
The Library Shill Strikes Again

New Jersey
Saturday, December 4, 2010 5:29 PM
See latest review [view link] Since Founder is not screening them, I think I'm going to post a totally negative bogus review.


  • troop
    14 years ago
    did you notice all of the names of the shill reviewers? i'm waiting for a review from pipilongstocking lol good idea harry, i'm gonna post an anti-shill review too. ;)
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Ok, my "anti review" has been submitted. We'll see what happens. If I get banned, it's been nice to know you guys!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    same here :-) honestly, i hope founder allows our reviews just to add some balance to the shill reviews ;)
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Amazing. The last 5 reviews were done by people with only 1 review. Of course a TUSCL editor would NOT know that unless he checked. This further convinces me that reviews are not being screened. The volume has gotten too much. But If you see something out of line, drop F a PM and he will usually take some action on it.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    troop: Hilarious. Harry, you were much too even handed. :)
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Ok, my bogus review (a work of fiction!) is now listed in the recent reviews, so it has been accepted. Troop. I'm looking forward to yours. Shadowcat, you are right. So after the dust settles, maybe I will PM him, and the crap reviews, including mine, will get cleaned out. I'll miss that extra month of VIP status, though! ;-)
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Good one, Troop! I'm bored of real reviews. Can we have more satire, please?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    *troop takes a bow before he gets booted for his last review* well i guess mine was a wee bit over the top but my purpose was to add some balance to the shills.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Relax troop. As far as I know, I am the only one to ever get booted off of TUSCL. That was funny as hell. The fact that it got published only confirms that the TUSCL editors are NOT reading this stuff. Knowing the reviewers personally or by reputation is the only way to really trust what is written in a review. Checking how many reviews a person has done helps. Newbies tend to exaggerate. Both good and bad.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    I recently had a review rejected because it was too short. Of course I guess that's possible even if no one reads it.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    That reminds me - I think I have some overdue library books.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    well my membership is still valid, so far so good, for now ;) one thing i noticed is that the 12 month trend didn't change after harry and i posted our reviews. i really could have done a better job on that review and the spelling too but i was in a hurry to get it done and played it by ear. i'm half tempted to write an anti-review for every shill review though. i said before that my thought was that founder is the only editer here and i'm sure that he's overwelmed. also he seems to be an even keeled guy that pretty much lets us police ourselves. cheers
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    The website link on tuscl for the library is no longer valid. strip club must be really cheap and instead of paying for a legit website they go on these review sites shilling the club. Another club with a lot of shills is the Living Room in Dayton, OH. Read their [view link] reviews and you will see the obvious shills. Thankfully they have not caught on to TUSCL yet so I do not see any shill reviews yet.
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    That was a funny review, Troop.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Troop, just in case it gets taken down: I have copied and pasted here
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    flew my lear jet with my boys to vegas last night because after all of the glowing reviews we just had to check out the library! after landing we caught their shuttle to the club. next time (if there is a next time that is) i think i'll walk or hitchhike. the shuttle smelled of rotten fish and there was vomit all over the raggedy seats. my co-riders were homeless people that told us that they lived in the shuttle. so after that nightmare ride we arrived at the club. cover charge was 400 dollars each, outrageous! the gay bouncer wearing a tutu insistited on strip searching us while he was holding some weird looking contraption that had anal probe spelled out in sequins on it. the inside of the club smelled like the shuttle interior. we were greeted by the club's manager who after learning that we had flown out especially to see his club promised to hook me and my boys up with his a=team dancers. he wasn't kidding! one of the dancers had a mohawk wore lots of bling and kept uttering "i pity the fool", another had a fat cigar hanging from her mouth while she grinned at everyone through clenched teeth. the others were toothless and grossly overweight, they mentioned something about being part of a traveling tons of fun review that had just got back from a trip to bulgaria. they all insisted on sitting on our laps and promised us lots of extras such as smothering our faces in their armpits. how could we refuse a deal like that? we couldn't!!! after much drinking and debauchery the clock was about to strike midnight and knowing that the lear jet would soon turn into a pumpkin we bid adios to the library and headed back home. all in all, an interesting night, if my like what you're read in my review, get your ass to the library!
  • ddreksler
    14 years ago
    I've actually stopped in at the Library...it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. I killed a few hours there waiting for my flight home about a year ago. It's a bit dumpy inside, girls maybe in the 5-7 range... Overall, probably not high on my gotta go back list...lol
  • troop
    14 years ago
    lol, are you going to cut and paste me too so i can still be around after i get booted?
  • MajorBoobage
    14 years ago
    Samsung, thanks for posting. It seems that troop's and harry's reviews have already been taken down, unfortunately. As for the shill reviews, even if you can't prove they're written by shills, they should still be taken down for being just this side of incomprehensible. I know we're not expecting professional-level writing here, but wow, those are painful to read.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I'm still here. We live to fight another day for the cause of real strip club reviews. What could be a nobler calling?
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Aha! The shill reviews are gone too! Thank you, TUSCL.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    still here too and at least we took the shills out :-)
    14 years ago
    Somewhere the shill is calculating ...
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Check out the TUSCL reviews for Skin Tampa-Full Nude Ultra Lounge. Most of the reviewers give it a high 8-10 rating but the overall rating is a 6.4. It seems like most reviews are just shills who created accounts with only 1 review. The only real legit reviews are from bob forapples Member Since: March 2003 and he gave it a 5.67 or redspartan Member Since: August 2009 and he gave it a 6.33. The other members are accounts with only 1 review or members since 2010. Also several shill reviews mention to check out Mercedez, but mention nothing about what extras she offers. Sounds like a bunch of shills.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I usually try to take the reviewer into account when researching a club. There are some people on here I would trust and then there are others.
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