
Why a regular?

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Monday, March 14, 2011 5:29 PM
In a recent blog or article comment (and I apologize for the lack of attribution; I couldn't find it), a poster remarked that he didn't understand why one might have an ATF, though I surmise from context that he actually meant something like "regular favorite," since "ATF" simply describes one of potentially many current and past favorites, (though I've noticed a tendancy towards generalizing usage of the term ATF towards "current" rather than "all time"). Why not just have a girlfriend, SO or wife if you're going to fuck the same woman all the time? For me, that's relatively simple. Since sex within my marriage is effectively nonexistent, *any* sex, whether with a regular or with a different girl every time, is an improvement. Like most human males, I am a creature of habit, and while variety *does* appeal to me, so does familiarity and the comfort level that comes with it. Having a small number of favorites, with whom I deal, I not only get the sex I wouldn't at home, I get a bit of variety and the comfort of familiarity at the same time. Without apology, I can have my Kate and Edith, too.


  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    You are not going to apologize for that groaner? You have no shame, sir:)
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    We are looking for the hot babe that wouldn't give us the time of day in high school. If we find her in a SC she becomes the ATF until, inevitably, we get dumped. But rhere is always a new ATF ready to take the cash.
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Make that - We are looking for the hot Cheerleader babe that wouldn't give us the time of day in high school, lol.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Amen, steve229. I know I have to stand in line for mine. You have the first crack!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    art: Shame? I pay girls half my age to fuck me while my wife sits at home and catologs her bird photos*, or is out taking them. I know not the meaning of the word. At least not with regard to innocuous plays on words. super: Nah. I'm in it for the pussy. Thinking about it in terms of revenge or one upmanship or something like that is a waste of time. *No dear, after 30 years I *still* don't get it.
  • Fenster
    13 years ago
    So, suffice to say that you and your wife both share a passion for stuffing birds ....
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    I hadn't thought of it that way, but "revenge pussy" is still pussy.
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    A regular or favorite dancer is a lot different than a wife of SO. I have several favorites at the same time, and they last 6 months to at most 2 years. They are fun and sexy, and when they leave they don't get my house.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    gmd, I agree about ATF. My ATF is just that, my All Time Favorite, and still is, but hasn't danced in years, nor do I see her often. Will she ever become just a former ATF, doesn't seem so, but I can only hope!
  • Dougster
    13 years ago
    georgemicrobrain asks: "Why a regular?" answer: because he has a micro-brain, a micro-dick, and, generally, no life.
  • Columbo
    13 years ago
    I don't have an ATF, but it is convenient to have regulars. You know what you are going to get and can look forward to it.
  • Book Guy
    13 years ago
    Hotness plus "click." Ya know, "click" right? I haven't ever experienced in my life, the combination of hotness and "click" in the same human and accessible to me, except in strip clubs. Yes yes, I know, the "click" is because the girls are selling a fantasy. Well, in the real-world interactions, I'd like for a woman to try to sell to me as much of a fantasy as I am trying to sell to her, too, and then I wouldn't need the strip club. But the prissy-cunty thing is just too much to cope with, the man-hater thing in North America. I don't really go to strip clubs for the fantasy. I go to strip clubs for their reality. :)
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