Anybody here ever scored with a stripper in San Diego?

avatar for mikeya02
The ones that offered otc I did'nt feel like spending money on. The more desirable ones make up to 500 a day and 1000 a night. At least at the one busy club I go to. Obviously these girls are not in need.


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avatar for londonguy
13 years ago
Mikey, how much are you willing to pay, if they make 500 a day are you happy to pay that for 1-2 hours with them? A lot depends on how each girls views this, does she make 1000 a night just doing LD's and getting free drinks and hanging out with her friends, or does she do FS with guys for much less? Of course some girls don't want to 'cross the line' anyway
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Yes, with some girls a lot depends on how they view things. Granted, the girls have big spender regulars that make up most of their income, and no, not too much in extras here. So some might want a boatload of cash or they might like a connection with you and not ask for so much. Like I noted, I have gotten some reasonable offers from girls that seemed a little *desparate*, but I did'nt want to spend money on them.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Go Mickey!
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
With Tijuana right next door, why bother?
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
@ shawdowcat, my co-workers said Tijuana is great, but it's not for me. I could not stand being in a busy whorehouse.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
If you've never been to Tijuana, you owe it to yourself to try it once. I did not find it to be a "busy whorehouse" atmosphere, but maybe you will. You won't know until you try. And the prices can't be beat at home.

Back to the issue at hand, though. I'm confused. Are you looking to spend the entire day or night with a girl? Or just an hour or two? If it's the latter, why not try to arrange time before or after her shift? That way, she gets her regular "wage" plus a little from you on the side. It depends on the girl, but this CAN be done. I'm doing it regularly. ;-)
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
@joesparty I've done this plenty before, but these hot blondes from So. Cal seem to have a higher sense of worth about themselves than girls from other parts. A little extra for sex would be rare. Just asking about other guys experiences here.
avatar for bang69
13 years ago
I agree with shadowcat
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I would have to agree with Shadow as well. I did not get the feel you are talking about when I was in TJ. It was a fun atmosphere and the prices can't be beat. You may owe it to yourself to give it a look, but I understand if its not your thing. Will cost you the amount of a US SC cover price to check it out.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
When I was on my way back from TJ, I stopped at a club in SD. It reaffirmed for me that going to TJ was the right thing to do. I assumed that the SD clubs were for beer drinking, wasting money or for the guy who has some legal problems that prevent him from crossing the border.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Well, I didnt trust my co-workers, but you guys also say TJ is great. If I do go , hope I control myself.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
No, I haven't scored with a stripper in San Diego, but I did have sex with a fine babe I met on the beach one afternoon there several years back. :)
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
Fuck sd go to tj ! Shadow 1,000%
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
@ Juice, a young man has it made in SD. Hot party girls everywhere! Dont need a strip club, except Im not young anymore.
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
I've been offered take out in an SD club, but the dancer was fugly. On one hand, I completely agree with shadow and others, why bother when TJ is so close? On the other hand, border security etc. and dancer selection limits my desire to attempt a TJ run. If you go to TJ, do not drive across the border. I'd sooner roll the dice in COI before dealing with crossing into MEX.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
A word about driving in Mexico from some one that has done a lot of it. If you plan on driving into Mexico be sure to purchase Mexican auto insurance before crossing the border. Even though most policies written by U.S companies do protect you, those policies are not reconognized by Mexican authorities and you could be jailed for NOT having insurance. You can buy policies for 24 hour protection or longer. If you are planning an extended trip, a lot of U.S. insurance agents can write policies for Mexican companies.

But why bother if you are just going to TJ to get laid. Walk accross and take a taxi.
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