I have been to various strip clubs in California. Last time, one of the strippers was pretty wasted and gave me a hj and some french kissing. She was pretty wild... Is there chances of getting AIDS by hjs / kissing from strippers ?
There is 0 chance of HIV from HJs and kissing. If you go to an STD clinic they will tell you it is a waste of time to even get tested because of this. Don't worry about one iota.
The risk of catching AIDS from kissing or HJ'S is so remote it doesn't bear thinking about. If you are kissing them ful on then I think the worst ting you might get is Herpes. Strippers are no more likely to transmit STD's than any other girl that engages in frequent intimate contact with the opposite sex.
londonguy: " Strippers are no more likely to transmit STD's than any other girl that engages in frequent intimate contact with the opposite sex"
I won't put my money on that. Despite txtittyfan's ridiculous notions to the contrary, drug abuse is certainly higher amongst strippers than girls in the general population. IV/meth/crack users are at much greater risk of HIV than the general population. (They are also at greater risk of hepatitis, but that's not something most hetro males need to worry about.)
make a list of the clubs you frequent dougster, i know the ones i happen by dont have the obvious IV meth crackheads roaming about, since they are visually unappealing
Omega: "obvious" is the operative word. Many IV drug users are good at concealing it. I bet their regulars don't even know. Meth is harder to conceal after a while because of the physiological degradation it causes but some meth users can look pretty normal for a number of years. Same with crack users.
boy, don't listen to the fucks that tell you that there ain't no risks. That shit's fo' real. Fuckin' dirty ho's are spreading shit around with those greasy, cum covered hands. You start lettin' those skanky bitches yank on your little guy and next thing you know, it'll be drippin' puss and hurtin like a mofo.
Just say no to that shit. And if the girl gets really crazy and tries to put her mouth on your little guy, beat her ass for tryin' to infect you.
I don't care what these guys say, I ain't lettin' no skanky ho' near my uncovered snake.
boy123 - To SuperDude's comment, there's nothing different, at least physiologically, about sexual contact with stripper vs. any other girl you may bump nasties with. For example, I think I contracted Herpes2 from vagina-to-penis grinding during a lapdance (no penetration). This is not surprising as Herpes can be transmitted via skin-to-skin contact, even if a condom is in place, as it only covers about 2/3s for the penile shaft, leaving plenty of unprotected skin for viral transfer on contact. And because H2 doesn't even have to be "active" (i.e., visible sores) to be spread and ~40% of women have it, it's mostly a matter of time before you'll get it if you're sexually polygamous (as would be the case if receiving high mileage LDs, massages at AMPs, or getting a little nookie OTC).
Having the virus is inconvenient certainly, depending on your sensitivity, but H2 is not life threatening and imminently manageable, sort of like dealing with H1 (cold sores). AIDS, as others have said, is a different story. It's potentially life-threatening, but harder than hell to catch, especially for men. Pretty much, blood-to-blood or vaginal juices-to-blood transfer (if for example, you have a decent-sized fresh cut on you penis) must occur in sufficient quantity to be viable.
HJs and kissing/BJs have pretty much a zero chance of this. However, any other disease associated with kissing in particular (e.g., mono, flu, colds, etc.) are quite possible and come part-and-parcel with the territory if you're indulging in the hobby.
Of course, it's not a risk-free world; every time you handle a door knob, wipe your eyes, eat at a restaurant, breath elevator air, etc., you're constantly being exposed to pathogens. The question always is, do you want to accept the risks and occasional infections to engage in a given endeavor? The same can be said for driving a car, flying in a plane, etc., and the answer for most of us is, Yes. Most of us don't want to live life locked in our houses wearing Kleenex boxes on our feet, ala Howard Hughes.
Gotta love Rick's reasoning (Rick logic) as usual: There really is no HIV risk from kissing and HJ's, therefore there is no risk of any STD no matter what you do. So BBFS is ok too. Even if you are married. Rick as usual, is not responsible for his actions. As expected! (Man that RickDugan is ONE DUMB FUCK.)
Risk Assesment by txboy0286, Jun 09, 2009 06:16PM Doc
I am going to keep it short and sweet. I have a few exposures I would like to have assessed. 3 months ago I went to a strip club and I had protected vaginal sex with a stripper. She briefly gave me unprotected oral. There were no breaks in the condom as I can see. Should I get tested?
Also, about a month ago I did the same thing with another stripper except both oral and vaginal sex was protected. She was very careful and was adamant about protecting herself and using wipies. I am guessing she was pretty safe and clean.
Basically, do I need any testing done and what are my chances of catching something? Thank you.
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Jun 09, 2009 06:32PM Welcome to the forum.
You have been burning up the STD and HIV community forums for a few weeks with variations on the same questions -- all reflecting a high degree of anxiety, way out of proportion to the exposure risks you describe.
In the US, it is the rare heterosexual woman who has HIV, and that ncludes most strippers and commercial sex workers. Even if one of these women had HIV, there is essentially no chance of transmission through condom-protected vaginal sex and the risk from oral sex, even if unprotected, is so low that some experts believe there is no transmission risk at all. You could have these sorts of exposures every day the rest of your life and never catch HIV.
From a risk assessment perspective, nobody needs HIV testing after such low risk exposures. However, most people as anxious as you are should be tested, because my reassurance probably won't convince you as well as a negative test would do. And all people who are sexually active outside mutually monogamous relationships should have routine HIV testing from time to time, like once a year. So feel free to get tested if it has been a year since your last test, or if you'll sleep better after you get the negative result. It's up to you.
MedHelp Member's Question Trouble with Stripper by estevato, Jul 09, 2009 04:04PM Hello Dr,
About 6 weeks ago I made the mistake of going to a stripclub and the night went a bit too far. I was intoxicated and I agreed to have vaginal intercourse with the stripper. (She was not cheap, as she charged $300 for a half hour, she charged me about $100 for approx. 6 to 8 minutes). I put on a condom, but since I was nervous, I put on the condom without rolling it all the way down. Essentially was put on and stretched down to cover about half of my penis. We proceeded with vaginal intercourse, and by the time I finished, when i took my penis out, the condom was barely on the tip of my penis. I then stayed for about 1 min. talking to the stripper and headed straight to the restroom. The condom was still on the tip of my penis (I suppose it was still sticking on because of the semen I had released.) I took it off, and arrived home about an hour later to thoroughly clean my penis and testicles with soap and alcohol. I took an HIV test exactly 6 weeks and 1 day later; and it came out negative (Oraquick Advance Rapid HIV 1/2 Antibody test) I also took an STD's test for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, but I am awaiting the results.
I have no symptoms of any STD's
This is the 1st and last time I do anything this "stupid" again. I am extremely worried because the condom was not put on very well, also I fear the relationship with my girlfriend is a stake because I have been prolonging sex with her because I do not want to put her at risk for HIV or any STD's.
My questions are: 1)Am I making too much out of this incident? ( my fam and friends tell me to get over this incident because it isnt a big deal)
2) Is my Oraquick HIV exam accurate after 6 weeks, and how accurate would the time frame be?
3) Am I placing my girlfriend at risk for HIV or STD's by having sex with her from this point on?
4) Should I abstain from having sex with my girlfriend?
5) Would you recommend further testing?
Thank you!
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Jul 10, 2009 02:17AM Greetings; welcome to the forum. Reacting first to the title of your question, before I read anything else: If "trouble" with a stripper did not include unprotected vaginal or anal sex, probably there is no risk of HIV transmission.
Now I have read the rest. Well, what do you know? You DID have vaginal sex. Forgive my initial skepticism; 99% of stripper questions on this forum involve masturbation, genital contact through clothing, and similar no-risk events. At least you had real sex. That said, you were smart enough to use a condom. Smart move. That the condom only covered half the penis makes no difference; HIV protection is complete as long as the head and meatus (urethral opening) are protected. And indeed your negative HIV and STD tests are reliable. Anyway, the odds are strong your stripper partner doesn't have HIV (although of course the chance she had other STDs is higher). The bottom line is that I agree with your family and friends: you can move on with complete confidence you weren't infected with anything. The direct replies are:
1) Yes. 2) Yes; in this situation, 100% reliable for all practical purposes. 3,4) I cannot guarantee you don't have an STD, only that it is exceedingly unlikely you caught anything during your adventure with the stripper. If I were in your situation, knowing what I know, I would never have stopped having unprotected sex with my wife. 5) No.
Take care-- HHH, MD
Can you even get HIV from fingering?
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Sep 07, 2010 10:49AM Welcome to the forum.
No worries here. HIV has never been known to be transmitted by fingering, cracked cuticles or not; and the odds the stripper had HIV are near zero. Contrary to popular assumptions, in the US the vast majority of highly sexually active women, including sex workers, do not have HIV. Getting vaginal secretions on the face also is not a significant risk. No testing for HIV (or for any other STD) is necessary.
I think you're overreacting to an emotionally charged situation that you regret. You'll have to deal with that aspect of these events, but there is no likely adverse health outcome.
Good luck -- HHH, MD
Doctor's Answer by Edward W Hook, MD, Jul 26, 2010 11:15AM Welcome to our Forum. It is unlikely that your partner had an STD, most people, even commercial sex workers do not have STDs or HIV. The good news is that oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs. Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis(NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth, the chances of syphilis and herpes is likewise tiny. You don't mention the timing of this exposure. Most people who develop gonorrhea or NGU do develop symptoms within a week of exposure and usually earlier. If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you will most likely developed symptoms of urethritis (penile infection). Even if your partner had an STD (any STD and it is likely she did not), most exposures do not lead to infection. In your case, your exposure was brief; I would urge you not to worry. If you wish, you could go to your local STD clinic or health care provider to be tested at this time. Tests for these STDs become positive before symptoms develop. In my opinion, the tests will be negative and you probably do not need testing at all.
As far as HIV is concerned, the quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral sex. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex.
I hope this comment is helpful to you. EWH
Unprotected Oral Again by gr0372, Feb 02, 2008 08:40AM About two weeks ago I received unprotected oral from a femal stripper. No doubt the biggest mistake of my life. I did return to speak with the stripper and found out she had a child two months prior to our our interaction and was hiv negative then and still claimed to be. Everything I have read on the internet (including here) states I am at zero to negligible risk for any std's including hiv and syphyllis. To date I have experienced no signs of std's such as discharge, painful urination or sores. My concern is that there is just so much contradictory information available online. I am seriously involved with a woman and am terrified of passing something on to her. Please let me know what your take on my risk level is. I have had protected sex with my significant other and am now truly horrified of the possibilities. Thank you for your time.
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Feb 02, 2008 08:59AM
There is no "contradictory information online" about the HIV transmission risks of oral sex , as long as you pay attention to the source. Stick with professionally run (and professionally moderated) sites. Testimony from individuals about their horror stories is the worst possible source of information about any health problem, including HIV.
Quickly considering the factors: HIV testing is automatic in all pregnant women in the US, so undoubtedly your stripper friend indeed is HIV negative. If she had it, the chance you would have caught it has been calculated at 1 in 20,000 -- which is equivalent to a BJ by an infected person once a day for 57 years before transmission occurs. (Some experts believe it never occurs.) And since the stripper clearly doesn't have HIV, your risk is truly zero.
You're fine. From a risk assessment perspective, you don't need HIV testing. You only need it if this reassurance is insufficient and a negative test result will further calm your nerves. And there is no reason to not have unprotected sex with your partner.
Best wishes-- HHH, MD
std questions by wicked22tony, Mar 12, 2009 02:33PM today i did something dumb. i met a stripper and was getting a handjob with lotion. she rubbed her vagina on my penis for a few seconds then the tip went in her vagina for a few seconds...only the tip...then i freaked out and stopped her. it never went in the whole way at all!!! am i at risk for any std's she was only like 21-25 max in age. just curious if you think i should get tested for std or hiv. what are my odds of getting anything from that exposure??? thanks for your help!!
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Mar 12, 2009 08:08PM Welcome to the forum. I'll try to help.
You had vaginal sex -- very transient and undoubtedly very low risk, but perhaps not quite zero risk. However, I cannot estimate the chance in numerical terms. The risk for HIV is truly zero for all practical purposes-- no worries there.
Whether or not you "need" testing depends on how nervous you are. The chance of infection was low enough that from a risk assessment perspective, testing is optional, assuming you don't develop typical STD symptoms. But you would like the reassurance, visit your local health department STD clinic or your primary care provider for routine STD testing. Gonorrhea and chlamydia tests are accurate within 3-4 days of exposure; a blood test for syphilis (and HIV if you want it) should wait until 6 weeks have passed.
I hope this helps. Best wishes-- HHH, MD
by Edward W Hook, MD, Aug 03, 2009 03:05PM The S in STD stands for sex. Kissing is not considered sex. There is no risk of any STD other than oral herpes if you do not already have it (60% of adults do and of those only 10% of those with infection are aware that they are infected). As for oral herpes, it is spread by direct contact and if she did not have a visible cold sore, there is virtually no risk. If she did, the risk is still low. Your risk of getting HSV from a kiss is greater from kissing friends and co-workers than from kissing a stripper.
I hope this comment is helpful to you. You have nothing to worry about. EWH
MedHelp Member's Question STD Risk - Oral Sex with a Stripper by nycboston2009, Feb 26, 2010 08:15AM I know that this may be redundant given other posts, however, I need "peace of mind". On Dec 1st, I had oral sex with a stripper (not sure if it matters but I had bitten my lip earlier in the day so had a recent cut in my mouth). I also french-kissed her and she gave me a hand-job with her saliva. No sex /penetration although she grinded near the base of my penis which was exposed, not sure if there was ever contact or if she just rubbed on my pants which were down near the base.
I know that based on other posts there is very little risk that I acquired an STD - however, a few hours later that night I had a migrane (migraine) and have had red eyes consistently ever since (it is now Feb 26th). I've had very puffy eyes from time to time since the encounter and syptoms (symptoms) that could be a sinus infection (headache, tired). I've never had a sinus infection before and have only been on antibiotics a few times in my life prior to this, and I am positive that I did not have these symptoms prior to the sexual encounter. I do not have discharge from my eyes, which is a good sign. Also, whatever is going-on is bilateral, exactly the same in each eye. I've been on 3 rounds of antibiotics per my ENT (cephalexin and cefdinir) for what could be a sinus infection, and I'm still having the eye issues. At no point did I have any penis issues, although I did notice a little sensitivity in the head which I suspect could be an over-reaction, nothing major and no discharge or sores.
Is there any chances that I've contracted some sort of STD/Bacterial Infection from my encounter? If this were a virus such as adeno I would assume that it would have passed by now, so I would assume that this is some sort of infection? I'm married so of course very concerned about passing something on to my wife. Also, would my antibiotics have killed any STD that could have been acquired as a statistical outlier?
Thanks in advance for your advice
Doctor's Answer by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Feb 26, 2010 10:59AM Welcome to the forum. Thanks for reading other threads with questions like yours. Having done that, you have correctly predicted my responses.
"I know that based on other posts there is very little risk that I acquired an STD." Correct.
No STD causes the sort of symptoms you describe. You either have an upper respiratory viral infection or an allergy problem. You didn't catch any infection from the sex worker, let alone an STD, because no infection can start to cause symptoms only 6 hours after catching it. 1-2 days is the minimum for almost any infection. That your problem has not cleared up on several rounds of antibiotics is proof against a bacterial infection, and fits perfectly with the allergy idea.
Some strains of adenovirus can be transmitted by oral sex. But adeno clears up on its own in a couple of weeks, no exceptions.
Finally, there is no realistic chance you acquired a bacterial STD from teh exposure you describe. If you did, the antibiotics would have cleared it up.
Continue to work with your ENT doc or primary care provider about yoru continuing symptoms. They have absolutely nothing to do with the contact you had with the stripper. Put that event out of your mind.
Regards-- HHH, MD
Im sick to my stomach by anonymous980, Mar 14, 2008 10:40AM I recently was at a strip club and while receiving a lap dance I tongue kissed the stripper, licked n sucked her nipples, and finger while kissing her. I've been to strip clubs and girls have used saliva to spit onto my penis as a lubricant. Am I at risk for HIV and should I get tested? There was no sexual intercourse, nor any oral sex ever performed on any circumstance, and I have never had any type of sexual intercourse. This has been really bothering me and I don't know what to do.I'm sick to my stomach please help me!
Doctor's Answer by Edward W Hook, MD, Mar 14, 2008 11:03AM To: Ballin8383 Your exposure places you at NO risk for acquisition of HIV or any other STD. On the other hand, if your canker sore is actually, a cold sore (HSV-1) you could have given it to her (not your question I know). You are at no risk and do not need testing or to worry about his exposure at all. EWH
Recently I was at a new club (kind of low end) and this super skinny dancer immediately sits down with me. Not at my type, but her hands were all over me and I was getting turned on.
I was stroking her arms and could obviously feel something that didn't feel right on her inner forearm. Now I tend to go to more high end clubs and not the hole in the wall clubs like this one. The better clubs have drug users too, but I suspect mostly pills. I've never been around an IV drug user, but when her felt her, all I could think of were needle tracks from a heroin user. I immediately got rid of her.
I'm not at all afraid of HJ's and not really too afraid of BJ's from the better dancers, but I wanted no part of this chick.
I missed you Dougie-bitch, good to see you in old form again. ;)
Your reading of my post is off, but I won't hold it against you - you'll always be my favorite little tuscl bitch, even though you can never seem to fetch us some new club info.
Maybe if you spent a few more hours a week working at the convenience store rather than nipping at the heels of your betters you'd be able to afford a club visit now and then? IDk, but in any event even though you always disappoint, your posts are funny to read.
last commentI won't put my money on that. Despite txtittyfan's ridiculous notions to the contrary, drug abuse is certainly higher amongst strippers than girls in the general population. IV/meth/crack users are at much greater risk of HIV than the general population. (They are also at greater risk of hepatitis, but that's not something most hetro males need to worry about.)
Just say no to that shit. And if the girl gets really crazy and tries to put her mouth on your little guy, beat her ass for tryin' to infect you.
I don't care what these guys say, I ain't lettin' no skanky ho' near my uncovered snake.
Having the virus is inconvenient certainly, depending on your sensitivity, but H2 is not life threatening and imminently manageable, sort of like dealing with H1 (cold sores). AIDS, as others have said, is a different story. It's potentially life-threatening, but harder than hell to catch, especially for men. Pretty much, blood-to-blood or vaginal juices-to-blood transfer (if for example, you have a decent-sized fresh cut on you penis) must occur in sufficient quantity to be viable.
HJs and kissing/BJs have pretty much a zero chance of this. However, any other disease associated with kissing in particular (e.g., mono, flu, colds, etc.) are quite possible and come part-and-parcel with the territory if you're indulging in the hobby.
Of course, it's not a risk-free world; every time you handle a door knob, wipe your eyes, eat at a restaurant, breath elevator air, etc., you're constantly being exposed to pathogens. The question always is, do you want to accept the risks and occasional infections to engage in a given endeavor? The same can be said for driving a car, flying in a plane, etc., and the answer for most of us is, Yes. Most of us don't want to live life locked in our houses wearing Kleenex boxes on our feet, ala Howard Hughes.
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Risk Assesment
by txboy0286, Jun 09, 2009 06:16PM
I am going to keep it short and sweet. I have a few exposures I would like to have assessed. 3 months ago I went to a strip club and I had protected vaginal sex with a stripper. She briefly gave me unprotected oral. There were no breaks in the condom as I can see. Should I get tested?
Also, about a month ago I did the same thing with another stripper except both oral and vaginal sex was protected. She was very careful and was adamant about protecting herself and using wipies. I am guessing she was pretty safe and clean.
Basically, do I need any testing done and what are my chances of catching something? Thank you.
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Jun 09, 2009 06:32PM
Welcome to the forum.
You have been burning up the STD and HIV community forums for a few weeks with variations on the same questions -- all reflecting a high degree of anxiety, way out of proportion to the exposure risks you describe.
In the US, it is the rare heterosexual woman who has HIV, and that ncludes most strippers and commercial sex workers. Even if one of these women had HIV, there is essentially no chance of transmission through condom-protected vaginal sex and the risk from oral sex, even if unprotected, is so low that some experts believe there is no transmission risk at all. You could have these sorts of exposures every day the rest of your life and never catch HIV.
From a risk assessment perspective, nobody needs HIV testing after such low risk exposures. However, most people as anxious as you are should be tested, because my reassurance probably won't convince you as well as a negative test would do. And all people who are sexually active outside mutually monogamous relationships should have routine HIV testing from time to time, like once a year. So feel free to get tested if it has been a year since your last test, or if you'll sleep better after you get the negative result. It's up to you.
MedHelp Member's Question
Trouble with Stripper
by estevato, Jul 09, 2009 04:04PM
Hello Dr,
About 6 weeks ago I made the mistake of going to a stripclub and the night went a bit too far. I was intoxicated and I agreed to have vaginal intercourse with the stripper. (She was not cheap, as she charged $300 for a half hour, she charged me about $100 for approx. 6 to 8 minutes). I put on a condom, but since I was nervous, I put on the condom without rolling it all the way down. Essentially was put on and stretched down to cover about half of my penis. We proceeded with vaginal intercourse, and by the time I finished, when i took my penis out, the condom was barely on the tip of my penis. I then stayed for about 1 min. talking to the stripper and headed straight to the restroom. The condom was still on the tip of my penis (I suppose it was still sticking on because of the semen I had released.) I took it off, and arrived home about an hour later to thoroughly clean my penis and testicles with soap and alcohol.
I took an HIV test exactly 6 weeks and 1 day later; and it came out negative (Oraquick Advance Rapid HIV 1/2 Antibody test) I also took an STD's test for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis, but I am awaiting the results.
I have no symptoms of any STD's
This is the 1st and last time I do anything this "stupid" again.
I am extremely worried because the condom was not put on very well, also I fear the relationship with my girlfriend is a stake because I have been prolonging sex with her because I do not want to put her at risk for HIV or any STD's.
My questions are:
1)Am I making too much out of this incident? ( my fam and friends tell me to get over this incident because it isnt a big deal)
2) Is my Oraquick HIV exam accurate after 6 weeks, and how accurate would the time frame be?
3) Am I placing my girlfriend at risk for HIV or STD's by having sex with her from this point on?
4) Should I abstain from having sex with my girlfriend?
5) Would you recommend further testing?
Thank you!
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Jul 10, 2009 02:17AM
Greetings; welcome to the forum. Reacting first to the title of your question, before I read anything else: If "trouble" with a stripper did not include unprotected vaginal or anal sex, probably there is no risk of HIV transmission.
Now I have read the rest. Well, what do you know? You DID have vaginal sex. Forgive my initial skepticism; 99% of stripper questions on this forum involve masturbation, genital contact through clothing, and similar no-risk events. At least you had real sex. That said, you were smart enough to use a condom. Smart move. That the condom only covered half the penis makes no difference; HIV protection is complete as long as the head and meatus (urethral opening) are protected. And indeed your negative HIV and STD tests are reliable. Anyway, the odds are strong your stripper partner doesn't have HIV (although of course the chance she had other STDs is higher). The bottom line is that I agree with your family and friends: you can move on with complete confidence you weren't infected with anything. The direct replies are:
1) Yes.
2) Yes; in this situation, 100% reliable for all practical purposes.
3,4) I cannot guarantee you don't have an STD, only that it is exceedingly unlikely you caught anything during your adventure with the stripper. If I were in your situation, knowing what I know, I would never have stopped having unprotected sex with my wife.
5) No.
Take care-- HHH, MD
Can you even get HIV from fingering?
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Sep 07, 2010 10:49AM
Welcome to the forum.
No worries here. HIV has never been known to be transmitted by fingering, cracked cuticles or not; and the odds the stripper had HIV are near zero. Contrary to popular assumptions, in the US the vast majority of highly sexually active women, including sex workers, do not have HIV. Getting vaginal secretions on the face also is not a significant risk. No testing for HIV (or for any other STD) is necessary.
I think you're overreacting to an emotionally charged situation that you regret. You'll have to deal with that aspect of these events, but there is no likely adverse health outcome.
Good luck -- HHH, MD
Doctor's Answer
by Edward W Hook, MD, Jul 26, 2010 11:15AM
Welcome to our Forum. It is unlikely that your partner had an STD, most people, even commercial sex workers do not have STDs or HIV. The good news is that oral sex is an inefficient way to transmit STDs. Of the bacterial STDs only gonorrhea and nongonococcal urethritis(NGU) are transmitted through oral sex; chlamydia is not and without an obvious sore or lesion on your partner’s mouth, the chances of syphilis and herpes is likewise tiny. You don't mention the timing of this exposure. Most people who develop gonorrhea or NGU do develop symptoms within a week of exposure and usually earlier. If you had gotten gonorrhea or NGU you will most likely developed symptoms of urethritis (penile infection). Even if your partner had an STD (any STD and it is likely she did not), most exposures do not lead to infection. In your case, your exposure was brief; I would urge you not to worry. If you wish, you could go to your local STD clinic or health care provider to be tested at this time. Tests for these STDs become positive before symptoms develop. In my opinion, the tests will be negative and you probably do not need testing at all.
As far as HIV is concerned, the quoted figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. Some experts state there is no risk at all from oral sex. Neither of us on this site have ever seen or reading the medical literature of a convincing instance in which HIV was passed by oral sex.
I hope this comment is helpful to you. EWH
Unprotected Oral Again
by gr0372, Feb 02, 2008 08:40AM
About two weeks ago I received unprotected oral from a femal stripper. No doubt the biggest mistake of my life. I did return to speak with the stripper and found out she had a child two months prior to our our interaction and was hiv negative then and still claimed to be. Everything I have read on the internet (including here) states I am at zero to negligible risk for any std's including hiv and syphyllis. To date I have experienced no signs of std's such as discharge, painful urination or sores. My concern is that there is just so much contradictory information available online. I am seriously involved with a woman and am terrified of passing something on to her. Please let me know what your take on my risk level is. I have had protected sex with my significant other and am now truly horrified of the possibilities. Thank you for your time.
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Feb 02, 2008 08:59AM
There is no "contradictory information online" about the HIV transmission risks of oral sex , as long as you pay attention to the source. Stick with professionally run (and professionally moderated) sites. Testimony from individuals about their horror stories is the worst possible source of information about any health problem, including HIV.
Quickly considering the factors: HIV testing is automatic in all pregnant women in the US, so undoubtedly your stripper friend indeed is HIV negative. If she had it, the chance you would have caught it has been calculated at 1 in 20,000 -- which is equivalent to a BJ by an infected person once a day for 57 years before transmission occurs. (Some experts believe it never occurs.) And since the stripper clearly doesn't have HIV, your risk is truly zero.
You're fine. From a risk assessment perspective, you don't need HIV testing. You only need it if this reassurance is insufficient and a negative test result will further calm your nerves. And there is no reason to not have unprotected sex with your partner.
Best wishes-- HHH, MD
std questions
by wicked22tony, Mar 12, 2009 02:33PM
today i did something dumb. i met a stripper and was getting a handjob with lotion. she rubbed her vagina on my penis for a few seconds then the tip went in her vagina for a few seconds...only the tip...then i freaked out and stopped her. it never went in the whole way at all!!! am i at risk for any std's she was only like 21-25 max in age. just curious if you think i should get tested for std or hiv. what are my odds of getting anything from that exposure??? thanks for your help!!
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Mar 12, 2009 08:08PM
Welcome to the forum. I'll try to help.
You had vaginal sex -- very transient and undoubtedly very low risk, but perhaps not quite zero risk. However, I cannot estimate the chance in numerical terms. The risk for HIV is truly zero for all practical purposes-- no worries there.
Whether or not you "need" testing depends on how nervous you are. The chance of infection was low enough that from a risk assessment perspective, testing is optional, assuming you don't develop typical STD symptoms. But you would like the reassurance, visit your local health department STD clinic or your primary
care provider for routine STD testing. Gonorrhea and chlamydia tests are accurate within 3-4 days of exposure; a blood test for syphilis (and HIV if you want it) should wait until 6 weeks have passed.
I hope this helps. Best wishes-- HHH, MD
by Edward W Hook, MD, Aug 03, 2009 03:05PM
The S in STD stands for sex. Kissing is not considered sex. There is no risk of any STD other than oral herpes if you do not already have it (60% of adults do and of those only 10% of those with infection are aware that they are infected). As for oral herpes, it is spread by direct contact and if she did not have a visible cold sore, there is virtually no risk. If she did, the risk is still low. Your risk of getting HSV from a kiss is greater from kissing friends and co-workers than from kissing a stripper.
I hope this comment is helpful to you. You have nothing to worry about. EWH
MedHelp Member's Question
STD Risk - Oral Sex with a Stripper
by nycboston2009, Feb 26, 2010 08:15AM
I know that this may be redundant given other posts, however, I need "peace of mind". On Dec 1st, I had oral sex with a stripper (not sure if it matters but I had bitten my lip earlier in the day so had a recent cut in my mouth). I also french-kissed her and she gave me a hand-job with her saliva. No sex
/penetration although she grinded near the base of my penis
which was exposed, not sure if there was ever contact or if she just rubbed on my pants which were down near the base.
I know that based on other posts there is very little risk that I acquired an STD - however, a few hours later that night I had a migrane (migraine) and have had red eyes consistently ever since (it is now Feb 26th). I've had very puffy eyes from time to time since the encounter and syptoms (symptoms) that could be a sinus infection (headache, tired). I've never had a sinus infection before and have only been on antibiotics a few times in my life prior to this, and I am positive that I did not have these symptoms prior to the sexual encounter. I do not have discharge from my eyes, which is a good sign. Also, whatever is going-on is bilateral, exactly the same in each eye. I've been on 3 rounds of antibiotics per my ENT (cephalexin and cefdinir) for what could be a sinus infection, and I'm still having the eye issues. At no point did I have any penis issues, although I did notice a little sensitivity in the head which I suspect could be an over-reaction, nothing major and no discharge or sores.
Is there any chances that I've contracted some sort of STD/Bacterial Infection from my encounter? If this were a virus such as adeno I would assume that it would have passed by now, so I would assume that this is some sort of infection? I'm married so of course very concerned about passing something on to my wife. Also, would my antibiotics have killed any STD that could have been acquired as a statistical outlier?
Thanks in advance for your advice
Doctor's Answer
by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Feb 26, 2010 10:59AM
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for reading other threads with questions like yours. Having done that, you have correctly predicted my responses.
"I know that based on other posts there is very little risk that I acquired an STD." Correct.
No STD causes the sort of symptoms you describe. You either have an upper respiratory viral infection or an allergy problem. You didn't catch any infection from the sex worker, let alone an STD, because no infection can start to cause symptoms only 6 hours after catching it. 1-2 days is the minimum for almost any infection. That your problem has not cleared up on several rounds of antibiotics is proof against a bacterial infection, and fits perfectly with the allergy idea.
Some strains of adenovirus can be transmitted by oral sex. But adeno clears up on its own in a couple of weeks, no exceptions.
Finally, there is no realistic chance you acquired a bacterial STD from teh exposure you describe. If you did, the antibiotics would have cleared it up.
Continue to work with your ENT doc or primary care provider about yoru continuing symptoms. They have absolutely nothing to do with the contact you had with the stripper. Put that event out of your mind.
Regards-- HHH, MD
Im sick to my stomach
by anonymous980, Mar 14, 2008 10:40AM
I recently was at a strip club and while receiving a lap dance I tongue kissed the stripper, licked n sucked her nipples, and finger while kissing her. I've been to strip clubs and girls have used saliva to spit onto my penis as a lubricant. Am I at risk for HIV and should I get tested? There was no sexual
intercourse, nor any oral sex ever performed on any circumstance, and I have never had any type of sexual intercourse. This has been really bothering me and I don't know what to do.I'm sick to my stomach please help me!
Doctor's Answer
by Edward W Hook, MD, Mar 14, 2008 11:03AM
To: Ballin8383
Your exposure places you at NO risk for acquisition of HIV or any other STD. On the other hand, if your canker sore is actually, a cold sore (HSV-1) you could have given it to her (not your question I know). You are at no risk and do not need testing or to worry about his exposure at all. EWH
I was stroking her arms and could obviously feel something that didn't feel right on her inner forearm. Now I tend to go to more high end clubs and not the hole in the wall clubs like this one. The better clubs have drug users too, but I suspect mostly pills. I've never been around an IV drug user, but when her felt her, all I could think of were needle tracks from a heroin user. I immediately got rid of her.
I'm not at all afraid of HJ's and not really too afraid of BJ's from the better dancers, but I wanted no part of this chick.
Your reading of my post is off, but I won't hold it against you - you'll always be my favorite little tuscl bitch, even though you can never seem to fetch us some new club info.
Maybe if you spent a few more hours a week working at the convenience store rather than nipping at the heels of your betters you'd be able to afford a club visit now and then? IDk, but in any event even though you always disappoint, your posts are funny to read.
:) , but I won't hold it against you.