Almost forgot about this: Before heading over to the new Hustler club in Lincoln Park, I got a HJ at Henry's south. Prior to starting, the dancer moved a chair beside me, promptly stood on it, reached for a bottle of hand cream/lube, squirted some into her hand, and then replaced it to her hiding place. <br /> <br /> Anyone else bear witness to a dancer's secret stash in the VIP?
Never seen that one before. Know a girl who brings her own condoms. Gotta love the professionalism. <img src="/editor/images/smiley/msn/regular_smile.gif" alt="" /><br type="_moz" />
I left off the reason she had to stand on the chair to get it was it had been placed on top of the ventiliation duct work which passed overhead. Never would've expected that.
I got a hj last thursday and the stripper pulled out a small bottle of lotion and tissues from the space between the couch/bed cushion and the wall. <br /> <br /> As Borat would say, "I like!"
last comment<br />
As Borat would say, "I like!"