
The *Cute Guy* Discount

Monday, September 12, 2011 10:25 PM
Of all my years clubbing (and there's been many), I finally scored my first ever *cute guy* discount. But oh, was there a price to be paid! Eye-catching, young, naturally beautiful dancer came out of the locker room blasted on vodka. I was seated at the bar when she strolled up to chit chat. I was unaware of her 'state' until she botched the lean-in conversation by thumping her forehead into my noggin. Twice. She then fessed up to downing a whole lot of vodka in the back with her girlfriend. I indicated my would-be interest in her 'temporary companionship' but stated I'd wait for her to sober up a bit. [A short while later she (vodka girl) cleared out the alcoholic toxins via spirited tongue lashing of some poor sap who'd made the unfortunate decision to tell another dancer that (vodka girl) had orally serviced him for the ultra low price of $40. Well vodka girl went off on him so loud she could be heard throughout the club OVER the music. And if that wasn't bad enough, two bouncers then escorted poor sap out the door.] Eventually vodka girl and I made our way to the VIP. A short time later I got the bill which was 40% higher than the original price quoted on the main floor. I objected and re-cited the earlier sales pitch. Vodka girl caved in (I'm guessing the combination of guilt stemming from the pummeling my noggin coupled with the effect of vodka fumes work as some sort of truth serum), and stated "Oh, I gave you the cute guy discount." Indeed she then honored the orginal price quoted. Has indeed the shroud of dancer secrecy been lifted if but for an instant?! Should we always ask for a *cute guy* discount from now on as a matter of practice? [To think of how much money I may have saved....]


  • dansl
    13 years ago
    I can hear it now... Customer - "How about giving me the 'cute-guy' discount?" Dancer - "Honey, I already did, but the 'hot-stripper' surcharge cancelled it out."
  • Doc_Holliday
    13 years ago
    I've gotten a few free dances added on but never a discount up front.
  • TABB
    13 years ago
    Every other time when I go to a SC I always get a free LD, discount, no drink minimum and sometimes discount on drinks. The best discount ever was getting 12 LDs un the VIP area for 30 dollars with high mileage. So far this year my SC expedition has range from average to excellent.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    The only discounts I qualify for are the "won't stretch things out of shape" and "won't cause gagging" discounts...
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I wouldn't qualify for a "Cute Guy" discount. But I do at times get for a NICE GUY discount & some FREE dances, because I treat Dancers with RESPECT & COURTESY and not like whores.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    I think some here willfully have their heads in the sand. It's about your negotiation skills and experience not your (likely imagined) cuteness, or niceness. (Hint true nice guys are strip club junkies. They are out meeting and dating nice church girls.) Maybe the whores say these things to boost your ego, but the truth is they don't care who you are, as long as you got the green. Once you've paid them you are instantly forgotten or only remembered when they have their next bill to pay, or need their next fix. Don't be delusional guys.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I am still the victim of the "ugly guy" mark-up.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    @Dougster, I'm going to throw you some positive reinforcement for a relatively vitriol-free post. You didn't single out anybody. You didn't get personal. You stated your position succinctly. And it is probably always necessary to keep cautious when stepping into a strip club, and you said that. Always wise to be on guard. @SD, I'd have to think that your seasoned guy (probably salt-and-pepper) persona and bringing your experienced game would overcome any deficiencies in looks. And it's hard to think about what you might look like when your avatar is staring at me like that. @Alucard, she just keeps going and going. . .
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    NEVER dated a church girl as I never go to church. It is easier to be nice than a FUCKING BASTARD ASSHOLE! And so FUCKING cynical.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I dated a church girl. She fucked like a race horse. Don't believe Mormen women aren't kinky. LOL
    13 years ago
    Is it noteworthy I had to go to another country (Canada) to get the *cute guy* discount???
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    LOL VM!
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    @ Dogster, wow, my u button did'nt work, a lot of us are nice guys and a lot of strippers are nice girls, at least where I'm from. You sound like a guy who has been slapped and had drinks thrown in his face by a lot of girls.
  • trojangreg
    13 years ago
    At the No 5 Orange Farmerart and I got the {These two old farts are loaded with cash, have been drinking all day, buying dancers drinks by the oil barrel full, and really just want to have a good time} discount. Boy did that cost us but what a time was had.
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    Ah, but here's the thing, mikeya02. You know your real attitudes aren't so different from mine. I'm just the one who doesn't have a problem stating them. It threatens you, because you see in my words a reflection of what you really think. But you are scared to let it out, and think by making as much noise as you do about how much you disagree with me, you can fool others and thereby yourself. The more the noise you make, however, the more I know it isn't working for you.
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    Sure, I've been used and lied to by girlfriends and one escort in particular, but I'm not going to say every girl or stripper is a lying, using whore. Some strippers are nice girls even if they want money and gifts. What girl does'nt?
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    I'm not sure why I have to clarify this all the time. (I guess people just want to have some kind of external, even if it's an imagined, devil to fight to prove that they aren't it themselves.) The only "all" statement I've made about strippers is that they are all whores. Sorry, but if you sell sexual services for money, even if it's just grinding on a guy's dick until he cums then you are a whore. Many are stupid, many are liars, many are thieves. I have never said they "all" are "all" of those three things. Some are only whores and miss on all three other counts. It's very rare but it does happen. I've stated this countless times. Also I am always careful to distinguish statements about strippers and normal women. I've challenged many to quote a single statement I've made here that is disrespectful of women in general, but no one has ever been able to find one. Not one. You wanna give it a try mikeya? I do find it kind of funny, however, to see how worked up a mob can get, however, such that they start seeing things that aren't there. :-)
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    I'm a whore...Yeeeessssssssssss
  • mikeya02
    13 years ago
    hey Doug, strippers are women in general. Stripper is a job description. Teach me your wisdom, oh master of narrow minded views.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    @trojangreg, Good line, greg. The only discount that I got that night was a reduction in lap dance prices to $40/song from one girl (and only after about 15 full price dances and many dancer shots). How much did you spend that night? My tally was about $2k !! I have had two e-mails from one of the girls telling me how much she misses seeing my wallet.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I keep asking for a senior citizen discount but so far no luck.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Jeez, shadowcat; I had such high hopes for that discount when I turn 65. At the rate my natural gas play is chewing up my cash I will probably be eating canned dog food before I reach official senior status.
  • pocketrockets
    13 years ago
    @Stiletto25 "I'm a whore...Yeeeessssssssssss" correction, a lovely whore
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    @CTQWERTY "Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful"
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "I dated a church girl. She fucked like a race horse" Maybe I should go to church.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    or buy a horse. lol.
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