$ for extras

what would you be willing to pay for VIP extras, assuming girl was HOT!! recent visit , i was quoted prices by dancer while in VIP; 1--HJ--$50 2--BJ--$75 w/russian 3--BBBJ w/cim--$100 4--FS--$150 5--OTC--$200 for 2 hours with MSOG
last commentAre you talking over and above the cost of the VIP, or is that your total cost?
At those prices I would assume that those quotes are on top of the cost of the room, particularly when he said he was quoted "once in VIP" as most places make one pay upfront.
10, those are damned good prices for most areas. Are you somewhere down south?
just read your reviews - understand now. Those prices are very good. Up here you'd be lucky to get a handy for $100.
I visit the south regularly and always love the value down there ;)
Here in Connecticut, you can get all of that for a lot less in Bridgeport.
I could possibly live with those prices cosidering the cost of a lapper in Columbus is $35 per.
face, sure you can but you are in a little closet doing it quick and dirty with some Dominican girl who is a 5 at best. I recently paid $75 for some fun at Pleasant Moments, but it is an apples and oranges comparison.
Down south ridiculous things can be done with a hottie for a couple of hundred bucks (including VIP price and her tip), or for the same money you can take her back to your hotel room for more comfortable fun. Hard to get that kind of service in CT with a hot piece of ass for the same price.
10's price structure is accurate for Detroit and The Hamilton Clubs. A little more at the better places provided one negotiates. And no, there should be no per song additional charge save for a $10 VIP wristband or $20 to the bouncer for privacy.
I would take those prices are on top of any VIP Cost:
Currently here in Houston I have been getting: Club C - VIP (upstairs) is $55, HJ FS with M (20 blond hispanic) was $200 Club A - CR or VIP entry $120 (free if your VIP), HJ Foreplay FS with M $100-$200 (abt 5 times) , HJ Foreplay FS with atf-P $100-$120 (many times), BBBJ FS-CG with V (20 tall blonde looks like Marti on Hellcats) $300, FS with Chx $260, BBBJ, RCG+FS with N $150, FS with P $150, otc with atf-P $100-$150 (many times). Club H - VIP is $25 (open area), FS with C (tall brunette with hot bod around 30) was $200. Club S - Had C for $200 and no charge for VIP (this club is closed. Also had J who is now BP CG for $80
In summary you sb able to get FS in Houston for $100-$300. Other extras like HJ or just BJ I would not pay more than $60-$100. Maximum dances I will take if new girl is 2 @$20 to check her out then spend more if she will play. For more specific info look under SC Reviews for Houston on ECCIE.
I believe the gal the op is quoting sb about par for the course but is a reasonable gal with fair prices. Really hot ones will probably want $300 for FS.
Bottom line if they quote you some amount like $800 they are ROB
At the clubs here where extras are on the menu, the VIP price is between $120 and $175 for a half hour, and $180 to $250 for an hour, with roughly half that going to the girl. Extras are usually on top of that, with 20 to 50 for a BJ (BB if I let them) and roughly $100 for FS. I have gotten away with FS or BJs for the bare half hour room cost on occasion, but not often. This is why my forays into clubs are of the exploration, rather than destination, type. $200 plus about $50 (depending on where) for the room is the most I've had to pony up so far for OTC. And so far, nobody has been in a big hurry to get me off and get out. I've had some very relaxing post coital conversations and more play time more often than not.
Depnding on the base VIP cost, those prices don't look too bad.
I'm new to the scene, so could you explain some of the acronyms/slang?
Bare Back Blow Job, Cum in Mouth, No Quit, No Spit == BBBJCIMNQNS
Moose, in the last section of the left menu, titled "Site options", there is a link to the glossary. That page has most of them.
Er, right menu.
most yes but not all...
I'm familiar with most and some I can guess but what is MSOG?
MSOG = multiple shots on goal
Acronym for "Multiple Shots on Goal." When a prostitute allows multiple ejaculations for one fee "I think that whore really loved me. She allowed MSOG"
my guess is your definition of HOT and my definition probably have little in common. Really HOT girls would probably ask for 3x more, at least.
imnumnutz, you should try Flight Club or Penthouse in Detroit some time. Plenty of hot young dancers willing to do extras. The Penthouse club makes Kahoots in Columbus feel like a midwest dive.
My experience is in Western Canada, Toronto, and Detroit. ITC does not exist in Western Canada and takeout under $300 is very rare. Toronto is more expensive than your list and Detroit seems to be more or less in line with your price list. Alas, at my age MSOG is no longer on my shopping list.
Menu pricing does make it simple.
Must be nice to even have a menu to choose from. sigh
Eden at the Columbia Platinum Plus has a menu. vincemichaels and magicrat have both heard it. Base price is $25 for 2 songs. From there it goes up to $60 depending on how much shit you wanna do. Hate to think of her menu for extras.
"1--HJ--$50 2--BJ--$75 w/russian 3--BBBJ w/cim--$100 4--FS--$150 5--OTC--$200 for 2 hours with MSO"
Sounds like a good deal to me!