Tim Tebow offered his first lap dance for free

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A New York city strip club is trying to give a whole new meaning to the word Tebowing.

Rick's Caberet in Manhattan has offered to provide Tim Tebow with his first lap dance in the Big Apple. The public relations stunt offer came via a press release from the club. Don Draper couldn't have come up with a better idea for free advertising.

Via Busted Coverage:
"I'm thrilled for the Jets and want to extend an extra special welcome to Tim Tebow," said Rick's Caberet Girl Beverly, a busty blonde beauty. "I've heard that he doesn't go to strip clubs, but I will be happy to give him his first lap dance. I promise he will like it. It would be my honor."

Tebow wouldn't find all the dancers at the club to be so hospitable. "They got him just so they can sell Tebow t-shirts and Tebow merchandise," Sydney said, via the press release. "The Jets need football players not haberdashers."

Another of Rick's girls, "buxom brunette" Alex, thinks that Mark Sanchez is "sexier" than Tebow, who she merely deemed "cute." Yes, but think of all the haberdashery needs Tebow could fulfill, Alex!

The six-paragraph press release contained no references to Tebowing or religion or John Elway, thus making it the first such document in recorded history.


Hey, us TUSCL members club all the time, how come we don't get any free lap dances? LOL!


last comment
avatar for wwpmi
13 years ago
See Jacksonville this is why you should have bought the T, you failed twice so quite telling us you are in it "all the way".
Sorry this will be lost on most but Damn, Jax's needs somebody to sell T-shirts.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
He still claims to be a virgin. If the club really wants publicity they ought to offer a $10k reward bonus to any dancer hat can "seduce" him.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
hat = that
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"Hey, us TUSCL members club all the time, how come we don't get any free lap dances? LOL!"

Because we are NOT famous! LOL

Even though some guys here may think they are. LMAO

"If the club really wants publicity they ought to offer a $10k reward bonus to any dancer that can "seduce" him."

That reminds me of a scene from the TV mini-series "Noble House" and the main character Ian Dunross.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
This offer is what Tebow has been praying for.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
After Tebow pays the $20 cover $40 for 2 drinks and tips. I think he paid for the lap dance already.
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