Headsup For cleveland Guys!

well it's february sweeps week so the local news stations are going to dish up as much shit as they can!
i saw an add last night for the monday feb 21st 11pm channel 19 newscast. they're claiming to have a hidden cam undercover expose of ohio strip club laws being broken in cleveland clubs and they will show it tomorrow night. i set my dvr to record it just in case i'm not home right then and i'm posting this so anyone interested can try to catch the newscast or dvr it for themselves.
last commentlol that is the one problem with amber's cabaret how the lap dance area is out in the open. Hopefully they will try to expose the fancy popular clubs like christies or diamonds rather than pick on the little clubs.
Here is the video ad for it
Yep, sounds like sweeps week. Back in Detroit, we could always count on sensational stories like this during sweeps week.
sam, things are tough enough around here already so we don't need any exposing of anything! but, if they have to expose something better at ambers or diamonds imo because i've never been to diamonds and i don't like ambers.
even though it's mostly low mileage, i kinda like christies so i definitely don't want them getting bad exposure and makijg low mileage lower!
well i just watched their bullshit expose a few minutes ago.
it featured 4 clubs, diamonds, christies, hustler, and one i didn't even know existed, tops and bottoms.
for those that don't know, of cleveland's 4 major news stations channel 19 is the one that is known as the most tabloid like with a track record of sensationalizing even the smallest news item. they live up to their reputation in this "expose". POS dickhead reporter scott taylor makes it sound like the world is ending as he faslely describes some of the scenes in the video. he calls a minor stevie a facial, he claims a dancer in a thong appears naked, etc.
channel 19 and cocksucker scott taylor no doubt have made a bad situation in cleveland strip clubs even worse now as i expect a crackdown on the girls by club management.
FUCK YOU scott taylor!
link to vid..
Christies and Diamonds look like fun.
thanks for the link troop. He does sound like a gay dickhead. 1st or 4th degree misdemeanor for violating the no touch laws?
Christies and Diamonds look like fun.
because it was plastered on tv whatever fun you saw tonight is probably the last you'll see now. i predict it will be different from now on.
funny how those were just the floor dances at christies...I wonder how much better things would get in the VIP
sam, really, we've discussed it before. i can't speak for vip because i won't pay the fee but imo overall christies is a low mileage club. things must be really really bad in cbus if you think those were great dances.
having also spent hours in christies i wonder how many hours 19 news spent in there to get their scandalous couple shots.
Someone needs to dig up some dirt on Scott Taylor. What a douche bag.
watched the video. don't know who's the bigger douche, the reporter or the "spokeman" for the group who pushed the law in the first place. buncha fuckin' idiots.
scott taylor probably does coke
Let's set up a sting on Scott Taylor. LOL
regarding the previous posts of scatterbrain and vince, i'd love to see that guy go down! got any good ideas?
make an off camera appointment to give him an anonymous news tip then claim he solicited gay sex?
or have a stripper claim he raped/molested her? yeah that's the ticket! ;)