avatar for 10inches
during poker night with my buds, we got into a discussion about which celebrities we thought were fuckable and which we would run away from. pretty much consensus on most until someone brought up Wendy Williams. seems about half the guys would do her in a minute while the rest would not. what are you thoughts on this one??


last comment
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Fake boobs, fake hair and 5'10". This would require that you put your whole self into it.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Had to google her. NOPE!
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
She looks like a middle linebacker with long hair and fake tits. No thank you.
avatar for EarlTee
14 years ago
Never heard of her. Googled her. Pass.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
Wendy used to be a dude. Ugh !!
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
She looks like she still is.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
I'm dating myself by saying I thought you meant Wendy O. Williams of Plasmatics fame.
avatar for gsv
14 years ago
Wouldn't be interested in this one if she paid me, to be quite honest.
avatar for JGoose
14 years ago
I'm with steve229!
avatar for newmark
14 years ago
I am wondering what is wrong with the OP's poker buddies that wanted to do her.
avatar for motorhead
14 years ago
Yeah, I thought the same as steve229. I thought, "why are you guys talking about fucking some ugly 80's punk rocker". Must have been a boring night.

Never heard of the chick you're referring too, so I googled her. But she's uglier yet than Wendy O.
avatar for thesamurai
14 years ago
Wendy Williams = No but I do want to smoke some of what half your poker buddies smoke. Must be good.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
I also thought of the "O" Wendy, but I figured the "O" was such a part of her identity, it would have been included.
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Fuck to the no. And it looks like you need to replace half your poker buddies.
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