
Arkansas Coach Petrino

Avatar for SnakePlissken


Bobby Petrino has been fired for banging a 25 year old, who he then hired as a member of his staff.

What an idiot for getting his personal and professional lives so hopelessly entangled.

He should have come to TUSCL and learned to just buy extras from strippers or just call up escorts if all he wanted was sex, or just have a side girlfriend if he wanted some companionship as well.

A lot of people are going to make snide remarks about him "thinking with his downstairs brain". I think that is unfair because all guys think with that. It's just in our DNA to want to get fresh, young tail as much as possible. Some of us though (like TUSCLers) are just able to think with our upstairs and downstairs brains at the same time, unlike some rookie PL like Petrino has proven himself to be.


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Avatar for Alucard

"Some of us though (like TUSCLers) are just able to think with our upstairs and downstairs brains at the same time"

At least I try to! LMFAO

She was an EXPENSIVE piece of Ass!

That just goes to show you what happens when you get mixed up with a Blonde. LMFAO

Avatar for apark

Jessica Dorrell looks pretty good in some pics.

Avatar for motorhead

I am a fan of blondes and I find her completely do-able.

I can relate to his stupidity.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

It says he gave her $20,000. I don't think any woman's gotten that much from me since my first wife. And he wasn't even married to her!

Avatar for jester214

He'd have been fine if he'd just admitted she was riding the motorcycle with him. "She gave me a ride, and then I gave her one". Only problem he woulda had was a pissed off wife.

Avatar for TonyMontana

Didn't some football coach get fired a couple years back from Alabama for cavorting with strippers and getting caught? He would call out "roll tide" while getting lapdances or actually banging em? Maybe all coaches of southern state's teams should read this site before embarking on kitty hunts.

Avatar for sinclair

TonyMontana, you are talking about Mike Price. He got fired from Alabama when he was caught taking a stripper back to his hotel from a Pensacola strip club. He is now the coach of the UTEP Miners.

Avatar for sinclair

Did any proof come out that Petrino was banging Jessica Dorrell, or is it just assumed? She does not look too great in my opinion.

Avatar for DandyDan

She's not that bad, plus according to Petrino's Wikipedia page, she was a volleyball player, so she's probably tall. Bizarrely enough, he was an assistant to Mike Price at Weber State, so he might have some familiarity with strip clubs.

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