
No relief for Ohio clubs.

Atlanta suburb
Court Upholds Ohio's 'No Touching' Strip Club Law

Back in 2007, Ohio put a law on the books that said your friendly neighborhood strippers and dancers could not touch customers and vice versa. Your $10 or $20 could buy you all the eyefuls of flesh that you want, but no over-the-pants dry humping, no frisky contact, and certainly no sex in the champagne room. Besides saving you the price of a new pair of pants, the law was also a beacon of sanitation.

Oh, and of course, as we told you back in February it's just simply not enforced, but that's not the issue here.

Strip club owners, however, pleaded that the law was a violation of their free speech rights. In addition to the no-touch provision, the 2007 edict also barred dancers from getting totally nude after midnight, and made adult bookstores and peep shows close from midnight to 6 a.m., which didn't really solve anything except forcing more men to walk the embarrassing path from their car to the blinking neon "Adult" sign during broad daylight.

A federal judge had previously ruled that the law was good-to-go, and that decision was backed up Wednesday when the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati voted to uphold the law, according to the AP.

So sorry, Ohioans, if you want to be touched, you'll have to continue to do it yourself.


  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    If otc is not on the menu at those clubs I would just move! Damn that place sounds ruff !
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    So do you thank they give realy good "air head" lol !!!
  • Rod8432
    13 years ago
    This type of thing represents one aspect of the conservative cloud that hangs over Ohio, which is among the several reasons I don't live there anymore.
  • troop
    13 years ago
    yup, things are rough in ohio. not as bad as that news clip makes it sound though. there are still tidbits of pleasure to be enjoyed, you just have to look for them.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    This law and the prior lack of "Good" touching is why I've spent almost all of my Clubbing career North of the Ohio border.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Dont' get samsung1 all riled up guys. Living in Columbus with all those fine college babes working the clubs has to be frustrating.
    13 years ago
    Columbus and Detroit: so close, but utterly different strip club galaxies.

    When in Columbus, avoid The House of Babes. Centerfolds isn't worthwhile either. Sam knows the third, but that one sucks also.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    The judge who wrote the opinion was the law clerk and then mistress of a married Michigan Supreme Court justice. They had two children and got married after his wife died. His sponsorship brought her up the judicial ladder. She never practiced law, but who cares. The story on the decision is attaached.

  • sandman96
    13 years ago
    Sad day for us Ohioans.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    Thanks SC for the heads up & thanks SD for the Dispatch news link.

    J. Michael Murray, who represented the Ohio clubs and bookstores, was one of the attorneys appearing before the MO Supreme Court yesterday on the appeal of the MO SC law. Hmm...

    As I mentioned in my post about the Sept 7th SC law hearing before the MO Supremes both laws [ Ohio & MO ] were based on a model developed by Tennessee attorney Scott Bergthold,whose practice is devoted to the drafting and defense of municipal adult business regulations. So court decisions that uphold key aspects of his model are disheartening because other jurisdictions may be encouraged to pass similar restrictions. [ cities in IN, IL, KY, TN etc, are you paying attention? ] Along with the TX supremes upholding the nude dancing pole tax this suggests an possible approach to regulate clubs into unprofitability.

    MO’s law went further than Ohio’s because it totally banned nudity in “sexually-oriented” businesses, even businesses that didn’t serve alcohol. Topless dancing was restricted to non-alcohol clubs. And it went into great detail about minimally acceptable coverage of breasts and butts; still what’s acceptable is hotly debated...flesh colored pasties okay??

    Like Ohio some MO cities and counties decided not to enforce the state law [ and be forced to defend it in court ] before the MO Supremes ruled.

    Perhaps the MO law went too far in banning nudity altogether making the law too restrictive on freedom of expression. But one unappealing outcome is to allow the full expression of the art of the strip tease and full nudity in ‘no-touch’ clubs that don’t serve alcohol! lol.

    You can see nudity but with NO touch or contact LDs!
  • staxwell
    13 years ago
    Ohio, Ohio, Ohio. It's gone to shit over the years, especially Toledo. Almost as bad as Detroit and Flynt...minus the SC's
  • mmdv26
    13 years ago
    Excuse me while I wander over to the other side of the fence for a moment: freedom of expression deals with the art of being naked (or somewhat naked) and rightfully need not include touching by others.
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    mmdv26: Considerations between consenting adults, absent fraud or public safety concerns, are not within the proper pervue of the State.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "Ohio, Ohio, Ohio. It's gone to shit over the years, especially Toledo"

    Have you lived in my Home Town staxwell?
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    We know it's no accident that certain types of laws are introduced in state legislatures at the same time, pushed by the same organizations. This is not the site to discuss the push to change collective bargaining for state employees or public school teachers, but I notice that these laws are being pushed in those states with newly elected conservative governors and legislatures. The same open opportunity is available to to the anti-strip club lobby. We can see the pattern in Ohio, Missouri and other states. I just wish I knew who was running the secret think tank behind this.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    @mmdv26 - You make the point clearly, freedom of expression is limited to nude dancing; touch isn't a protected right. But allowing nude dancing without contact LDs undermines the business plan of most clubs.

    @gmd - that "State" of mind is called Canada :-)
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