"Outed" As A Monger

avatar for farmerart
Barely four months into this hobby I have been "outed" as a SC monger. One of my old oil patch buddies was looking for a place to take some out-of-Calgary clients for some male fun. He googled the Calgary clubs and the reviews and there in its entirety was my tuscl review of the French Maid.

From the more personal comments in the review he suspected me immediately and in a phone call asked me flat out if I was farmerart. I readily admitted my culpability. I told him to join tuscl and take part in the fun. I even invited him along on my next Toronto/Detroit trip. He declined both invitations.

It matters not a whit to me if the whole world knows about the nature of my new hobby. I know this is not the case with many of you other guys. I was surprised to hear that entire tuscl reviews can be brought up on google. Has this happened to any of you guys - being "outed" or having your reviews seen on google in their entirety?


last comment
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
you can read the first couple recent reviews on a strip club when you access TUSCL without a membership. The rest of the reviews are only partial.

Because some of the columbus strip clubs suck so much, I am sometimes the only customer in the club. I refrain from complaining about how I was the only customer in the club on a specific day/time.
avatar for txtittyfan
14 years ago
Search "farmerart", your TUSCL ID will be one of the results.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
if you google search TUSCL nicknames you will sometimes find that people use the same nickname for multiple sites. I do not use samsung1 other than this site and stripperweb.com (which I rarely use).
It looks like someone on youtube has also used the name samsung1. No relation to me though.
However, you DO see ALL of your posts without logging in from a Google search. That is not cool....
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
Well, that's an eye-opener. Thanks for the heads-up. Think I'll change my name for each site I frequent. Makes remembering them more difficult, but I'd rather that than feeling so ubiquitous out there.
avatar for CTQWERTY
14 years ago
How could he turn down Detroit?!
I walked into a club where my GF worked. A Friday around lunch time. Sat down in a nice chair, looked to my left, and waved hello to the Chairman of the Board of my company. I found out he was a regular there.
avatar for Prim0
14 years ago
I've only ever run into a coworker once...and he was more worried about it than I was.
avatar for bigdude012
14 years ago
I use 2 different nicknames bigdude is for this site with a different name for pokerstars.
I'm with CT, how could he turn down the "Big D" ??
Speaking googling, Founder, I found this while googling me:


Looks a verbatim copy of what's on TUSCL. Hope they got your permission. :(
avatar for Jmoney007
14 years ago
with the user name thing, i use Jmoney007 here but i use different user names for the different nature of content on different sites.

for example, for any porn related sites i use one name and for video game related sites i use a different name and if i cant use the exact same name for each site, i will slightly make one change to the name so i can at least remember it, what this does is keep anybody i know from other sites from knowing what i really do online.
avatar for troop
14 years ago
interesting link there georg
Yeah the shit is on google. Just for laughs I gooled shadowcat and got over 4,000 hits. I found this gem from 2005 on stripperweb.

on a topic of kissing customers

Originally Posted by shadowcat
This is my first post on this board but I am well known on TUSCL. I have had many dancers kiss me on the lips after a lap dance as an additon to "thank you". A week ago, my #2 favortie dancer was french kissing me all during our lap dances. Says she wants to hook up with me outside the club for "dinner and hang out at my hotel room". I haven't done that much kissing in 30 years. I'm 63 and she is 27. Is this just more stripper shit?

Response from stripper

Prime example of the kinda dirt that makes me wanna puke. I knew a customer who kept pushing sex. I made soooo much money off him, I wanted to lead him on as long as possible... So I told him to get an STD test (hey, a few more days is a few more thousand bucks!). He had both kinds of herpes. Really freaked him out. Just an example here...

Just an example of why I do NOT participate on the pink site. lol...
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