
Multiculturalism Run Amok

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Tonight's fine film on the Spanish Playboy channel is "All Deep in Yo Mama 2", which I guess places it in the MILF genre. Remarkably, it's all in English, though I think the ohs translate into any language. And the starlet? Why a redhead naturally!


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Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio

I know several Spanish girls that have red hair, although between me and you I believe they color it.

One of my favs was a dirty blonde when we first met. Her english was heavily accented because Spanish was her primary language. Finally after we knew each other for a while, I asked: "What color is your hair, really?" "It's really black. I colored it blonde because most guys want a blonde dancer." she said.

"Look, I would rather have you as you.really are." On my next visit, her hair was coal black and it was like having a brand new fav.

So i guess it really depends on what hair color turns you on.

Avatar for joesparty

No offense, but do you watch anything else?

Avatar for shadowcat

My ex wife was Mexican. She was born and raised on a dirt farm SW of Guadalahara. She had 3 sisters and 6 brothers. One of her brothers had the red hair of an Irishman. Always wondered if her mom fooled around.

Avatar for CTQWERTY

I found her--she doesn't look to be Hispanic:


Tonight's 'fine film'? "I Screwed the Pizza Guy 5"


sc, I did a lot of business with the IBM de Mexico in Guadalahara and I remember a town on the outskirts called Tlaquepaque (Always remembered it because it sounded like "To Like a Packy"). Anyway, great place to shop and barter. Bought an awesome pair of Mexican boots which would have been a steal for the asking price, but I was obliged to barter down the pesos. I bought the pair for the equivalent of $17 american...

Oh, and I don't have red hair....


ct, that reminds me of how I need that 2nd job as a Pizza Delivery Man....

Avatar for shadowcat

MADDOG - A guy that I worked with retired and built his retirement home on Lago Chapala. I visited him there once.


sc, lol, not a bad idea...I'm sure he lived like a king....

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