
Strippers get these offers?

Saturday, August 11, 2012 5:33 AM
I've had girls point out that this guy offered 6000 for a night, that guy offered 10,000 for a weekend, another guy 2 weeks in Europe plus shopping, and another 25,000 for an arrangement. I dunno, but when I see guys drop 800 a week just on lap dances, I guess they can make any offer they want. Anybody hear stuff like this?


  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Sounds as credible as dancers making $1500 every night and guys spending $5000 a month in the club.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    I've heard the same stories. Only once have I believed it, and only then because the guy who allegedly made the offer was known to me as a fucking filthy rich dude.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    In Detroit, in this economy, such offers are rare.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    6000 10000 25000 are you paying her in Cheerios or bottle caps?
  • canny
    12 years ago
    Ask them what the normal offers that they get are and how much they earned last month. The economy is bad and except for a few filthy rich people everyone is suffering. Strippers are earning a lot less now than they were earning 2 years ago and they're doing more extras for what they are earning.
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    Bad economy means nothing where I'm at unless you're looking for desparate hookers. The strippers are making a ton of cash without doing extras. I think the reason some girls get such huge offers is that they laugh at normal offers.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    I heard from a shot girl that she got $10,000 when she was 18 (she is 30 now). She said she blew the money fast.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Last I heard of a big offer was pre-recession. $3000 for a night at a hotel. This was a non-extras club. Things have changed in many ways since then
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago
    I know a lawyer who occasionally pays dancers $10,000 for a weekend. But these girls are top-shelf playboy quality blondes, 10's on anybody's scale and I'm not sure what the girls do to earn the money............. This thread reminds me of the current lawyer joke: Two lawyers were stranded alone on a desert island. They had nothing to do and were horny as hell. All day long they would discuss how they would fuck beautiful girls as soon as they got back to civilization. One day, a beautiful stripper with big tits and a great ass washed ashore. The lawyers pulled her out of the surf and carried her up to their hut. The girl was alive, but naked and only half conscious as they rolled her onto their bed. Well, the first lawyer asked, "Do you want to fuck her?" The second lawyer replied "Out of what?"
  • bustanutz
    12 years ago
    There r several categories of dancers. Its rare for a gangsta dancer to get hi payin deals but high class club girls get lucky with rich fckrs every once in a while. These deals r rarely sustainible for the girl as the rich dude wants vararity. I like it when skank hoes hit the lottery cuz they share their loot with me.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    @ pablo: Great story!
  • Otto22
    12 years ago
    I used to hear stories like this from time to time and have concluded that these "offers" are primarily stripper shit intended to start the bidding high. I once asked a girl what she usually charged for OTC and she quoted "$1,500". We settled for $250.
  • bustanutz
    12 years ago
    @otto...its common for strippers to quote high for two reasons. 1. They are pipe-dreamin you are a rich fckr 2. They don't want to come across as the cheap whore that they are. And the truth is that you coulda had her for 150 or less
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Strippers claim they've been offered $6000 but then they do me for $300. I must be really handsome.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    I knew a stripper who took off for three weeks last year. A little while after her return she was back in the same ole' club, doing the same ole' thing, living in the same ole' apartment, with the same ole' ratty car. She DID have lots of new outfits, 15 new pairs of shoes, jewelry and a new tat. Her story was a customer took her to Europe for two weeks, paid for everything and gave her $7,000.00. I believe her, not because I have met the PL, but because the tat was a Roman ruin and spelled it "Roma." She just could never have figured out Italians spell it differently! It made little difference in her life, many strippers are NOT great money managers.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'm sure it happens occasionally... But drunk idiots can make any kind of offer they want, doesn't mean they can or will follow through with it. The people who seriously make these kinds of offers are rare birds or very confused about what's going on.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'll also note that there are lots of pro's out there who charge 1K and up for an evenings company and are apparently finding customers.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    I'll also note that there are lots of pro's out there who charge 1K and up for an evenings company and are apparently finding customers.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I tried buying a bulldog off the street for 120 the guy agreed on the price but my friends talked me out of my drunk state. Back to the subject my ATF told me a dyke was offering her 500 bucks for the night but she declined her offer.
  • Player11
    12 years ago
    Its all stripper shit. Unless the gals nme is Kendra Wilkinson who was a stripper picked up by Hugh Hefner to live with him to be his mistresses. The reality show "Girls Next Door" was testimony to this. But Hugh is worth 43M not your typical stripper sugar daddy. Watching that show you have to wonder what kinda fuck Kendra really is. He knew a good one when he saw one LOL. I wonder how many times he got to dick her. Can you imagine getting off in something really choice like that?
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    If the stories are correct, Hugh Hefner has a bit of a ritual, and it ain't amazing sex from the girls. To my ear, it sounds like obligatory sex so he doesn't have to say they are not doing him (and they cannot say they are not doing him.)
  • Player11
    12 years ago
    Yes from what the stories say Hugh has a ritual where he fucks one for a minute, his main gal wipes his Dick, and goes on to next one. He has done 2000 gals they say. But he took Kendra into private room on her bd after the big party. I don't think he just did her for minute I am sure he fucked her long time and shot his wad in her unless he is not capable of getting off at his advanced age. She is one hot bitch even now a few years later on her reality show plus she has net worth of 6 Million. I bet she is skilled in the bedroom.... I have a friend who is 74 and he still fucks them despite having to use a pump to get it up bc of bladder cancer and prostate removal. It has not stopped him from fucking them and this for a long time. They love to see him pump his dick up with the pump and think it makes it real big which thrills them he says.
  • Player11
    12 years ago
    Yes from what the stories say Hugh has a ritual where he fucks one for a minute, his main gal wipes his Dick, and goes on to next one. He has done 2000 gals they say. But he took Kendra into private room on her bd after the big party. I don't think he just did her for minute I am sure he fucked her long time and shot his wad in her unless he is not capable of getting off at his advanced age. She is one hot bitch even now a few years later on her reality show plus she has net worth of 6 Million. I bet she is skilled in the bedroom.... I have a friend who is 74 and he still fucks them despite having to use a pump to get it up bc of bladder cancer and prostate removal. It has not stopped him from fucking them and this for a long time. They love to see him pump his dick up with the pump and think it makes it real big which thrills them he says.
  • Stiletto25
    12 years ago
    Lol, its not often a dancer gets offered that type of money but it does happen. I took someone up on a high paid vacation once and I wouldnt do it again.
  • dtek
    12 years ago
    There's a local high roller who frequently visits the same club I hang out at. One of the dancers there claims he'll offer up to several thousand for OTC if he wants a particular girl enough. She also tells me that the typical offer from most guys is $100 for OTC.
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    They sure do get those offers. If I had $3 million in the bank and a salary of $500,000 per year or something, I'd be doing the same. While most of us guys can't come close to that, remember that there are millions of millionaires in the United States. There are probably several millionaire regulars at every strip club. When you see those guys who just sit at a table with 3 dancers talking to him for two hours, and wonder why they do it -- You just got your explanation.
  • steve3003
    12 years ago
    Remember seeing that stripper movie, center of the fucking world, with them mollie ringwald chick, a while back where my boy steve229 (in his fantasies) takes the bitch to vegas on an OTC adventure. He pays her like $10K or something. So must be true.
  • scatterbrain
    12 years ago
    I believe the amount of money that's needed for a particular event (ITC or OTC or otherwise) is indirectly proportional to how attractive you are to her. If she's into you, then the figure will be much lower than if she thinks you're a troll. So the trolls know they have to offer outrageous dollars to get any action; notwithstanding Robert Redford's $1M offer for Demi Moore...that was just nonsense.
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    I know of one guy who didn't make that much money. He worked a regular job with decent pay. He rarely went to strip clubs. Apparently he thought all strippers were whores so he took $5,000 and went to a club and got a dance from someone he liked and then said he offered her it all to skip the club and go get it done at a hotel. I heard the dancer told him she wasn't that kind of girl. She was probably suspicious he was LE or something. Maybe,maybe not. One dancer I know told me she made 4,000 working one weekend at the beach just dancing. It must have been pretty impressive for her because she rarely talks to me about how much she makes. If someone can make a few thousand on certain occasions, then I could easily imagine several of the better looking dancers refusing to do anything they don't want to. Hmmm, weird thought of the day, What would you do if a girl in a strip club offered you money to go fuck her? That would be surprising.
  • maburton
    12 years ago
    Some guys do throw out ridiculous offers like this. Even those or more modest means are always offering to "save" a girl from a club. For whatever reason, I get some of the more candid conversation from dancers - and it occurs outside the club. The women who get those high end offers rarely accept for a variety of reasons - if you are the type of girl who can walk away with $2000 over a weekend normally, why would you take a weekend off with a dude for less than $3000? You run the risk of having a reputation that club owners don't want, and frankly, some of us are gross. For those that do negotiate such things at more reasonable prices, rarely are their motivations less than some combination of a habit and children to support. The lowest prices generally come from the previous. I've also met the rare girl working in a club to have enough self-respect to never consider such things. Or so they'd claim.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Had a fav tell me one time that a guy was giving her a grand a week. I didn't believe it, but I told her that I couldn't compete with that so that she could save some face. She stuck around, maybe waiting for my counter-offer, but it never came. Now I wish I had shot her a number, she may have taken it.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Oh, and stiletto, was it the guy or the situation that drove you to say you wouldn't do another weekend?
  • magicrat
    12 years ago
    larry...had one tell me a guy gave her $1300 a week for twice a week visits. Personally I think it's bs, but who knows? She dances for me for $20 a song with full access and I'm fine with that.
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