Now Israel Has a 'Tea Party'

avatar for RapturousOne
The "Teh" Party

Likud Party activists in Israel have set up a protest movement against the peace process modeled after the tea party movement in the United States.

"The Israeli group will hold a rally Sunday at the Zionist Organization of America House in Tel Aviv, under the banner 'Saying No to Obama,' where they plan to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policy and the American pressure on Israel to renew the settlement construction freeze," reports Haaretz.

Members of the Knesset -- Israel's parliament -- who are participating in the rally believe an Israeli-style tea party will counter the pressure being applied to Israel's rulers by Obama, who has called for a settlement-building freeze.


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avatar for RapturousOne
14 years ago
The Tea Parties in America are true grass roots, not the astroturf you imply.

Maybe you had them confused with some of George Soros' radical left puppet groups.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Peace with those that publicly states they want you eliminated from the face of the earth? Ah, NO!
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago

Saw the new avatar so I checked out your other photos. You BUGGER!! You have photos of vince's Melon Girl too. I am hopelessly in love/lust with that enchanting creature. What's her name? I'd love to find her on the 'net.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago

I wish I knew as well. Just talking with Vince and he too, didn't know for sure. I think he said he had heard someone knew of her, but I don't remember for sure. I think he said she was in CA. Maybe someone out there might have an idea.

And yes, I have his pictures and lust after her as well. :)
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