
Strippers Turning Tricks in Philiadelphia

Detroit strip clubs
Monday, March 26, 2012 6:23 AM
Story about strippers turning tricks, with photos and videos of dancers. The blonde stripper being led away looks do-able. [view link] I've always wondered about the phrase "turning tricks." How did that originate? And I've always considered Philadelphia a staid and proper city. Apparently I was wrong. Of course, if Benjamin Franklin were alive today, he would be a strip club regular.


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    "La Torre says the Gold Club will be cited and investigators will continue to crackdown on a crime that's ripping families apart." I'd sure like to see him produce statistics to back up that statement.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    The blonde is completely do-able. Is she 6'8" or is the cop leading her away a midget? I liked the new AA stripper who was "shocked" to hear about it. Looks like the cops will be watching the club closely for some time.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    This is Fucking Election Year bullshit that politicians pull to appeal to the BIG family values crowd. It typically fades away once the election is over. About the Dancer being lead away. She appears to be TOO tall for my taste, as I prefer shorter Dancers. Plus she has Blonde hair, I don't find Blondes attractive. LMAO
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    @Jack: if Ben Franklin was alive today, he'd school us all on FS exploits. Too bad he didn't / couldn't slip something into the constitution for us hounds. @shadow: good point. No kids and no ball and chain. No family to rip apart here. I've never had enough motivation to drive 4 hrs to go clubbing in kill-adelphia. Guess I don't want to get caught in a raid either.
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Philadelphia is not a "proper" city - they always have major racial trouble there. A thank you for being a sanctuary city for runaway slaves I guess.
  • fructose_father
    12 years ago
    One possible answer for why it's called "turning "tricks". First introduced into the English language in 1412, the word "trick" was used to describe any act that was mischievous or devious. It didn't necessarily have to be an act sexual in nature. For example, think of the common Halloween saying, "Trick or treat."
  • apark
    12 years ago
    Some do-able women in the Penthouse Club bust footage.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Philadelphia PD hit 2 other clubs in November and now this one. They wont stop until there isn't a boner left in the city!
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    Geez, every election year here this happens...makes it tough for those of us that have dancers we frequent as some of them get all nervous and out of sorts. We aren't bothering anyone, and this type of stuff takes place and ruins my mojo LOL!!!!!!! They should be more concerned about the high murder rate that has been so high for years and leave us poor guys alone with our dancers!!!!
  • COclubber
    12 years ago
    Wow, heading there in a couple of weeks, I guess things may be tamed down a bit. Really sucks since I went to Memphis for two weeks back in January right after the laws changed there. Must be Karma for me this year telling me to stay out of clubs. LOL
  • Ermita_Nights
    12 years ago
    "Triquer" used to be (maybe still is) the French word for having sex with a hooker. Don't know if that has anything to do with the English "turning tricks." (In French Canadian it's "baiser" but I think that's sex with anyone).
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "Philadelphia PD hit 2 other clubs in November and now this one. They wont stop until there isn't a boner left in the city" It is SO much easier to raid a Strip Club & get Political advantages during Election years than to solve murders & other crimes. Patience is called for.
  • cdand
    12 years ago
    Hmmm, I'm going to be near there for business at the end of May. Was reading up the reviews and seems like a decent place to get "extras" or OTC. Anyone been in there since the bust? I'll pop in there during my trip and see what's up.
  • carl95
    12 years ago
    "The blonde is completely do-able. Is she 6'8" or is the cop leading her away a midget?" Lol, I thought that too at first. After watching a second time I realised it was a female officed walkign in the street and the stripper is walking on the curb. "La Torre says the Gold Club will be cited and investigators will continue to crackdown on a crime that's ripping families apart." It's kind of like a Ponzi scheme, it doesn't really cause any problems until it is exposed.
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