Multiculturalism Run Amok

Tonight's fine film on the Spanish Playboy channel is "All Deep in Yo Mama 2", which I guess places it in the MILF genre. Remarkably, it's all in English, though I think the ohs translate into any language. And the starlet? Why a redhead naturally!
last commentI know several Spanish girls that have red hair, although between me and you I believe they color it.
One of my favs was a dirty blonde when we first met. Her english was heavily accented because Spanish was her primary language. Finally after we knew each other for a while, I asked: "What color is your hair, really?" "It's really black. I colored it blonde because most guys want a blonde dancer." she said.
"Look, I would rather have you as you.really are." On my next visit, her hair was coal black and it was like having a brand new fav.
So i guess it really depends on what hair color turns you on.
No offense, but do you watch anything else?
My ex wife was Mexican. She was born and raised on a dirt farm SW of Guadalahara. She had 3 sisters and 6 brothers. One of her brothers had the red hair of an Irishman. Always wondered if her mom fooled around.
I found her--she doesn't look to be Hispanic:
Tonight's 'fine film'? "I Screwed the Pizza Guy 5"
sc, I did a lot of business with the IBM de Mexico in Guadalahara and I remember a town on the outskirts called Tlaquepaque (Always remembered it because it sounded like "To Like a Packy"). Anyway, great place to shop and barter. Bought an awesome pair of Mexican boots which would have been a steal for the asking price, but I was obliged to barter down the pesos. I bought the pair for the equivalent of $17 american...
Oh, and I don't have red hair....
ct, that reminds me of how I need that 2nd job as a Pizza Delivery Man....
MADDOG - A guy that I worked with retired and built his retirement home on Lago Chapala. I visited him there once.
sc, lol, not a bad idea...I'm sure he lived like a king....