
Most difficulty in finding a strip club?

Blue Ridge Foothills
Friday, June 9, 2006 5:01 AM
Mine was finding a club outside of Lawrence, Kansas. I think it was the Flamingo. This was back in 1995, before the internet made maps and directions as easy as they are now. The problem was numbered streets and roads running both north-south and east-west. After one failed attempt, I stopped at a convenience store for directions. A woman backed her car into mine, and we had to get the cops to come and make out a report. The club was okay but not worth the trouble.


  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Something Golfer said made me smile, and I wonder how many others recognized themselves in it. He talked about stopping at a liquor store for dircections only to see two chicks behind the counter. I admit I've thought better of stopping until I found a place with a dude working. One exception was Nepals in Greenville, South Carolina. I had taken the side street over the first hill and turned around when I saw nothing but houses. I pulled into the convenience store on the corner, and the gal there set me straight.
    18 years ago
    Maybe we should add Filly Corral Showbar to the list of difficult places to find, since both AN and I ended up in the wrong place the first time we went looking for it. It's real easy to get to if you're in the area because it's right at an exit on an interstate (I-70 in western PA south of Pittsburgh.) But it isn't well marked and it doesn't look at all like a strip club (it looks like an old Denny's restaurant which it may well have been) and it's out in the middle of nowhere so it's easy to miss. It's definately worth looking for though, I think it's the best strip club in PA. Wish I lived closer.
    18 years ago
    Chitown, that's pretty funny, as you know Brad's is pretty far out of town. But there are a couple of decent motels not too far away, I'm sure you've found them by now. BTW, have you ever been to it's fancier cousin, Brad's Gold Club, on the other side of town? It may have a different name by now, I think it changed hands, I think they both did. On my first trip to Indy I tried them both plus a couple of other places that were terrible, went back to both again a second time the next night, haven't been back to the fancy one since that trip.
    18 years ago
    The only other place I've had a really hard time finding was the Pleasure Dome in White Haven, PA. For the uninitiated, White Haven is a tiny town in the forests of PA's Pocono Mountains. And the club isn't in town, it's about 5 miles out of town on a narrow winding country road. And the club isn't on the road, it's at the end of a private drive in a grove of trees off the road, and you can't see it from the road at night. And it isn't well marked. I think the first time I went looking for it I drove by it about 5 times before I finally spotted their little sign. Fortunately it was worth it. Anyone else ever been there? If not you're missing something very special. It's been a long time since I wrote a review of that first visit, but I still remember approximately how that review began: "Those of you who follow FONDL know that for many years we've been searching for lap dance Nirvana. Tonight our journey ended." Or something like that. Wow! what a special night that was.
  • FunSeeker
    18 years ago
    To my surprise, I had such a hard time in finding Baby Dolls in Dallas (during the last Christmas holidays) eventhough I drove past it couple of times. I asked directions from the clark at the gas station, and another guy who even didn't know it in spite of the fact that it was down the road. Finally, I saw the sign and made it! Was it worth the effort. Not quite, I didn't have good time! However, I easily found Men's Club only a few blocks away. I had a great time which I was not expecting.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    On a business trip to Indy, I decided to check out a strip club close to my hotel downtown. I was curious about the nature of strip clubs in Indy, since I had never been to one. The club was supposed to be about seven blocks from my hotel. I set out at about 10:30 pm in a January snowstorm. I got impossibly lost and never found the club. I probably drove ten miles trying to find the club that was seven blocks from my hotel. I gave up, and was driving back, knowing the general location of the downtown area. As I drove back downtown in resignation, I saw, out of my sleet-streaked windshield, "The World Famous/Brad's Brass Flamingo." It wasn't the club I was looking for, but it was the club I found. The rest is history. I think there's a lesson about life in this experience.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    Chandler, I had the exact same problem finding the Flamingo minus the car accident when I first went there. But they aren't exactly on the main drag. What's really bad is that same day, I was looking for the club which is now called All-Stars, but was called something else then and that is on the main drag into town, only I kept passing it. Finally, I got to a convenience store, looked up the number in the phone book, and was stunned to find out how close I was. As I soon discovered, for whatever reason, in Kansas, the west side of the street is the odd side, which is just plain wrong.
    18 years ago
    Believe it or not, mine was the same terrible club I recently wrote about on another thread, the one in rural NY where the older fuglie quoted prices for various services. It was out in the middle of nowhere on a little country road off of another little country road. I called 3 times for directions and the female bartender, who was a total airhead, gave me incorrect direction every time. And this was in the days before cel phones so I had to keep going back to the only place around with a pay phone. I finally found it by doing the opposite of what she said. I should have known better and given up immediately. But atleast when I think about rating clubs on a scale of 1 - 10, I now know where 1 is. I've yet to find 10.
  • Golfer99
    18 years ago
    Chandler same problem with the same club lol Mine was not that long ago. I just figured I had the address how hard could it be. Didn't know street numbers above and below the river were opposite. Plus you are right it wan't worth it. My worse time was trying to find a now gone club in Sioux City, Iowa. Buddy and I were staying downtown and heard about this great club (only 2 in town) lol. We drove around with the lame directions another friend had given us for an hour. Downtown is a square with one way streets and we couldn't find it. Finally stopped at a liquor store and he went in to ask while I got some advil out of my suitcase. Came back and said two chicks were working in there. I say so guess you didn't find out. He said no I asked and they told me lol.. Turns out it was about 2 blocks from our hotel on a one way. We had been within 100 yards of it probably 10 times. lol It was more like a neighborhood bar that has a small stage with topless dancers. Great place.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, you're right, Nepals is hard to find, even when you're stting right in front of it, it doesn't look like a strip club at all until you pull around back. I'd forgotten that. Which kind of reminds me of Partner's Tavern in Erie. It's located in a little upscale strip mall in a very upscale suburban commerical and residential area. It's right on the main highway but when you're looking for it you think you must be doing something wrong because there couldn't possibly be strip club in this part ot town. Makes you wonder how they get away with it.
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