Steve Douglas: Just another PL

Got home from work last night, flipped on the TV, and one of the cable channels was showing an old episode of "My Three Sons". Anybody younger than 45 is going to say, what?...but My Three Sons was one of the longest running shows of the 60's. It starred famed movie actor Fred MacMurray (Double Indemnity, The Caine Mutiny)as Steven Douglas, widowed father of three boys, living together with their crotchety old Uncle Charlie.
Anyway, in yesterday's episode, it turns out that every Baby Boomer's favorite dad turned out to be just another pathetic loser. Steve went to a bachelor party for a co-worker and even back in 1966, strippers apparently were the requisite entertainment. The party gets raided by the police, and the stripper (Flame LaRose), sneaks out the back door and accidentally meets uo with Steve who decided to leave the party early.
She left her clothes behind, so Steve graciously offers her a ride home (we can see what's coming next you sly devil). Arriving at her apartment, she finds she has been locked out for being hehind on the rent (more stripper excuses!). So Steve does the "right" thing and takes her home so she borrow one of the boy's clothes. Steve, being the typical PL/RIL, writes her a check to pay her apartment rent.
Long story made shorter, she shows up at his home the next day and tells him being thrown out of her apartment convinced her she has "hit rock bottom". But she tells Steve she tore up his check and called her parents for money to buy a train ticket back home to Peoria. She tells Steve she is going back home to her "boring job" and hopes to find a man that "shows her as much respect" as Steve did. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and leaves.
Steven Douglas - just another PL. Writes checks to strippers and doesn't get to nail her!
last commentI'm thinking her 'boring job' is grinding dicks at Big Al's
I guess I missed that episode. I remember liking the show. Fred MacMurray was a great actor in drama and comedy.
I don't recall that episode either. LOL
Neither did I and as a kid I watched a lot
The episode was titled "Stag at Bay"
The dancer was played by Leslie Parrish
She didn't look familiar although she was in the Manchurian Candidate, 4 episodes of Batman, a couple of The Wild Wild West and a few 60's/70's Tv shows.
@motorhead - This is fascinating - how did they get an episode about a stripper past the censors of the day?
Steve3009, however, says you need to watch normal guy shows...
The writers, of course, never used the word stripper. But given that the bachelor dinner was raided by the police makes the implication plausible. Lol
60's TV shows really don't hold up too well. I think the black & white Andy Griffith shows with Don Knotts do, but nit much else. I caught a few minutes of "The Flying Nun" with Sally Field, on this same oldies station and it was AWFUL!
"Steve3009, however, says you need to watch normal guy shows"
Don't worry Steve. Some of my all time favorite shows are "normal guy shows". Lol
MacGyver, the A-Team, the X-Files, Magnum PI
There was a deleted scene where she gives him a BBBJCIM and then he gets to DATY.
And that's how the boys learned the facts of life.