Advice from SC Newbie for Going to BYOB SC
I'm planning my first trip to a BYOB SC, the XTC Cabaret in Austin, Texas. I called in ahead and asked for their drink policy: they said they pretty much allow any type of booze (including hard liquor such as whiskey) and they do offer ice for the drinks. They didn't mention a refrigerator nor any other place to place my booze, so I assume I would just have it in ice at my table. I'm planning to go there on a Sunday for their $15 cover & $10 lap dance specials w/ a small cooler containing a few bottles of Mike's Hard Lemonade and a couple cans of Busch. Can those with some experience going to BYOB clubs, especially in Texas, give some advice?
Specifically, I have these questions:
1. How worried should I be about the safety of my drinks? Would other patrons steal my drinks while I'm on stage tipping or being mesmerized by breasts in front of my face? Or, if the club offers to safeguard my drinks, should I be concerned with them overcharging to get drinks back?
2. Is it customary, or even legal, to offer my drinks to the dancers?
3. Should I be concerned with drunk and rowdy customers, either in the club or outside? I'm worried that w/ the customers bringing in cheap (relative to non-BYOB clubs) and potentially hard liquor, they won't "act like gentlemen" once the night progresses and they get their drink on.
Thanks for your help!
Specifically, I have these questions:
1. How worried should I be about the safety of my drinks? Would other patrons steal my drinks while I'm on stage tipping or being mesmerized by breasts in front of my face? Or, if the club offers to safeguard my drinks, should I be concerned with them overcharging to get drinks back?
2. Is it customary, or even legal, to offer my drinks to the dancers?
3. Should I be concerned with drunk and rowdy customers, either in the club or outside? I'm worried that w/ the customers bringing in cheap (relative to non-BYOB clubs) and potentially hard liquor, they won't "act like gentlemen" once the night progresses and they get their drink on.
Thanks for your help!
1. I would not worry about the safety. They will not steal your drinks unless you have some really expensive bottles.
2. I don't know the laws, but club policy is that dancers are not allowed to drink. This also means the lap dances are sometimes not as fun because the dancers are sober and uptight.
3. Because they don't serve alcohol (they serve juice/red bull), some BYOB places allow the 18-20 crowd to come in. They can be rowdy. Typically though any strip club after 10pm can get rowdy.
1. For what you're planning to bring (e.g., beer, hard lemonade, etc.) you'll have no problem with theft. I mean, you'll probably have them in a small cooler sitting next to your table, right? Nobody's going to reach over and pilfer a beer while you're tipping at the stage. Maybe, and it's a big maybe, if you had some expensive liquor in small "to-go" bottles, there might be temptation if you walked away for a 30-minute VIP room. But then, you'd likely bring your cooler back with you.
2. I have seen guys give drinks to the girls. Since it's out in the open, I'd just suggest asking - "Hey, may I offer you a drink?" She'll let you know what the rules are.
3. I've never seen rowdiness at BYOB places at any greater level than anywhere else. In fact, I'd say the audience typically is more subdued. I have on occasion seen single guys sitting sort of in a stupor at their tables with a torn-open and half-empty 12-pack box of Bud at their feet. They looked forlorn and lost, and not the least bit rowdy. If I were you, I'd avoid being one of those guys.
It is like any other bar. Does it get rowdy at every bar? No, certainly not.
Dancers can usually drink. Sometimes they see you have something they like and sit with you and ask for a drink.
At one club, I was at the stage for a while or left my beer unattended for a while, a bouncer or someone apparently cleaned up and took it. I observed them taking other people's beer if it appeared no one was around. I'll ask a total stranger if they'll watch my beer before I leave it alone. I never left my beer unattended after that. If you have a club provided cooler and it looks like you left early leaving some drinks behind, they'll just clean up and get rid of your drinks if you leave them unattended. That's my experience. Unfortunately I have not been to any decent byob club in months now.
I love byob TX clubs.
1) it is rare that you have to worry about your drinks. Like others have said, if you take expensive liquor then you may lose it. Otherwise, occasionally a beer or two may disappear but not your whole stash.
BTW - if you want to get any respect, leave the Mike's hard lemonade at home. Take better beer and vodka/rum/whiskey if you want the girls to sit with you for your 'company' instead of the $ you give them.
2) If the club allows the girls (which you should ask - at the door, the host/hostess, waitress, or a dancer), then you should offer a drink to them. If you have the quality/quantity of alcohol and you are not a total douche bag then you could find yourself with a few girls sitting with you for most/part of the evening. Plus as the girls get some alcohol in them, they tend to give more liberal dances. ;-) Just make sure you are allowed (club rules or city/state law) to offer the girls drinks - you don't want to get kicked out of the club for doing so.
3) this one really depends on the crowd, the night, and the atmosphere of the club (including the girls). Most clubs have been just fine (which you should expect of the Texas clubs) while others get crazier.
Or, fill pail/cooler with beer/drink and then top off with ice - party on!
If you are one person, you shouldn't be bringing so much you can't bring your pail of cooler along with you for entertaining moments. If you get to drunk its a good way to get rolled. It is out in the middle of f'ing no where with dark streets.
If you are going with friends, there is already someone to shoo away beer throwing away waitresses.