
Strip Club Nightmares

Which is a worse scene to arrive to?

A) Two school buses stretching across 4 parking spaces each (chartered by economizing bachelor parties and inferring its a sausage fest inside)


B) A 95% empty parking lot (its dead inside the club as far as customers are concerned, and though this may sound like a buyer's market, the gals know whatever they make off you will be taken in the way of house fees, tip outs, etc., so there's no point in them even talking to you this day)


  • 3LeggedMan
    13 years ago
    I'd gladly take the 95% empty lot. Frequently I hit my favorite club shortly after opening at 4 PM to avoid the big crowds seen later. My club fave dancer is much more likely to be available, as are a number of other desirable young ladies. Going back to the semi-private VIP room, there's nobody else watching, making the lady of choice less likely to have her repertoire restricted by eager eyes. And stage time is ME time if the ladies don't have to rush around to 12 other stage tippers during a 2-song set. An empty club is a gold mine to me. If I saw 2 school buses in my club's lot, I'd never step out of my car. No thanks on the asshats.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Your second scenario. I am an afternoon visitor.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    This topic made me think of a time back in the 80's. I was in a seminar up state. Myself and another guy went out clubbing. One evening we went to this club (not sure why, empty parking lot), and it was a joke. I swear one dancer had downs or something that kept her tongue hanging out. A pitiful one beer stay.

    Next evening, my friend couldn't go out, but I ventured anyway. As I drive by the same club, same time, it is packed! I had to stop. It was one of the better clubbing evenings I have ever had.

    Next evening he wouldn't believe me, so back we went. Packed again. Now this is the 80's, much different club scene than these days. He actually had a dancer un-zip him and give him a quick BJ right in the club. That rarely even happens this day.

    Needless to say, it took awhile for the grins to leave our faces.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    An empty parking lot is usually not a good sign but I sure would love to see one at Follies some day.
  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    I'd take scenario "B" over "A" anyday.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "B", by a *wide* margin.
  • JacksonEsskay
    13 years ago
    I would go for B over A, but would prefer a club where there is a decent sized crowd (in between A and B).
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    Similarly, when I pull up to the Pink Pony and the outer parking spaces are mostly occupied, I know I'm in for a rough evening of jostling, smoke, and my favs occupied by rowdy drunk SC plebeians.

    Give me an easy-going week night at the Pony, or afternoon at Follies, with lots of dancers, not many customers, and appreciation flowing all over the place because I'm there. That's the best.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Slower usually.

    "whatever they make off you will be taken in the way of house fees, tip outs, etc., so there's no point in them even talking to you this day"

    What with tip out payments, getting Nothing from whatever customers are in the Club makes no financial sense to me. The Dancer is in a BIGGER negative $$$ situation than if she makes some $$$ from customers.
  • Ermita_Nights
    13 years ago
    I arrived at the club a few nights ago to find an ugly super-stretch limo out front. Went in anyway as they usually let me in free there. Place was packed with idiots but within minutes my fav came right over. Made me feel special.
  • JackKash
    13 years ago
    B certainly is better but not my ideal. What's one to do though when those BParty idiots show up after you've staked your claim?
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I do not like crowds ! I club on off hours and dead club days for my experiences !

    Now with that said I do go on heavy nights and croweded clubs !

    And if it was a bus full of men going to party ! I still thank the ladies that I would be with would stick by me and enjoy my money ! : )

    One more reason y I go when the club just openes ! That's when the girls r the cleanest and freshest !
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    My feelings are somewhat mixed on this.

    I too like it better when the club isn't super busy/crowded. However, the day shift dancers usually aren't that hot. In my short club experience, I've had numerous day visits where the dancers didn't impress me and I left without getting a dance. But when I go at night, especially if it's on a Friday or Saturday, I ALWAYS find hot dancers.

    I'm surprised nobody brought this up.
  • kingcripple
    13 years ago
    how about option C:

    its a moderate crowd and a stripper with a trembling voice and looks like she hasnt slept in days approaches you scratching her crotch
    13 years ago
    I guess I should've said option B I've experienced firsthand. I entered Bogart's (a club Alucard is familiar with) late on a Sunday afternoon with a shift change looming at 7pm. There were three guys at the far end of the bar and myself. Looking back they were the manager/dj, VIP/door bouncer, and cook from the kitchen. So I was the only customer in the place. There were 9 or 10 dancers rotating on the three stages, yet I only had 2 or 3 stop by to chat. Their collective lack of interest seemed very odd. A former Bogart's dancer told me she quit the place because "they take too much money from girls." So, putting it together I arrived at B being the explanation.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Lol I vlote now for option C ! Lol ! Good one kingcripple !
  • likes2look
    13 years ago
    I would prefer option B. Granted, I do feel uncomfortable if I am the only pervet/customer in the joint. I like a few other folks to be around so that I am not the only chum in the water for the sharks.
  • topmandd
    13 years ago
    Unless I'm part of that Bus - ALWAYS option B. Been to Spearmint LV ONCE at 1AM - OMG. It was wall to wall, impossible. Yes girls were hot - but they ALL knew it - and it was just wham bam, off to the next. I have MUCH more long term enjoyment when it's just a few and the gals at least know to socialize for a few minutes first.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    Option B. @shadow I have folies parking lot empty befor.@juice a full club means more drunk men and easyer money taken for the stripper. To qupte a dancer i worked with. Men + alchol + stripper = easy money maken for the stripper
  • Digitech
    13 years ago
    B) isn't a problem.

    I try not to go during times like A). I once visited a club that was so full there was only one seat open in the building. Not doing that again.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    ban69 - When was that? 7AM? I'll bet it wasn't recently.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    If I want to save money and not spend much, I like crowded clubs. If I want to get dances and have some fun, I don't want it packed unless there are tons of dancers working.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Clearly B is better than A. But, in situation A the outlook is not hopeless. You might be able to find a good dancer who knows that she could make as much or more money off of you during the time you are there than the cheap-ass drunks. And she won't have to put up with groping and sloppy propositions. There are a few dancers that don't want to dive into the middle of a bunch of drunken 25-year-olds.
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