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brklygirl1234New York
I was at NYC Scores last Saturday night (review forthcoming), and a dancer with whom I spent most of the night gave me her card as I was leaving. No phone number - just email. This is a first for me. What do most of y'all do in this situation?
last commentDon't use your real email address if you use it; set one up on gmail or mailinator or one of those. Don't commit to print anything you wouldn't want your mother to read.
Bingo! Listen to george. I have six email addresses. One for business, one for personal investments, one for family and friends, one for porno, and two for SC OTC hook-ups. Just don't forget which address you give to which person!
Which is more intimate -- emailing or fucking? If you fuck carelessly you can get STD but if you email carelessly you could - in worst case - have a damaged computer or a virus-infected computer which then might damage the computers of people you email to. Rare but possible. Like STDs
gmail requires you now to use a mobile phone to activate your account via text message...better off just sticking with good old hotmail or yahoo
If it was me, I would just shit can it!
Send her a pic of your manhood (of course)! But add a seasonal wreath and stocking cap.
I think I would help get out of the business by forwarding her some of the investment opportunities that are always received via email. You know there are those dead guys wives, friends, attorneys, associates, etc. needing someone to help get their money out of some country!
Don't email her unless you want to be a call-in regular when she needs money.
I would say thanks and then throw it away.
CTQWERTY- Just remember Brett Favre's problems before you try this one...
If this was the first time you met this lady, then I would be suspicious. But I've had better luck with those that I've gotten to know over time. The latter generally seem to be normal people, instead of someone who's trying to get you to pay their bills by coming in to see them.
If you want to pay for play, you're safer using one of the escort boards. You can read reviews, make sure you're not paying a ROB or going to face boyfriend with a gun. Only hook up with a stripper if you've known her for a while, she's drama free and reliable.
And here I was thinking that strippers are safer because you can meet 'em face to face, and maybe try 'em out in the club. Leastways, that's the way it generally works out for me. No worrying about whether the person you're emailing to is actually LE, or using a 20 year old picture, or somebody else's picture, or something like that.