
An interesting read...

Take a look at CDitt's recent review of Goddess in Baltimore. Had he been there any longer, they may have removed a kidney or two!


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    CT, it was entertaining to read. Since not everyone has tuscl VIP credits that use this discussion board, I'll copy and paste the full review here:



    So I've been going to this place for years because it's right next door to Oriole's Park at Camden Yards. We goto day games on Sat or Sun and head to Goddess afterwards cause it's somewhat cheap and there are naked girls there...what more do you need?

    A couple months ago in May 2010, a friend and I went to Goddess around 5PM after a Sunday afternoon Oriole's game as we normally do about once or twice a year. We each had roughly 6 beers before going to Goddess and ordered a couple beers at the bar when we got there. We started a tab on my credit card and drank a couple beers. Soon after the bartender (who I'm pretty sure was also the owner or at least the manager) poured us two shooters on-the-house. They were typical fruity-flavored shooters and we didn't think anything odd about it because we were tipping the dancers and making conversation. Plus we were probably the only customers there at this time so we were the only people for the staff and/or dancers to talk to.

    Then all of sudden I woke up about 1.5 hours later, sitting on a couch surrounded by the dancers. I felt a little groggy but I knew exactly where I was and didn't feel drunk or anything along those lines. However, I was confused because the last thing I remembered was sitting at the bar with my friend and now I was on this couch with no memory of what happened since I was at the bar. I asked one of the dancers where my friend was, and she walked me over to another couch where he was also unconscious. I woke him and neither of us could figure out what happened though one of the dancers said we both just fell asleep.

    Anyway, feeling a little dazed and confused, we left the Club and went across the street to a hotel where we spent the night. The next morning during the ride back to Northern VA, my friend and I both could not remember anything from the time we took the free shooters till the time we woke up on the couch. At this point we concluded that we must have been drugged, but couldn't figure out why anyone would've done this. We then both checked out wallets to make sure nothing was missing, which is when I noticed that my friend's credit card was in my wallet for some reason, but nothing else was missing from either of us.

    Then our conversation regarding what had happened the night before was interrupted by a phone call from my Bank's Fraud Detection Service. They told me that I had a charge on my credit card from Goddess for $2,700 and asked if I wanted to dispute it. Naturally I said yes, so my bank credited my account and obviously never paid Goddess a single penny. Once I got this call, everything started to make sense. In hindsight I'm 99% sure the bartender spiked our drinks with some sort of roofie then had the dancers go through our wallets. But we probably started to wake up before they expected, so in a hurry they put my friend's credit card in my wallet so he wouldn't know it was missing, then had all the dancers sit around me on the couch so I wouldn't be as suspicious of foul play when I woke up. Finally once they saw that we were gone, they rang up as many lap dances and/or drinks as they could and charged them to my credit card, thinking I wouldn't find out about for at least a day or more.

    I'm sure that some people will read this and think that we were wasted drunk, blacked out, and simply charged $2700 worth of drinks and dances. I can understand that point of view, except for two facts:

    (1) Goddess is not expensive like a Vegas Club or most other cities. A beer at Goddess is 5 bucks, and a lap dance is probably 10. To run up a 2700 bill, I would've had to buy 200 beers and 100 lap dances, then tip the bartender 500 bucks. This all in a period of roughly 3 hours.

    (2) We only had 6 beers each before going into the bar, and then only had 2 more each (aside from the free roofie-shooter). I've never passed out in a public place, nor have I ever blacked out...this includes occasion where I've been drinking for 12 hours straight at bachelor parties, weddings, etc. So I know on this day there's no chance I drank enough to cause me to pass out and black out.

    In conclusion, my advice is stay far away from this bar. Not only did they try to rob me, but they could've killed us in the process by drugging us. The good news is that thanks to my bank, I didn't lose a dime and Goddess didn't earn a penny. The other good news is that I remember exactly what that bartender looks like so next time I go to Baltimore I plan to stop by and give him a piece of my mind...and may just break his nose while I'm at it:)

    Thanks for reading. I hope this helps someone else out there from being robbed at Goddess.

  • Philip A. Stein
    14 years ago
    Physical Club: 1
    Dancer Quality: 6 <---- hahaha!
    $ Value: 1
    Overall : 2.67

  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LOL reminds me of when CT reviewed Centerfold club here in Columbus. he gave it a 10 physical and a 1 in value
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i had visions of the movie "the hangover" while reading his review.. lol
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i just checked, that's cditt's only review and he just signed up here this month. i'll bet he signed up just to post his warning. he obviously felt pretty strongly about what happened to him and his friend and i can't say that i blame him either.
    i would definately fuck that bartender up!
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Either that, or it's from a competing club. Not saying it is, but it's a possibility.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Thanks, ss1. Another club off my list of places to go in Baltimore. What a frightening story. YIKES
    14 years ago
    Sam, I was just trying to be "fair & balanced". It was the best furnished, free food, and no cover for anyone over 30. That's enough for a 10. Unfortunately, I bit and bought some lappers -- THAT VIP setup, chair crammed into a cubby hole with no curtain, mirrored walls and bright spotlight overhead allowed constant staring of the bouncer right at you while you get your lame ass pastie dance. UGH!
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    That review says one thing, Don't Do Drugs! (Do Strippers)
  • dudeanonymous
    14 years ago
    Not that I don't sympathize with the guy, but:

    "We started a tab on my credit card..."

    I think that should be number one on the list of things NOT to do in a SC.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    @ georg.. that thought crossed my mind, also maybe a spited customer with a revenge agenda too but the way he wrote it makes me think it was genuine. anyway, it's not anywhere near my stomping grounds so i won't have to concern myself about it.

    @ jack.. agreed, no way will i pull out my cc in a club.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Glad I read the review. I am coming to Baltimore in a few weeks to see the Orioles. Lots of the reviews are critical of the scumbag manager/bartender. Earl Weaver should go in there with a baseball bat and open a can on his pimple ass.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Bank's Fraud Detection Services sure must have made some progress since that $241k charged/disputed back in 2005 and the $51k charged/disputed back in 2007. In both cases American Express sided with the clubs regarding the disputes.
    Although it does sound like BS by the reviewer. Banks usually don't know it is a strip club because the charges show up as something like Capone Restaurant (aka Dreamgirls) or North 5th Ave (aka Club X). Also it usually takes several days for the charges to appear especially if on a weekend.
  • wallanon
    14 years ago
    Game days are the worst times to go to any clubs around a ballpark. It's ROB central. I had a good experience the last time I went to Goddess, and it was a game day. But that was a while ago and "any given visit" bad things can happen.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    gotta disagree samsung. a couple months ago i made the mistake of providing my credit card number for proof of age to access a website. there were not supposed to be any charges it was just for proof of being of adult age.
    this was in the early morning hours, 1-3am. later that morning around 8am i received a phone call from my cc provider saying that there were some dubious charges against it. i told them what had happened and they closed that account and issued me another.
  • MisterGuy
    14 years ago
    Actually, your story proves the point that samsung was trying to make...that credit card companies are, at least in some places, doing a better job at alerting customers of possible fraudulent charges in a timely manner. You wouldn't have known about those "dubious charges" until your statement arrived weeks later if it wasn't for your credit card company's phone call to you troop.
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