Where is the editing?
Atlanta suburb
Platinum Plus Reviews
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October 22, 2010
Visited on: Wednesday Afternoon
Dancers on Shift: 11-25
Physical Club: 3
Dancer Quality: 3
$ Value: 3
Overall : 3.00I live in VA with no good SC action. The only time I get to partake is when I'm away on business. In two weeks I'll be in Myrtle Beach and will got to at least 2-3 clubs and will enter a review. If you check my history of reviews you'll see that it's very sporadic but unfortunately that's what living in Virginia gets you. Could you have my VIP status renewed for another month, since it expires in three days and I'll definitely post 2-3 quality reviews in a couple of weeks. I appreciate your consideration.
P.S. I PM'd this guy and suggested he contact F to get it deleted.
Have you been to Platinum Plus? Click here to Submit a Review and get 4 weeks Free VIP membership.
October 22, 2010
Visited on: Wednesday Afternoon
Dancers on Shift: 11-25
Physical Club: 3
Dancer Quality: 3
$ Value: 3
Overall : 3.00I live in VA with no good SC action. The only time I get to partake is when I'm away on business. In two weeks I'll be in Myrtle Beach and will got to at least 2-3 clubs and will enter a review. If you check my history of reviews you'll see that it's very sporadic but unfortunately that's what living in Virginia gets you. Could you have my VIP status renewed for another month, since it expires in three days and I'll definitely post 2-3 quality reviews in a couple of weeks. I appreciate your consideration.
P.S. I PM'd this guy and suggested he contact F to get it deleted.
Just an idea.
The up-down vote is a good idea. You could also display some information about the reviewers credibility, maybe the number of reviews they have or the number of up-votes they've gotten.
Quite often, you'll see a review for an air-dance club which says something like 'The lapdances were amazing, they were $50 each but well worth it,' then after reading the full review you see that the person posting never had an LD before or it was their first visit to a club. Sometimes when reading a review, I look at the other clubs the person has reviewed to see what they are basing their comparisons on.
personally i want to see the reviews by date, latest ones 1st just like it already is. someone else's opinion of most useful reviews might not match my opinion.
regarding editing, i'm guessing that founder does it all by himself. if true there's no doubt that he's overwhelmed by the amount of reviews at times. i've seen alot of questionable reviews posted but short of having a trained roumd the clock moderation crew i don't see how the questionable reviews will be eliminated. we have a good forum for reviews and discussions here, no it's not perfect but no matter how things are there will be some that aren't satisfied. afterall we do have alot of very opinionated peeps hanging out here.