored—a better sense of what is, and what is not, worth fighting for."



  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    SHOULD be required reading for membership here. LMFAO. (Is Dougster mentioned in the book)
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Good one steve229! But after my 60+ years, I don't think I can learn. You know old dogs and new tricks. :)
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Don't you mean raging narcissism and unbridled socialism. 90% of the Assholes I meet are self imporant bureaucrats who think that the government should tell me how to eat (Michele the cunt ho Obama), drink, shit (350 lbs exfireman highschool dropout double pension dipping ass telling me how to install a leachfield) , and breath. They are already dictating morallity telling churches they must pay for abortions and you can't smoke in bars or your own business or truck. The oinkers arrested a guy in my home town and threw him in jail for the weekend because he was walking 6 blocks home from a party and blew .13% and the drunk driving limit is .08%. He is 30 years old was not driving, he was walking on the sidewalk. The pigs pulled over and asked what the hell he thought he was doing and he replyed I am walking home I live just over there. They then grilled him as to if he had been drinking he said yes that is why he did not drive to the party he had left. They then told him he was not allowed to be drunk in public and he replied I am likely just over the driving limit and not intoxicated. The cop replied "stop being a smart ass and hit him in the face with his club and took him to jail for public drunkeness and resisting arrest. He spent the weekend in jail. The judge ended up throwing the case out on condition that he not press charge against the pig or the judge would press all charges against him and put him in county jail for 30 days. This guy is very mellow and no way did he ask to be beat up. Because of the Patriot act every cop I meet is on a power trip because they know they can do anything and justify it. The secret service last summer stated anyone in a town where the the "president" is they will arrest and detain ANYONE who has publically voiced dislike for obama or his policies. Soliaclism by definition means the government owns and controls everything including you.
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    Alucard, you shouldn't be laughing. Considering you rain judgement down on anyone here who doesn't behave like you think they should AND you feed trolls so fat you're worse than they are...you're just as likely to be a case study in that book as Dougster.

    TiredTraveler, I've met plenty of police officers. Some are jerks, most aren't. If every cop you meet treats you poorly, its because you're an asshole. Ain't rocket science.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I've been a jerk and asshole to some on here, but I'm decent to decent people so I do not give a fuck.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I express my opinions. If you see them as judgments, so be it. That's your right. I don't write extended posts demanding others bend to my beliefs as some members do.

    When I am in a feisty mood, I'll skewer the comments of members that I think deserve to be skewered. Dougster is often one of those persons.

    There are plenty of members who dislike and disagree with me and state it quite boldly. Again that's their right.
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