Two OU Doctors Nabbed in Prostitution Sting

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Oklahoma City Police are sending a strong message to sex criminals this week. They say if you engage in illegal sexual activity they will find you.

Two of the four men who responded to the online sex ads are 27-year-old Mohamad Osama Khawandana and 45-year-old Marco Alberto Paliotta. Both men are physicians at Oklahoma University Medical Center and are now facing misdemeanor charges for the crimes.
Lyle Kelsey of the Oklahoma Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision says the doctors, who's moral conduct is being called into questions, could have even more at stake than just their reputations. The medical board is reviewing the cases to judge whether or not the two will loose their licenses.

“In situations that involve some kind of sexual misconduct or activity, the disciplinary action can take anywhere from revocation of the license, suspension of the license or probationary terms,” Kelsey said.

Although the men may be respected as medical professionals, Master Sergeant Gary Knight of the Oklahoma City Police Department says they engaged in prostitution which is a serious offense.

Knight says the Oklahoma City Police Department's Vice Unit frequently uses online postings to lure criminals into acting on their desires. Knight says he and the unit hope the public is able to learn from the men's mistakes.

“We do advertise, we don't hide that fact. We put it out there hoping that we catch people like this,” Knight said, “ They may think they're going to be meeting a prostitute somewhere and engaging in sex with an undercover police officer and then end up in jail”.

Knight says the operation took two days to set up and one day to execute. He did not divulge the content of the online postings or responses as it could hinder future sting operations.

OU Medical declined to comment on this report.…


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avatar for troop
15 years ago
docs need to get laid too.
i guess those stories of randy nurses didn't apply when relating to those two guys ;)
avatar for arbeeguy
15 years ago
Well gosh just look at the names -- Mohamad Osama Khawandana. Marco Alberto Paliotta. Don't sound like "real amurricans" to me. probably got their MDs in some third world country where hookers are no big deal.
avatar for winorhino
15 years ago
How is that not entrapment?
avatar for sinclair
15 years ago
Deport these shitbags.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
'rhino: Probably because the "ad" with which they lured them in is phrased in such a way as to never explicitly offer anything that's actually illegal. Probably *implies* quite a bit, but never promises to actually deliver. Like most companies' advertisements these days. :/

This is why I prefer strip clubs over escorts. When a girl sits in the chair next to me, slides her hand up my shorts and around my dick, and says "I fuck in VIP", the chances she's a cop are *waaaayyyy* lower than some anonymous chick on Craigslist.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
I just found out famous porn star Priya Rai is coming to town Sept 16-18 to feature dance at Cols Gold. I looked her up on TER and found her rates. $1,700/hr! Very expensive but chances of her being are a cop are also way lower than craigslist.
avatar for MisterGuy
15 years ago
This is baloney. If this is such "a serious offense", then why is it just a misdemeanor?? The cops have waaaay better things to do than this kind of crap IMO.
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