Detroit FlightClub Casino Grand Opening?
I was hoping some of our Detroit brethren had some information on this weekend's 'Grand Opening' of the new casino. I thought I remembered the last time I was there that there was an invitation-only event planned for one of the weekend nights. I don't want to waste a trip there if that's the case since I wasn't invited (what's up with that!?)
My bad for wasting air space.
"A reminder to those who might not be privy to the hottest new club in town: The Flight Club has added Flying Aces Casino to the mix! That means poker, blackjack and roulette all while surrounded by 300 of the Metro area's most beautiful women. Come down and check out the unbelievable. Free parking, admission and $5.00 beer all night long for patrons of the poker room!"
7:30PM tournaments nightly.
Cash games all night long.
Free Admission!
Free Parking!
$5.00 beer all night
Just let them know you'll be playing poker and the very helpful staff will get you seated promptly.