Pictures of Jell-O's Strippers

avatar for jackslash
This article has lots of pictures of the strippers who are defending accused pimp Jello-O Wallace. The girls look OK but I would want to see them without clothes before getting a lap dance. One stripper testified that Jell-O is being charged as a pimp because he's black. But I think it's because he has a pimp mustache.…

Would your stripper friends come to your defense if you were arrested? I think my ATF and a couple other dancers would try to help me, but I wouldn't bet on it.


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avatar for steve229
13 years ago
"The girls look OK but I would want to see them without clothes before getting a lap dance."

I like Teresa's sexy librarian/exotic dancer/non-prostitute look. Hot!

"Would your stripper friends come to your defense if you were arrested?"

No, that only happens if you have a cool street nickname like Jello-O. At least Juicebox is in good shape.
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago

"Would your stripper friends come to your defense if you were arrested?"

I'd would like to think my ATF would. :)
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
I'd do Teresa. Any dancer I have known I doubt would help me, but oh well.
avatar for igloo9999
13 years ago
I gotta agree with 'average'. getting a dance would depend on what they looked like without clothes & attitude.

now, it may be my inflated ego, but i could count on 5-6 cutting dancers, 2-3 retired dancers, a few barmaids & potentially 2 bars supporting me. I got them all believing I'm a really nice guy.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I'd be astounded if any of my favorite dancers came to my aid for anything. But the non-strip club bartenders I know would help me out.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Juice would have all kinds of bitches, ho's, pimps, ballers and players to help me out ! LMFAO !......juicie juice !
avatar for kingcripple
13 years ago
kara teresa and amber all look pretty good. amber is no doubt the best
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
Put me in the "opinion reserved until I see them naked" camp.

As for anybody lending a hand, I suppose if I needed any drugs or wet work, there's a couple I could count on, but other than that, no.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Help me? I can't even get a mercy fuck. :)
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
No KY wrestling?
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