How old are man who go to strip club ?

avatar for lovebunny
How old are the man who goes to this strip club ?
Are any of you older like 63 ,My Husband go to them all the time
We are now getting a divorce because he was even bringing them
in our home on our bed .
I know nothing about this strip when you say go into a VIP room
and get a lap dance does the girl have sex with them ? Or suck them off?
It sound like you guy spend a lot of money on the girls


last comment
avatar for 23cambyman
13 years ago
I spend about as much as I would taking a lady out for a nice dinner date.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Most of the guys that go to strip clubs are over 80.

No sex in the VIP. Just talk. We pay for talk.
avatar for Dougster
13 years ago
English not first language you for take it I.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
I am 23 years old. I have never had sex or even had my pants off at all in the strip clubs. They just simply dance in front of you with limited physical contact. How much money we spend is based on our own financial situations.
What is going on between you and your husband is your problem. You are being an Internet troll with your anti-strip club thread.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
If hes already bringing girls home, why do you care what goes on in the VIP? I think youre a little beyond that now.
avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
At least you got your green card bunny.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

Mrs. DJ?
avatar for bb12
13 years ago
I am 24 years old. At one of the several strip clubs I visit, I have been offered handjobs and oral sex by the dancers, but I have always declined. At most strip clubs, the dancers are only willing to dance. I have met men of all ages in strip clubs.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
Men don't go to stripclubs, lady.
Just us horny lesbians.
Don't know where you're getting your facts from.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Steve - My thoughts exactualy. :)
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
63 on the nose here!
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
50 going on 51 - - - No "extras" in the VIP (or elsewhere) for me.

I've seen kids barely old enough to shave and world war II vets in clubs and all ages in between.
avatar for lovebunny
13 years ago
i just ask a question.and got some smart ass answer .No need to post any more because I well not be back .
MOST OF ALL YOU ARE SICK GOING TO PLACES LIKE THIS .and thanks to the few who answer my question who was nice

avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
How old are the men who goes to this church ?
Are any of you young like 27 ,My wife go to them all the time
We are now getting a divorce because she was even bringing them
in our home on our bed .
I know nothing about this church scene when you say go into a confessional room
and get a confession does the guy have sex with them ? I heard stories about priests doing dirty things.
I know you guys sound like experts so I be wondering. Church is like stip club isn't it?

Oh, and for all you hate fools on here, you aren't nice people.

I just be wondering. I am already divorced.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
Thank you too, lovebunny!
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
You didn't stay long enough to get the right answer. Hubby was bringing the dancers home for you to eat, kind of like a cat does when it leaves a mouse on your front porch.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago

Wanna get revenge? Cheat on him. Me sorry horny. Will you love me long time? sucky sucky ?
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Were all "OLD"! LOL

Plenty of Sex available.

Sorry you got cheated on.
avatar for carl95
13 years ago
"I know nothing about this church scene when you say go into a confessional room and get a confession does the guy have sex with them ? I heard stories about priests doing dirty things."

They make her put Jesus in her mouth... and she swallows.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
Patrons are all ages 18 to 80, fat, thin, fugly, handsome, well dressed, workman's jeans, and of and races. We have one thing in common that we like to look at naked women (It's a guy thing). Things that happen in VIP vary depending on the club, dancer and patron. If sex is wanted it would take the same amount of time, money and effort that it would to wine and dine a civilian girl to bed her but without the strings. Sounds like your man wanted to get caught since he made no effort to hide his activities. Maybe this could possibly be a previously existing problem in that bed. Is that a straight enough answer for you.
avatar for Omega22
13 years ago
Lovebunny I think it is cute that you think we actually care about your opinion on us.
Tuscl community, lovebunny is just a common Internet troll. Whether or not this person is coming back is of no concern and don't let Internet trolls get you upset that is their goal.
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