Black Guy Black Stripper Problem..

avatar for AJII
As suggested by the title, I'm a black guy. I've noticed that when I'm in a club that has black strippers, they tend to flock to me and make small talk. However, I much prefer white women.

I live in a predominately white area, so there's never many black guys there, and I'm always well dressed so I'm pretty sure that's the reason they come to me. But this KILLS the chances of having the ones I'd really like to get a dance from come and sit next to me, and I HATE having to go seek them out and ask for a dance. I can do that anywhere and NOT have to pay for it.

Kinda stumped as to how to politely ell them to get lost. I forsee that if I just straight up sayt that I'm not into black chicks, they'll either A) tell all the other girls that I'm an ass or B) make up a reason to have me removed from the club.

Anyone else run into similar situations?


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avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
It's a pain in the butt being cockblocked. Just repeat over and over that "I'm waiting for someone." Meanwhile, if you really want something, you have to pursue. Sorry.

Also, white strippers (and some black strippers) tell me that they avoid black customers because:

1) They're rough, or aggressive.

2) They're cheap.

2) They stink (some folks in the south only bathe once a week-no joke, really).

If you want white dancers, you're going to have to overcome the stereotype-dress for success without looking like a pimp, spend freely, don't be rough, and most important, impress with your hygiene.
avatar for dennyspade
14 years ago
It depends on location, club and specific dancers. I know for certain that stereotypes exist in one's mind because situations occurred more than once. Some Black dancers will avoid Black customers, figuring that the Brutha is there to explore. In the same vein, you never know in a anew club why you are being "blocked," dissed or targeted.

"Wiggers" will flock towards a Brutha and assume that they shoud adopt ghetto-speak language and it will backfire on some and work with others. However, the best advice was shared above: repeated statements of "I'm waiting on someone." has always been an effective measure in slowing the roll of the unwanted.
As a white guy who goes into clubs trying to find black dancers I can feel your pain. White dancers come over & I usually tell them that I am waiting for someone or that I am not interested in a dance.At least you are working with a large universe. Most clubs that I visit might have one or two black dancers. I have been to all black clubs when traveling & that has worked out well. I am going to central Florida next week & will stop in to all black clubs in the Tampa area.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
Become a quasi-regular at a club you think you'll like. Over time your interests will become known by the dancers and staff.

Politely decline who you don't want to do business with. Save the money until the talent comes 'round you're interested in. I've been in such a situation numerous times, and left because I couldn't find any dancer I wanted to spend on. The worst is you still have most of your money to try another time/shift.
My only suggestion would be go to a club with mroe white dancers... Could be easier said than done.
No shame in telling them you're not interested. Remember, you're the customer; no shame in seeking out what you want.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
I would not be worried about getting kicked out of a club for being polite and telling them you have a black wife and are interested in trying to get dances with a white girl. As long as you have money to spend the management will not give a shit about the black dancers complaining about you.

You could try to ask the waitress when she comes over to take your drink order, if she could send over a couple white girls..but that might not work so well because then the white girls would come over with arrogance knowing that you want them more than they want you...

Best of luck to you...
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Sam gave you a terrific piece of advice. Cultivate the waitresses with tips and let them know your preferences. A waitress on your side can work wonders for you with a few words dropped in the strippers' dressing room. I find this to be very effective for my game.
avatar for THICK
14 years ago
First off I am sorry about this. It is always a shame when anyones religion, race, sex, etc sets them up for something that they have to undo to get what they want. But by the same token sometimes it will work to your benefit.

But, my suggestion is to tip the bouncer, doorman, bartender, or whichever guy seem the most professional and possibly influential and then tell them what you are interested in. Then they (if the club is worth going to) should introduce or direct those lovely gems your way. If you try this two different times with two different people, I wouldn't go back.

Good luck. And don't sweat it, because as you mentioned you can go after it yourself on your own time and not pay for it (at least not outright LOL)
avatar for THICK
14 years ago
oh, I forgot to clarify. If you try it twice and it doesn't work, then I would go elsewhere
avatar for ilbbaicnl
14 years ago
Dancer: Hey
Customer: Hey
D: Can I have a drink?
C: Sorry, I have to save my money to buy dances.
D: Let's go in the back then.
C: No thank you.
D: I thought you said you wanted to buy dances?
C: Sorry, you're not my type.
D: What's your type?
C: Somebody who's kinda like Angelina Jolie.
D: Oh, so you only like white women.
C: I'd still like Angelina Jolie if she were black.
D: I'm kinda like a black Angelina Jolie.
C: Sorry, I don't see the resemblence.
(A few minutes go by, both of you stare into space. Or the dancer babbles.)
C: I hate to waste your time, so I'll just tell you straight up, I'm not interested in any dances with you tonight.

After you say that, they may talk a little shit to you about it, but normally they'll move on pretty quickly. In extreme cases, you can finish your drink, leave the table, and not come back. The smarter girls will observe all this, and realize you're not the type to be pressured into a dance. If a girl can get you kicked out when you didn't do anything, what can I say, hope there's another club around you that doesn't suck.

Both black and white dancers claim that black guys are the most likely to give them a hassle when it's time for them to get paid. Some white dancers are just bigots just like some of any kind of white people are. I prefer to go to one or two clubs regularly, so they know me, and don't have to make stupid guesses as to what I'm about.

If a dancer's not with another customer, I feel OK going up to her and saying "I'd like a dance with you, whenever you have time". Usually they have time right then.
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