
Cops raid 8 massage parlors in Warren

Police were working behind the scenes while city officials and community activists were working legislatively over the past year to put a stop to the suspected sex trade at Warren's massage parlors.

Their investigation culminated Wednesday morning in raids on eight of the city's 10 massage parlors by nearly 60 state investigators and Warren police, who came in search of physical evidence to corroborate what they had learned during interviews.

“We know it's prostitution,” Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said Wednesday of the activity discovered at the parlors since last July by way of interviews with customers and former employees.

DeWine, standing in front of the Sun Spa on West Market Street with Warren Mayor Doug Franklin just after the raids started at 10 a.m., said the yearlong investigation involved interviews with 38 customers and turned up “a ton of prostitution.”

Details of the interviews were contained in an affidavit filed with Trumbull County Common Pleas Court in support of the search warrants, which were approved by Judge W. Wyatt McKay.

The raids were designed to recover physical evidence such as devices and materials associated with sexual activity, records, canceled checks, credit-card receipts, bank-deposit slips, computers, other electronic devices and video-surveillance data, DeWine said.

He expected agents, including forensic experts and crime-scene investigators from his Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, to remain at the eight sites throughout the day. No arrests were going to be made Wednesday, but a variety of criminal charges is possible at a later date, DeWine said.

The affidavit said investigators expect to find additional evidence of prostitution, promoting prostitution, human trafficking and engaging in organized crime.

A DeWine spokesperson said late Wednesday that charges also are possible against the “johns.”

DeWine said one goal of the investigation is to stop prostitution, but “really the question” he hoped investigators could answer through their work Wednesday and onward is whether human trafficking is taking place in the parlors.

DeWine said what he saw personally inside the Sun Spa suggested as much.

There were four sleeping bags on the floor of the parlor, which DeWine said is “not a good sign” and might suggest that women working there are being forced to work at the parlors against their will.

A North Bloomfield man told an investigator he could get any type of sexual activity he wanted for about $140 at one of the parlors, and he suspected “some of the females ‘do not want to be working at these places.'” He added that their life may still be better here than in Korea, where they came from.

The affidavit reported that some of the women were driven by a “jockey” from New York City to Warren after arriving in New York from Korea. A different male had been seen driving the women to the Victoria's Secret store in Eastwood Mall in Niles, the document said.

Jockeys “were persons that would take the women out of the spas so they could go shopping,” a 56-year-old Korean woman who worked at the Ocean Spa on North Road until November, told an investigator.

“She stated that she performed sexual acts on men for a fee,” the affidavit said. The woman described the prices as being between $50 and $300. “She went on to state that she knew a lot of the women working at the other spas and that all of the Warren spas are sex-related,” the affidavit said.

Of the 38 customers interviewed after investigators identified them and their vehicles through surveillance cameras, most described the cost for sex and a massage as being $140 to $210.

The customers interviewed were from a wide area, including some as close as Warren, Leavittsburg, North Bloomfield, Canfield and Campbell. Many others were from the Cleveland area — Willoughby, Parma, Amherst, Westlake and Shaker Heights. One man was interviewed in his Pepper Pike law office, the affidavit said. Others were from Cuyahoga Falls, Shelby, Louisville and Austinburg.

The raids didn't shut down the eight parlors, but DeWine said he thought it would be difficult for them to continue in business anytime soon.

“We hope to shut these houses of prostitution here in Warren,” DeWine said.

Dennis Watkins, Trumbull County prosecutor, who helped secure the search warrants, also will assist the attorney general's office in determining whether a nuisance action should be filed in an effort to close the parlors, DeWine said.

Warren City Council passed legislation in January forcing the city's 10 recreational massage parlors to close between midnight and 6 a.m. and imposing larger licensing fees. That followed several anti-trafficking and anti-prostitution demonstrations conducted by Warren citizens and the Mahoning Valley Organizing Collaborative in 2011.

Nine of the 10 parlors have since challenged the legislation in Trumbull County Common Pleas Court. A trial is scheduled for July 30.

Cheryl Saffold, a Warren council member who worked extensively on the massage parlor legislation, said she didn't know anything like the raids were coming. Her first reaction when she heard about the raids was, “Thank God,” she said.

“Myself personally and a lot of citizens of Warren and the faith-based community wanted to see this for a long time. We felt there was criminal activity, but we had no way to prove it. For the state of Ohio to come in is a dream come true,” Saffold added.

The attorney general said the investigation began a short time after a group of Warren citizens asked him for help during a meeting May 25, 2011, in the basement of St. Dominic Church in Youngstown.

That was followed by a letter from Warren Police Chief Tim Bowers June 2, 2011, also asking for the attorney general's help.

DeWine said it was necessary to deploy state resources to help the city because the job was too big for Warren police to handle alone.

“Unfortunately, this great city ... for some reason has become the epicenter for prostitution in this part of the state,” DeWine said.

Franklin thanked DeWine for “helping us with this huge problem of prostitution in our city and alleged human trafficking.”


Anyone with information about these businesses that could aid in the investigation cancall the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation at 1-855-BCI-OHIO.

• Fantasy Spa, 1523 Youngstown Road SE

• Fuji Spa, 1446 Parkman Road NW

• Gemini Health Spa, 2414 Youngstown Road SE

• Hong Kong Spa, 2019 W. Market St. SW

• Sun Spa, 2819 W. Market St. NW

• Moon Night Spa, 3875 Youngstown Road SE

• Ocean Spa, 2000 North Road SE

• Tokyo Health Spa, 2970 Parkman Road NW




  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    AG DeWine lost his U.S. Senate seat and needs an issue to reclaim it. Now he has one.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    WHEW !!! At first, I thought this was Warren, MI you were talking about. LOL Sucks to be an adult business in an election year.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "by way of interviews with customers"

    MUST be real unhappy customers! LOL

    Otherwise why get rid of a source of sex?

    That was my 1st thought too Vince. LMAO
  • canny
    12 years ago
    "Interviews" means the customers were interrogated and testified in exchange for immunity from prosecution.....

    I've been told by a cop that the Asian massage parlors in that area are all brothels and that the women who work there are basically slaves. There is one down in Pittsburgh that is known for prostitution too and I won't go there because I'm pretty sure that the women there are being forced to sell themselves and don't want to do what they're doing.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    A local massage parlor was just busted yesterday, and the cop on the news came right out and said that customers were more than happy to roll in return for anonymity. If anyone else were to do this, it would be called "blackmail", but I guess if your Cause is Right and Just, it's OK to use it against those evil panderers.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I'm certainly against human trafficking of any kind, so if the police are going to bust AMPs, then maybe they need to look at some of the Asian restaurants too. There is one carryout place I go where they stir fry the food out in the open. There always seems to be a huge turnover among the chefs. Word is they bring these young guys over and make them cook in the restaurant 12/7 for six months to pay off their fee for getting into the country.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Sounds like a great idea, ALP. I know a restaurant on West 8 Mile Road that's available.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    What I was told by a friend of mine who is an ex cop in the Warren, Ohio area is that the Asian massage parlors and restaurants ship women back and forth. They work as waitresses for a couple of months, then at the massage parlor, and then back to the restaurant. According to him they have no choice and are effectively slaves.
  • Digitech
    12 years ago
    ^^^ Yeah. I'm actually glad to see some TUSCL members acknowledging that this problem actually exists. A lot of the time on discussion boards of this type, people say that problems like pimping and trafficking are just made up and used as excuses for ruining the fun. There's nothing wrong with paying for sex and sexual favors, but only if the person doing the favors is the one who keeps the money, and only if she's doing it as her own choice.

    On the other hand, it's sometimes a blurry line and tough to tell what's going on. Often, the experience of guys like us is the opposite of what you see described on MSNBC or other news. I've read that some red-flags are when a business is open 24 hours, the workers live on the property and aren't allowed to leave.

    My own experience with MPs is pretty limited. I visited one twice last year though. The woman who worked there was from Korea, like in the news article Samsung posted. She said 'my business' when referring the MP and seems to be the only person who works there. She doesn't live in the building and has a car. I decided to test the boundaries and asked if she wanted to have lunch with me after we were finished and it was no problem for her to put a sign on the door and hop in my car. She also mentioned a different restaurant in town and how she enjoys having drinks there with her friends.

    I think she is a willing participant. Still, sex trafficking is truly evil. If I ever go back there, I might ask her about it to be sure.
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