Need help finding old closed club reviews.

i've searched tuscl, tried google, and even went through the reviews of some longtime northern ohio tuscl members and i still can't find what i'm looking for.
i'm trying to find tuscl reviews for the old cleveland ohio tiffany's cabaret that was replaced by christies years ago. i even went back to the earliest christies reviews that started in 2004 with no luck. i don't recall when tiffanys closed, i do remember the last time i was there was around 1994.
can anyone help?
last commentWhat happens to posts on closed clubs?
Call the Cleveland Dept. of Health? They probably have some reviews (and possibly the Cleveland Police Dept. too). Sure they wouldn't be as cavalier as a TUSCLer, but they should would have some meat when the situation called for it.
"should" should've been "sure", fyi.
I think the tiffany's chain is too old for tuscl to have saved any of their old reviews. tuscl did nto save reviews until around 2004 - before then the reviews would be deleted after so many years due to the fact that founder had limited space available and did not think old reviews would be as useful as the new ones. You can use to look up the really old reviews on tuscl
Here is an old review from 2001..but still it was the christies cabaret not the tiffanys. Not sure which year it switched.
It is strange, Troop. Some pre-2005 reviews are still on the site, others are mysteriously gone. This is with both closed and open clubs.
You can try searching Google for the club name and adding on the end of your search. If the review is on the site, this will probably find it.
However, some of the older reviews are just not here any more.
sam, i tried, got zip
digitech, tried that google search, same result, zip