

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 10:30 AM
Lately I found it so hard to work in a club due to constant rejection. I am 5'8 size 2, my body is very fit . So far I've been turned down by 6 clubs 3 of which are in the city(Manhattan) which is where I reside. I noticed they favor Brazilian,Russian & Hispanics rather than black girls like myself regardless of our similar size. So I went back to Jersey thinking I'd blend in more but unfortunately that didn't turn out good. I went to numerous urban clubs one of which was jersey girls & was told by the manager "you need to gain weight in order to work here & you wouldn't make no money or fit in because guys don't like skinny girls". In my head im thinking "Who wants to see big fake asses all the time though?" I know pole tricks and I know how to dance just like the big booty girls and he still wouldn't even let me step foot on stage. Now I'm clueless of where to go. I do have a regular job but resorted to this for extra $$. Am I the only girl this is happening to? I can really use some advice/feedback plz.


  • Rlionheart
    12 years ago
    Kekecakes Come out to Colorado - I just got an outrageously great dance from someone who sounds to be just like you described. Clubs hire fit women (and some not so fit) here. You've already got one potential customer. Rlion
  • sinclair
    12 years ago
    I'm guessing with heels you are about 6 foot or 6'2. That is probably intimidating to alot of guys. I think the average male is something like 5'10. The other thing may be that they expect all black girls to have bodies like stereotypical video vixens (thick, ass clapping, etc).
  • jc8891
    12 years ago
    Keep the faith. I'm sure if you keep looking, something will turn up. I for one, love tall thin black girls. I'm sure that you will do just fine in the right club.
  • Blue42TX
    12 years ago
    I love the fit bodied girls and admired their hard work to keep in shape. The firm ass really gets me going. I tried hard to get a six pack but only achieved 4. And on weekends it turns into a keg.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    I knew a dancer once of your same description. I was a regular of hers. Keep trying. That part of the country has the greatest population of anywhere in the U.S. There has to be clubs that will hire you. Also, look for a private message (PM) from me.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Men are just hard to please I guess. Myself, I prefer slightly thicker dancers, but it seems many customers (especially the younger guys) want very, very thin girls. So your difficulty surprises me. One of the more popular girls at one of my favorite clubs is a very fit dancer who can do impressive pole tricks. Personally, I find her much too skinny and her muscular features turn me off, but she is very, very popular and draws crowds to the stage which in turn translates into private dances. But I'm in the midwest where the dancers seem to be well fed with meat and starches...could it be a regional thing?
  • steve229
    12 years ago
    Most club managers appear to be idiots.
  • bobvz
    12 years ago
    Just have not found the right customer...me!
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    "The other thing may be that they expect all black girls to have bodies like stereotypical video vixens" NOT I! My 1st preference for Black dancers are the Spinner types, BUT NOT Anorectic looking. I prefer curves usually. Second choice would be a Black dancer of normal or above normal height, again with curves. NOT Pole thin or really thick!
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    You are being rejected because they suck cock and you don't. Simple facts.
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    How much do you weigh? If you are so thin as to appear unhealthy, you will not do well dancing.
  • Kekecakes
    12 years ago
    I'm not unhealthy thin I eat a lot but just don't gain much I'm 112 but it fits my height....I don't have chest but as far as ass luckily some body fat went there but it's not huge because that wouldn't fit my body type.... I guess men do prefer thick girls but I would think clubs would want a variety of women :-/ I hope that changes because not all black girls are blessed with those assests.
  • bumrubber
    12 years ago
    Exactly the body type I like, whatever color... Confidence, girl, confidence!
  • Blue42TX
    12 years ago
    Totally agree with bumrubber...confidence is very sexy.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    got any pics?
  • Kekecakes
    12 years ago
    Yea I'll try a non black club lol & see what happens
  • Fenster
    12 years ago
    Any club would benefit from having girls to suit all tastes. Clubs that consider themselves to be upscale might not want tatted, pierced, or thick girls, but they'd better have blondes and brunettes, and some tall and some petite girls. In Dallas, the blue-collar clubs will have a chubby girl who always makes a lot of money (as the Mexicans say: "the bone is for the dog- the meat is for the man"). White clubs will have customers that are looking for some brown sugar, without said sugar being as typically thick as in black clubs. Go upscale, and you'll find customers that grew up with racist parents, and are looking for some forbidden fruit.
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    I go to strip clubs so that I don't have to deal with women's insecurities. The whole bullshit thing about "why don't XXXX do YYYY" (in this case it seems that "XXXX" is male customers at a strip club, and "YYYY" is decide to like her), it's exactly what we DON'T want at a strip club. So, here's my diagnosis: You're getting rejected because you're butt-ugly and acting like you know it. Please, DO go to Colorado, where one other reader has invited you. That way you won't be where I am.
  • Kekecakes
    12 years ago
    Don't be ignorant if u have any negative comments don't even respond to what I wrote smh there's always gotta be that one person to say something dumb
  • thesamurai
    12 years ago
    Cakes, don't ask for feedback if you don't want it. I'd go with book guys diagnosis as well, but I just didn't give a fuck enough to type it. I think this is a troll stream anyway. "there's always gotta be that one person to say something dumb" Yeah you with your OP...
  • AliLandryFan
    12 years ago
    Manhattan is going to be the most competitive environment in the world , as manhattan is the biggest celebrated city in the world. You gotta get out of there. Any other city in the world would welcome a size 2 girl as a stripper. but i would go to a city that has alot of african american wealthy men. Gooogle statistics on wealthy black men concentrations. Atlanta? miami ? Dallas? Houston? those are my guesses. Maybe philly if you dont want to drift so far.
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