
BT's in Dearborn Michigan closed?

Avatar for Rabbit21

Heard a nasty rumor that Bt's in Dearborn, MI was closed until the 9th of Jaunary. I'm curious as to why and whether I need to shift my attendance elsewhere even after it reopens.


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Avatar for Alucard

Try calling Monday. I will, as I planned a visit this cumming Friday.

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

Last I heard, which was August, the owner had been sentenced to 3-4 years for cheating on his taxes. He was under-reporting by a half million a year. Damn, I'm in the wrong business. I don't know if that has anything to do with the rumored closing.

Avatar for Alucard

I called, BT's is open today.

Avatar for joesparty

I read on another site that it was closed for remodeling, which doesn´t make a lot of sense (remodeling in a week?). Best to call ahead before you leave home.

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