
Uh oh!

Thursday, February 24, 2011 4:13 AM
"Cheetah's On The Strip • Detroit, Michigan February 23, 2011 • Ratings: Physical Club: 5 • Dancer Quality: 6 • Dollar Value: 5 • Overall Rating: Visited on: Wednesday Afternoon • Dancers on Shift: 6-10 patentchem1 • Really wanted to visit the Penthouse club but was told by the cheetah's valet that PH and other clubs had been raided and shut down at least temporarily. Aw shucks."


  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    If this is true, and we don't yet know, it makes the case for maybe some voluntary limits of public discussions on this board giving too specific information on extras and other activities. We have no proof that LE reads this board and follows up on the information, but they could.
  • Prim0
    13 years ago
    Or a good way for a Cheetah's employee to boost business temporarily until everyone finds out that the other clubs are actually open.
  • runnoft
    13 years ago
    Interesting. I have often wondered if Vice used this forum to get info on which clubs are breaking the law. It could be.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    "Vice" would only have to ask their fellow officers. I know personally, at least 10 policemen that frequent clubs on their time. They don't give the clubs trouble or they would be ruining their own enjoyment. My ATF met a policeman in her club and moved in with him for a time.
  • Drippy
    13 years ago
    As of 11:00 am EST there were no stories posted in the Detroit Free Press or Detroit News. Doesn't mean its not true, but at least its not headline news.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Clubber--It is known that a few strippers in Detroit oare off duty cops.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    The valet probably heard about it from a drunk customer or some lying stripper.
    13 years ago
    Another reviewerchimes in: "The Penthouse Club • Detroit, Michigan February 24, 2011 • Ratings: Physical Club: 8 • Dancer Quality: 8 • Dollar Value: 8 • Overall Rating: Visited on: Tuesday Afternoon • Dancers on Shift: 11-25 heshootsandscores • .... "then on Wednesday O heard they were raided the previous night by local law enforcement. PC to the timeout corner for a couple of days....""
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Hmmm, the clubs must not have made their bribe payments on time. LOL
  • tttclub
    13 years ago
    I was at Flight Club (Sister club to Penthouse) earlier this week, and I heard many different stories. The management view was a) a water main break, and b) a transformer blew. I then heard the dancer story, from a dancer that came over to FC for a few days to work, that LE raided the place Monday Night. She said she wasn't there so she doesn't know exactly what the raid was about, but she heard that it wasn't a lap dance enforcement type raid, it had something to do with liquor permits or tax related. All in all, none of the information I heard had any sort of substance other than rumors. Who do you believe? Management hiding something, or a dancer? I wouldn't consider either source very reliable, just reporting what I heard. All I can take from this, is that yes, it was closed down for a little while. I am surprised none of the news sites have gotten a hold of this.
  • stogiebt
    13 years ago
    Stopped by on Friday. Business as usual. Did pick up on a few comments however. One dancer said, "water main break. Club closed Wed and Thurs." Bouncer said, "Water main break." Another dancer said "My girl friend said "Raid earlier in the week and tickets were issued". I assume the tickets were for dancers not carrying their Detroit license. Same thing happened to this club last year. Then, it was a power outage. Why does that shit always seem to occur around strip clubs? The restaurant next door had water and electricity! It's crazy!
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