Is it Possible to broach this topic with a stripper, without making her angry?
I just got in from a strip club visit and had an , "interesting " experience. I saw a beautiful young brunette with blue eyes, great body, maybe an 8 or 9 depending on how particular you are. She sat down with me, we had a fun conversation and she asked if I would like a dance. I accepted and we went to a private area. She sat on my lap and started to grind, then leaned back onto me, and that was when I noticed a smell. The smell was unpleasant and overpowering, (and no this isn't a Seinfeld Episode)I began to wonder if there was a tactful way of bringing up or suggesting the dancer use some perfume or something. I was literally gagging before the song was over, and I started holding my breath, and turning away when she wasn't looking. I did not want to be rude, she was very nice, but even my eyes were watering. Finished the dance and excused myself to restroom. So has anyone ever had this happen? , and if so what did you do about it. Just curious.
snakeguy why didn't you notice the odor when she was sitting with you in the club if it was that overpowering???
2 It didn't get really bad until I was literally having my face ground between her breasts (c cups)
3 I have allergies and my head was stuffed up
She is very attractive, what if I brought her some perfume and asked her to wear it?
Don't strippers have classes on freshening up?
You would think so! Lol. But some apparently skipped school that day.
I'm not sure how to handle this one. But if I were you, I wouldn't bring her perfume. YOU-are the customer, you shouldn't have to go out of your way to solve this.
It's not that much different from having the same situation in your office. Sometimes the direct approach is best. You don't have to be cruel, just mention that her natural aroma is distracting you from enjoying her dances. She might be pissed, but I guarantee she will take care of it, and probably still take your money next time!
This seems to be a growing problem. 4 out of 6 dancers at tootsies last week had enough unpleasant odor that was strong enough to be noticed while the girl was on my lap.
I'm with sc tho, I can't imagine that discussion going well. I just move on.
Im not sure how you would approach the smell situation. I cant imagine someone coming to work without a shower and deodorant. Definetly dont tell another dancer about it as someone suggested. Thats cruel and it will probably cause a serious locker room fight.
Maybe you could discreetly slip one of those pine tree air fresheners into her garter?
I believe one time a dancer asked me if she smelled bad. She was wondering if that was the reason everyone was telling her no. In this case the answer was no.
There is someone at work who is female and she sometimes has a somewhat foul body odor. I try to distance myself and never say anything. I've heard some people have trouble with body odor. I hate being around lots of people for very long because I can smell all kinds of body odors and rather too strong perfumes some women use. The overuse of perfume can make me sick and start sneezing. Going to church and being able to smell 4 or 5 people around me in the pew next to me can be a bit of torture as well just without any bad stench. The only good thing about smoke is that it often drowns out other smells in the clubs.
I once went up and tipped a dancer a $1 and found out about her smell rather than wasting $30 on a lap dance
I think it depends on the club you are in too ...
A local dive, better to avoid further contact politely vs. a potential problem or a lame night because the dancers labeled you an ass. At best if you have gotten cozy with the bar keep (my policy is always to slide a 20 to the barkeep early to take care of me and give me the scoop)that might be a good way to get the message across.
Upscale club ... I think a tactful suggestion to the manager etc. is best.
Also depends if this is your regular club or just passing through ... if I was just passing through, id be more apt to be more direct.